59 files
Cirrus clouds for SF/WoV maps (beta) SP4 update
By Lexx_Luthor
Original cirrus clouds, replaced by these newer effects here...
~> combatace.com/files/file/6567-siberian-sky-cirrus-clouds-for-missions-and-terrains/
original description...
*Beta* test, updated for SP3 and SP4 generation of Patches, of very large layers of high altitude cirrus clouds that can move across SF/WoV maps and can be set to any desired altitude (you can fly through these clouds). Cloud effects are created by a type of "ship" object that follows a waypoint across a map. Read the Install file, it describes what's going on here.
The website is a thread on this at the ThirdWire SF/WoV forums.
Thanks to TK/ThirdWire and all the modders who made this Aw-Sim possible. Thanks to Polak for encouraging me in this.
Siberian Sky -- moving warm front for strategic air warfare
By Lexx_Luthor
This is purely experimental, rather deep, and is a first attempt at roughly modelling a moving warm front.
This project is off the deep end and assumes success in setting up the cirrus mod here ~> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6567
The different types of clouds almost cover a standard size 1000km map. I try to have the clouds evolve to the storm area in the following manner...
Cirrus in clear skies.
Cirrocumulus in clear skies.
Cirrostratus filling out the sky.
High altostratus covering the sky.
Low altostratus covering the sky.
Low large puffy dark clouds in the storm area (I call it "stratus" but its not really stratus).
Rapid clearing behind the front (assume fast cold front).
For "stratus" and altostratus, I use the Smoke3 and Smoke4 tga files which are NOT in the ThirdWire sims. They can be found in older Bunyap Weapons packs.
I hopefully will be discussing ideas about this at the ThirdWire thread here, probably starting page 7...
~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...e1544904e1856b4
*update 2.0* Siberian Sky -- Aurora for Missions or Terrains
By Lexx_Luthor
Updated aurora 2.0 completely replacing previous versions, hopefully with better instructions and a deeper understanding of how these effects work. There are now two methods of aurora creation:
(1) A terrain target object that generates aurora effects. This was derived from the stock power plant generator and the smokestack effect.
(2) A moving ship that generates aurora effects during ship motion. This was derived from the stock Tanker ship and the ship movement effect.
The aurora are vertical hanging sheets -- vertical sprites -- at roughly correct height and colours, and these can be changed easily. Red only and green only also look great. The aurora images or "particles" fade into and out of view in about 20 seconds -- speed up game time to see a most pretty thing. This effect was made for my new 6000km strategic map, but can be used in any standard size map. Other aurora ideas will be covered at the ThirdWire thread below...
page 6 ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...=a&start=40
Siberian Sun
By Lexx_Luthor
By introducing additional camera lensflares, I created a very hard and brilliant tiny sun surrounded by a large glare. In optimizing the brightness of the sun and glare, I was pushed to deeply modify much of the Enviro file more than I thought was needed. One result has been the development of a different philosphy on aircraft lighting and its relation to terrain, sky, and cirrus clouds, appropriate to early Cold War strategic operations at high altitude. Another result has been a focus on improving terrain shading at low sun elevation angles.
Included are a number of Enviro files with varying levels of changes, two grafix tga files, and instructions to get started. This is an experimental mod and will be continually developed for my own use, but with some work can be adapted to any taste for any use by anyone. I don't know where to start here, as this goes far beyond just the sun effect. I've started a thread at the ThirdWire webboard with screenshots and will try to describe what I'm doing. If any are interested, it would be helpful if you poast your changes to your Enviro system and screenshots in the ThirdWire thread.
ThirdWire Siberian Sun thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=25572#25572
Several topics will be covered as listed below; all of them related to each other which requires a tricky balance among them to optimize the overall environmental effect.
Sky colours.
Intense sun and large sun glare.
Terrain shadowing at low sun elevation angles.
Sun glare effect on cirrus clouds and new contrails.
