Thank you Vampyre,
Latest patch, latest version of weaponseditor, and as I said, I open up the weaponsdata.ini file with the weaponseditor, and open each new weapon in the weaponseditor, and save the .ini file. The results as I posted.
I added a gun to the gundata.ini file, did not open the gundata.ini file with the guneditor, yet when I flew the aircraft that the weapon was created for, the gun was available, which, according to the forums I have browsed, is not possible.
Before anybody thinks that the gun may have been included before I added the text to the gundata.ini file, I assure you, it is not, as the aircraft is a later mod than the weapons pack. Also the weapons pack is by the Mirage Factory, and the aircraft in question is the F35.
Just to check this, I removed the gundata from the gundata.ini, and the gun becomes unavailable. Put the text back in, Voila, gun available.
I apologise for the post being in the wrong area, but as this was about adding weapons, I (mistakenly) assumed that this was where I needed to post.