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Everything posted by Nixou

  1. Version


    Graphical enhancement mod for TW games Wanna use today graphic features in the old fashion Wings of engine? This mod when activated enables the Bloom feature ingame, a color correction and an antialias filter, so you can enjoy the sunshine. Those settings are configurable through ini file. YOU MUST HAVE A RECENT GRAPHIC CARD THAT INCORPORATES PIXEL SHADING FEATURE TO USE THIS MOD! Graphical mod enhancement presentation on youtube, part2 of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8eFRHwq7cM *Installation: -Drop D3D9.dll file directly into you TW game folder -Drop the enbseries.ini file into the flight folder If you are using any clouds mod at the same time (widesky...) rename the enbseriesMOD by enbseries.ini and place this one instead of original. Shift-F12 to activate/desactivate it ingame. You can tweak the ini file to configure settings as you wish. Caution!!:This mod eats graphic card for breakfust and CPU for lunch, i would advise you not to use it if you are under 50FPS during general playing without it. It would make 50frames to drop to 30 frames approximatively, If you are at 30 frames you would drop to 20 frames, so don't be surprised. Please before any other use than purely personnal, read the license.txt. Thx. Have fun.
  2. Hey Wrench. I found the solution for the open canopy thingie but it looks like it had been asked before yet. Just to answer you that yes i read knowledge base before but did not find anything on this.
  3. Yes, several planes from mirage factory have this bug. I play on WoE 08 and super étendard and Mirages F1-C have their canopy to open in the air. I guess it's just an animation to correct i will see in the data.ini, but if anyone has an idea feel free to post it there.
  4. I don't understand really what you say but, i'll try: If your migs can't be flown try redownloading and reinstalling them. As far as i know all Migs from mig15 to 29 are flyable in my game. To be flyable they need a data.ini and a cockpit folder. Check you have them? If it doesn't fly then redownload from here the planes.

    Fierce, parece que no te diste cuenta de que el link que te di. Mira en el "info" del video youtube.

    Aqui tienes. total air war 2.0 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=BbTeIp15Ta4

    Pues el total air war es une "mejoration" del F22 ADF: Era el F22 ADF con un modulo de campania dynamica excellentissimo, muy realista. Los dos juegos son de DID. Un simulador excellente de verdad, que pena que tuvieran que cerrar poco despues. :snif:
  8. Guia de Proyectos y trabajos en progreso...

    Muchas gracias muchachos. Pato poli: Claro que si From wikipedia: "The DEFA 553 is a gas-operated five-chamber revolver cannon using pyrotechnic cocking and electrical ignition. It fires a range of 30 mm ammunition in various types, and is capable of continuous fire or of 0.5-second or 1-second bursts. The 553 was superseded by the DEFA 554, which incorporates a number of detail improvements. The DEFA 554 uses three, rather than two, of the chambers for reloading, increasing rate of fire. Barrel life and mechanical reliability are improved, and an electrical control unit now allows the pilot to select two rates of fire: 1,800 rounds per minute for air-to-air use or 1,200 rounds per minute for air-to-ground attacks. The 554 also provides three pyrotechnic cartridges rather than one, allowing the pilot to cock the weapon only after take-off while still having two cartridges to recock in flight." The GIAT 30 M781 is primarily intended for helicopter use and offered in several fixed, podded, and turreted installations. It is 1.87 m (6 ft 2 in) long and weighing 65 kg (143 lb) complete. It is designed to fire the same 30 mm ammunition as the DEFA, with projectile weights varying from 244 g (8.6 oz) for HEI to 270 g (9.5 oz) for APHEI-SD. Typical muzzle velocity is 1,025 m/s (3,360 ft/s) with a rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute. Given its considerable recoil, it is typically used for single shots or controlled bursts rather than continuous fire. The 30 M781 is presently used on the Eurocopter Tiger, and is also offered for naval use as part of the NARWHAL (NAval Remote Weapon High Accurate and Light) system. The GIAT 30 M791 is intended for fighter aircraft such as the Dassault Rafale. It has a selectable rate of fire allowing cyclic rates of 300, 600, 1,500, or 2,500 rounds per minute. It can fire continuous bursts or controlled 0.5 or 1 second bursts. It uses a new range of 30x150 mm ammunition in a variety of types. " Lo que significa basicamente que cada version tiene mas electronica y mas fiabilidad de tiro, pero tambien una tremenda mejoracion del rate of fire. 1300 para el 552, y 2500 para el 791b!! FUncionamiento eleectrico o sea que es como un vulcan pero de un solo canion. El 554 del mirage 2000 tiene un rate of fire maximo de 1800.
  9. ROFLMAO the text! I did never see it by the past.