Ambient lighting, and direct sun lighting and sun reflections on aircraft.
Appearance of aircraft, objects, and exhaust/weapon effects against the terrain and blue sky.
Moonlight effects on all the above.
The project assumes the latest SF1 version (currently, v.08.30.06) and the WoV/WoE equivalents.
Extract into a seperate folder for downloads. Then copy the 3 Enviro files and the two tga files into the sim Flight folder. To select an Enviro file to test with, rename it Environmentsystem. In the game grafix options menu, Camera Lens Flares must be turned ON for the Siberian sun to work, although in each Enviro file listed below at the location of the lensflare data, there are instructions on how to turn OFF the normal camera lensflares if desired while still using the new sun effect. The included Enviro files are...
Environmentsystem-0 --- Fully modded Siberian Sun Enviro file as developed currently, with full functionality of the stock Enviro file except the old sun.
Environmentsystem-1 --- the stock ThirdWire Enviro file with only the Siberian sun added, and the ThirdWire sun taken out. The hard intensity of the Siberian sun effect is rather washed out by the bright sky colours of the stock Enviro file, so...
Environmentsystem-2 --- the above Enviro-1 file with my current changes to the sunheight environment colour blocks (...[Day], [Day1], [Twighlight2], etc...). This offers darker sky colours so allows a relatively more intense sun effect.
In the fully changed Enviro-0, I use a new star tga file (ss-Star), and added changes to the stock [stars] data block. One may easily return to the stock Star tga file or the stock star Enviro data if desired. If you are now running a modded Enviro file, re-name it Environmentsystem-sav or otherwise BACK IT UP so you still have it.
Siberian Sky -- Cirrus clouds for Missions and Terrains
By Lexx_Luthor
This mod is an extension of my original cirrus tests from 2006 and produces multiple large layers of flat clouds at varying high altitudes, scattered across a map, and that can move with the wind defined in mission file. There are two methods of cirrus creation:
(1) A terrain target object that generates cirrus effects. This was derived from the stock power plant generator and the smokestack effect. This may be more suitable for the campaigns. Once installed in a terrain, it will be used automatically in all missions.
(2) A moving ship, with beginning and final waypoints, that generates cirrus effects during ship motion. This was derived from the stock Tanker ship and the ship movement effect. This method is useful in hand made missions, and I hope to extend this to large scale moving weather systems.
The cirrus are most brilliant with the Siberian Sun mod where the deep blue sky offers great contrast with the white ice crystal cirrus, and the large sunglare causes the cirrus to shine bright around the sun.
I will explore this in detail, probably on page 7 of this ThirdWire thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4964
....this is version 1.0 until I discover one of my standard mistakes in installation or content....
Original test cirrus mod from April 2006 here ~> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2471
Siberian Sky -- Contrails for strategic air warfare
By Lexx_Luthor
Purely experimental effects for radical hardcore fans of generals Curtiss LeMay and Yevgeniy Savitskiy ONLY.
This is an exhaust effect mod that can change the large scale visual environment across a map, so I hope its okay to put this in the Environment mod section.
Included are experimental contrails that attempt to model both quickly evaporating and persistent spreading ice crystals clouds that shine brightly near the sun, and range in lifetime from 5 seconds to 1240 seconds, which is about 20 minutes. The contrail tga uses the same game grafix calls as my Cirrus clouds, which makes sense since contrails can become cirrus clouds over time. Best used with the blue sky and sunglare ideas in the Siberian Sun mold.
Instructions and advice on game limits of the longer contrails are found in the Instructions file.
Pics and words soon available at this ThudWire forum thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4964
UPDATE EDIT: Somewhat reduced max visible distances. Contrails 320 and 640 had 1000x too great a max visible distance for testing vs cirrus. Now reduced. Will update later if improved methods are found.
Graphics DX plugin
By frtn
Graphics DX plugin 1.0
Suddenly I found that it can also be used in Strike Fighter Game.
