One bug i'm experiencing is on HMS Hermes, after landing i fall into some holes and the harrier spins around a point in this hole. I was wondering if there was a problem with the deck surface or colissionmesh or something else?
Another thing which I haven't tested yet is using exocet/sea eagle missiles. In SF2E i can't get them to hit moving ships, only static objects. Just wondered if anyone had tested if these worked in this campaign.
Oh and I read the readme saying that you should set the date to 1983 in single missions, but i can't choose anything but 1982! Is it a feature of the latest patch (The C-patch)? I have the same problem with the other modules where certain a/c can only be chosen with their in service date. (ie in service 1982 end 2020, only 1982 is available as a choice)