    Ya esta mi proyecto esta posteado.
  11. Guia de Proyectos y trabajos en progreso...

    Hola todo el mundo. No se si conoceis mi mod "sonido disparos realistas" para First Eagles. Pues tengo el proyecto de hacer lo mismo para los GIAT DEFA de trenta milimetros. Los DEFA 552, 554 de los mirages tendran sus propios sonidos y tambien voy a aniadir los nuevos 791B del rafale y 781 del eurocopter. Sus cadencia de tiros propios van ser respectados entonces cada disparo que se oyera correspondra a un tiro "real". Tambien hare una pequenia (lo escribo asi porque tengo un teclado frances) presetation youtube. Como se que a vosotros espanioles y Latinoamericanos os gustan las armas y los aviones franceses espero que el mod os guste. Diego.

    Hey gracias suicidal. Parece que tengo problemas con el foro y el postage a ver lo que pasa. Edit: Ay pues mi post de proyectos futuros no aparece. A ver si lo vuelvo a escribir.
  13. Una noticia muy triste

    Si, el era quien hacia los modelos 3D de la Mirage Factory. Su nombre esta en las creaciones mas espectaculares de CA. Hemos perdido una "parte" de nosotros todos apasionados de aviones. Queria precisar que su nombre exacto es "Olivier"(era frances) aunque supongo que los americanos lo llamaban "Oliver" version americana del nombre. que descanse en paz.
  14. Nieuport 17bis

    Well, actually nieuport 17 "Bis" designates a whole lot of small modifications done to the original nieuport17. Thus the first Nieuport 17 bis are exactly like the nieuport 17 externally. Later versions would be more "ovale" like you said. Coming back to the subject which was the N17bis ingame, it looks like someone made it. I have a plane called "nieuport 17 bis" so someone at least made a plane called "nieuport 17 bis". EDIT: Yeah its nieuport17b from chirstian which ingame name is "bis". So thepsy you just need to download Christian's Megapack.
  15. Nieuport 17bis

    I think it's one of the airplanes in the Christian59 megapack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5386
  16. I was just wondering...how did you guys integrated some TK stuff in the ODS campain? Like 3 or 4 planes. You asked him authorization? Or it was somekind of financial agreement?
  17. SPAD VII "Whiteknight"

    Haha each time i read the file description i keep laughing my a$$ out. Nice skin by the way
  18. Reviewing the Logitech G940

  19. It's one year since i use this mod for Flanders terrain and i have to say...its excellent. Very beautiful and keep the original TK style. Thanks to both max188 and Sopwith snipe.
  20. Glide wrappers

    Thanks, i will try this
  21. Glide wrappers

    Well, when i use zeckensack wrapper in unmodded EAW 1.2 , Glide mode, after launching the game all hud texts (speed , direction, target info) and also the padlock square just all desappear. Basically all what is "written ontop" of the screen. When outgame, in menuscreens and others, i have no any problem. I tried to contact Zeckensack without success. Also, the same happens after an 1.28 install. I must say i play under vista, it has maybe something to do with it. Regards.
  22. I'm a vista user and i never got any minimal issue, FE, woi, woe, wov wise. Only thing is gundata editor and weapon editor have to be used in windows/system, but the game itself can be installed anywhere. I use october 08 patches.
  23. Trying to exportate WoI airplanes by TK i got the bad surprise to see that all plane files were put totally randomly when extracted instead of in folders like in WoE and WoV. So i can't find a way to know / be sure of which plane files go to which plane folder. Would someone know a way, or know the exact content (file names) of each aircraft folder of WoI? Some files have the plane name so you can recognize them manually, but some others have generic names so it seems impossible to know to which aircraft they belong. Any idea? Edit: i have managed to reconstitue some planes so far (manually) but for example the shahak has its radar totally screwed, so i guess i put some bad files in the bad folder.

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