It can improve your quality, color, and it seems to have with antialiasing.
You can open which enbseries.ini to adjust some graphics parameters,
but whenever you screenshots, it also generated in flight picture.
The sf2 no tests do not know whether to use.
Copy dx package ?Put it in flight folder
Run Game!
loading when the upper-left corner will appear enb his words plug normally open
shift +F12 open/Close plugin
in enbseries.ini
UseEffect = (0,1) [choose 0, press shift + f12 to open, the election directly open by default. ?
Have Fun!
By dalaiLAMA
I picked up my mod color for file Environment thatused the Gumpy for its Clouds mod(http://combatace.com/files/file/12364-il2-clouds-for-wov-and-woi-series-1/).My mod can be used with the other Environment system for WO *.
My mod used a total of 5 types of clouds. These cloudsare different in colour, texture and shapes. I have included a cloudguide.jpg with screenshots, labeledto match the folders, so you can get an idea of what each cloud looks like.
Just copy a cloud1.tga from any one of the six foldersincluded in the mod and paste it (just the file, not the folder) into your Flight folder. Always back up youroriginals!
That's all. If you want a different kind of cloud,must select a type and a copy to folder of the flight in the game (copy alwaysCloud1 tga file.)
It is good to have backup files!!!
I hopethat my clouds for you will have an interesting atmosphere in your flightWinter landscape requires other clouds than the summer landscape...
IL2 clouds for WOV and WOI series 1
By gumpy
Ive been working on this mod for quite awhile and I think I have finally
got it working without any bugs or kinks you know the unusual pink or
green cloud floating around here or there on the horizon.It makes the
scattered and broken clouds look great as far as the inclement clouds they
look good from the top but,from the bottom not so much.There has always
been a problem with the bottom of inclement clouds no matter which cloud
mod you use at least that's what I have found.The CLOUD1 TARGA
file comes from the Clouds big mod for IL2 by MANYSH and has been heavily
edited by me for use in the SF 1 series by Thirdwire,I hope he approves of
the effect his file creates for this game and I greatly appreciate his
original work and thank him for it.I have forgotten where I got the
ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM ini it has been along time and so much editing ago the
author of the original has slipped my mind,so if you see your work in here
I hope you approve and I thank you.As far as impact on the FPS I haven't
experienced any loss or if I have it's barely noticeable.This mod has been
created around Cellinksy's "Widesky" Environment Mod so if your not using
it,you may want to get it.The clouds have been tested in WOV
1st series and WOI 1st series it may work in the other 1st series titles
to you'll just have to try it and see.I do not guarantee it will work in the SF 2 series.
GermanyCE Buildings
By hi ho silver
GermanyCE Buildings
Thanks to stary for his great work
simply unzip and drop the two jpeg's into
the new GermanyCE folder and go fly......
Hi Ho Silver
DBS Water Fix
By Wrench
DBS Water Upgrade/Update for SF/Wo* (08+) and SF2
This is a little package contains newly rebuilt sea and sea/land transition tiles for Major Lee's "Bering Straits" terrain, and is designed for use on the enhanced targets upgrade I released Nov, 2008. It can be used on either the original OR the upgrade. If you don't have the upgrade, it's available at the following URL:
What this package is, are all the 'waterish' tiles rebuilt with new alpha channels, thereby allowing for more water action to be visible (even with all that cursed ice!!). A new waternormal bmp is also included, for enhanced wave action.
It has been tested in all 1st Gen Sims (SF/WoV/WoE/ at 10/08 patch levels) and SF2 (merged, 2/10 patch, withOUT SF2:I).. But, as I'm on XP, I can't take advantage of the DX10 shaders....
As always, READ the enclosed readme FIRST for full, detailed instructions for BOTH 1st and NextGen sims game installs. It reccomened you read this document through before installing to either SF/Wo* or SF2 series, to make sure you know what's to be done, and how to do it.
Consider this as my birthday present to all of YOU!!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
ps: the screenie above was taken in SF2, with me piloting that CF-104 (easily made flyable), so I know it do work in NextGens!! I'd like feedback from our Vista/Win7 DX10 users, with screenies if possible, so I can see it looks OK there, as well.
CloudSkins Too: PaintedClouds
By ShrikeHawk
CloudSkins Too:PaintedClouds - Mar 14, 2010 by ShrikeHawk
Here is another set of CloudSkins for your amusement. In this set, I used a different technique to create the clouds. This method gives me far more control over their look, because it allows me to actually "paint" in the details. Thus the "Painted" subtitle for this set. Additionally, I've played with larger images (768x768 instead of the usual 512x512). There is a slight framerate hit (2-8FPS) in using these clouds, but if your system can handle it, they're worth it. I have included three 512x512 images if you prefer the standard size.
The idea of CloudSkins has been to only supply the images and let the users supply their own sky settings. In this set you can still do that. But this time I am supplying an environmentsystem.ini file that I use in all my installs.
This was primarily created by ASRAAM. He combined the features of Widesky, CloudScape, and the sky settings of NF4+. So I believe, but have not confirmed, this file will work in SF2 as well as SF1. Most of the work is ASRAAM's and he deserves a lot of credit for it. In turn, I have changed some of the cloud settings to suit my tastes. I have tested this out in WoV,WoE, and WoI. To use it, simply copy the environmentsystem.ini file into your Flight folder.
I have added a folder named "CloudBurst." This contains a different environmentsystem.ini file with a trick I learned from Stick. It overloads the cloud counts and produces a striking cloudscape full of many cloud layers. I used this file to create the screenshot for CloudSkins Too. It uses a lot of framerates so it's preferred for more powerful systems. To use it, just copy the environmentsystem.ini file only (NOT the whole CloudBurst folder) and place it into your Flight folder.
Much thanks go out to Stick and ASRAAM for technical support, and Piecemeal, suhsjake, NeverEnough, Haukka81, Dogzero1, Icarus999, and Dude27 for their enthusiasm and encouragement. Greatest thanks to TK for an awesome sim.
By ShrikeHawk
CloudSkins by ShrikeHawk, Jan 10 2010
Here is a set of six different cloud images to use as you see fit.
If you can have a huge variety of skins for your F4 Phantom, why can't you have many choices of "skins" for clouds as well? This is the thrust of this mod. New images to change the look of your clouds and use them any way you want.
Just copy a cloud1.tga from any one of the six folders included in the mod and paste it (just the file, not the folder) into your Flight folder. Always back up your originals! These images will work with SF1, SF2, Widesky, Cloudscape, or any modded environmentsystem.ini you have developed yourself. It will also work if you have no modded skies at all.
I have included a cloudguide.jpg with screenshots, labeled to match the folders, so you can get an idea of what each cloud looks like.
Much thanks to Derk, Stick, Spinners, GrinchWSLG. swanbast. Stary, DWCAce, and Silverbolt for their feedback and encouragement.
CloudScape v2
By ShrikeHawk
CloudScape V2 09/03/2009 by ShrikeHawk
This has been successfully tested in WoV, WoE, WoI and also limited testing in the SFP2 sims (thanks to silverbolt). Framerates were minimally affected by this mod during testing.
Since clouds vary widely in their appearance from day to day, it seems to me that the WoX games should have a greater variety in the appearance of their clouds. I notice the clouds a lot and after a while I begin to see too much repetition in the cloud patterns. So I frequently wish for more variety.
As it turns out, you "can" have greater variation. It is possible to use as many as four different clouds in a single installation - one each for scattered, broken, overcast, and inclement clouds. I have capitalized on this to create a wider array of cloud images. In this mod, I have created two sets of four clouds. Each set of four comprises a single install.
Cheers and Happy Flying!
Instalation: unzip in terrain folder.
Important: You must have instaled "New Korean Tile set based on Deuce's Enhanced WoV tiles" by "Steve T".!!!!!!
You can find this file in combatace, downloads, terrain mods, tilesets. And obiously Korea terrain...
Como siempre, agradecer a TODOS vuestro trabajo, Especialmente a CA_STARY (autor de la mayoria del material que he utilizado),
por sus magnificos objetos de terreno. He incluido los readme de los terrenos de los que he obtenido el material, para la lista completa de creditos.
Espero que lo disfruteis (y disculpad mi pesimo ingles... ).
Lo primero y como siempre, he de agradecer sus trabajos a TOD@S los que haceis las mod, pues sin vosotros nada de esto seria lo mismo.
Igualmente, recordar que todo lo que he presentado son adaptaciones de trabajos ya existentes, que he confeccionado para disfrute propio, pero que me parece
justo compartir. Por lo tanto corresponde a otros el merito de este trabajo.
Dejo esta 2ª, y en principio, ultima actualizacion del repintado de EuroWW2. En ella no hay mas que 4 nuevos azulejos que corresponden a las zonas que
rodean a las ciudades. Con estos azulejos los edificios y arboles de las afueras de las ciudades se corresponden con lo que hay dibujado en el suelo.
Instalacion: descomprimir en la carpeta "Terrain".
Un detalle que olvide en "Water_for_EuroWW2", tener en cuenta que hay que instalar EN ESTE ORDEN:
1º, "Buildings&trees for euro WW2 SPRING".
2º, "Water For EuroWW2 SPRING".
3º, "City tiles for EuroWW2 SPRING".
Saludos a tod@s.
Aqui estan los TGA para el repintado de EuroWW2: el agua vuelve abrillar....
He de dar especialmente las gracias a Wingzero, que me explico como hacer los TGA. Sin esa ayuda no habria podido hacerlo.
He aprovechado tambien para cambiar un tile que no acababa de gustarme.
Espero que lo disfruteis. Se agradecen los comentarios y sugerencias.
Zmatt's Tweaked HDR mod for SFP1 and SF2
By zmatt
**********Enbseries HDR mod for 1st and 2nd gen TW sims**********
First off, I didn't create any of this stuff. The enbseries mod is a DirectX 9 .dll mod made by Vorontsov Boris for use in any number of games. All credit goes to him for this. You can find more information at his website here:
This is an upload with my personal enseries.ini file. It is all of the tweaks that I have made to get what I think is the best combination of performance and eye candy. If you need any help installing or tweaking the file beyond what is included in this humble readme then I recommend going here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=43231
All needed files are included in this .zip. You don't need to download anything else to get pretty HDR goodness.
For Sfp1 and derivatives:
Drop the d3d9.dll in the root directory of your installation.
For WoE that would be C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\
Now drop the enbseries.ini inside your flight folder.
Start the game and enjoy!
For SF2 and derivatives:
The file structure for SF2 has been changed a lot and requires you to place the files in an alternative location
For Windows Vista and Windows 7:
Take both files and drop them in Users/xxyournamexxx/Saved Games/Thirdwire/SF2x/Flight folder
Where "yourname" is the name of your user account
For Windows XP: (Thanks to X RAY)
d3d9.dll goes in the root directory. enbseries.ini in the flight folder under the mods folder.
The key combo SHIFT+F12 toggles the mod on and off.
If you want to mess with the .ini yourself then here is a good place to start.The [EFFECT] section lists the different effects that enbseries is capable of. A value of 0 disable the function and a Value of 1 enables it. As shipped in this mod it looks like this:
Taken from the enbseries site:
"EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect, blurring bright screen areas and adding result back to screen, simulating illumination of some objects. It works very fast on modern hardware, but wrong setting or bad drivers will result in overbrighting or some other artifacts. Not uses HDR textures and that's why hardware compatibility is high.
EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables screen space ambient occlusions (ssao) and screen space indirect lighting (ssil), this makes shadows and lighting between nearest objects. This effect uses by few modern games, mostly on next-gen game consoles, so it's very slow. Performance directly depends from display resolution, number of pixels drawn on screen, so to run this at HD resolutions you need modern videocard from high price category. It's require support of shaders 3_0, but even if you have it, it's not guarantee fast performance. If too slow for you, reduce display resolution and quality of this effect, even disable it. Hardware compatibility is limited, different drivers and videocards have problems and limited features that result in artifacts. For example antialiasing (multisampling) for HDR textures supported only by DirectX10 compatible videocards and enabled antialiasing in game or in video drivers panel will produce strange artifacts.
EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles. Developed for GTA San Andreasm GTA 3, GTA Vice City, but in some games also works, of course not for cars. Performance highly depends from multiple quality setting of this effect and number of objects drawn. More reflective objects on screen, slower speed. Real time 3d rendering works faster when number of objects is low, but their vertex number is high, for example 10 objects with 10 millions of vertices every will draw about the same speed as 3000 objects with 3 vertices each, for reflection on shaders may be used multiple drawing of the same object. In this case performance highly depends from CPU and system memory speed. Per pixel lighting in newest versions of ENBSeries may be faster for some videocards. About bug solving see another section of this documentation.
EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. On modern videocard not too much decrease speed, but costly. Current version of this effect have many problems, not working in most games, wrong, affect HUD, later will be changed. On some videocards do not work correctly, if you have some problems, try to disable.
EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects, developed for GTA San Andreas only, but may appear in some other game, not for water surface. Depending from it's presets may affect speed very much, by itself it's fast, but for deepness factor it need scene depth information. Good way to compencate losts for depth is to use scene depth for other effects in parallel (shadows, ssao, dof). Modified water textures or water material (object) setting may produce unpredictable results.
EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects, their blurring and color changing. This is not truly soft shadows, because soft shadows have blurring range dependency from distance between shadow caster and shadow receiver objects. Speed depends from quality setting, it use scene depth information for some setting, so performance varies. This effect may work in some other games that use stencil shadows.
DepthBias=(0..1000) shifts objects when drawing scene depth, offset relative to camera viewpoint. For some videocards and drivers, combination of ENBSeries presets, may need to remove flickering and hiding artefacts of ambient occlusions. Try to set 100 if something wrong happens. This parameter not affect speed.
EnableDepthOfField=(0,1) enable eye focusing effect. This effect affect performance a lot, because it need scene depth information. Whe used together with other effects that also require scene depth, performance is not too much affected."
Motion blur, depth of field and occlusion have odd side effects with the SF1 engine. Water is useless as it is meant for GTA only.
Changed the SF2 install instructions for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Thanks goes to AGOSTINO for bringing the error to my attention.
Repintado completo de este magnifico terreno, usando el estupendo tilest de Brain32 para Germany. No me ha quedado perfecto, pero creo que luce muy bien... espero que os guste!
GermanyCE Typo fix_WoE
By Uhu
The german city of Leipzig is erroneously called "Liepzig" in game. Hence a little corrective fix of the 2 affected INI's (_movement.ini and _targets.ini).
You have to simple unzip the 2 files in a temporary place and drop them in your GermanyCE terrain folder (or you may go for the "hard way", extracting these two files, searching manually for "Liepzig" and replacing this by the correct spelling "Leipzig").
Map ini tweaks for Israel, Germany, Vietnam, AE and Libya
By orsin
Map ini Tweaks for SF1 series
This is an extraction from a super vannila pack of WOX that we share in the small circle of Insky team.
It includes ini tweaks for Israel, Germany (4season mod), Vietnam (Greenhell2), AE(with Tree mod) and
Libya(3.0 Ultimate final) maps.
What the tweak does:
1. fixing water shimmering problem
2. bringing latest shader effect
3. Introducing tree blending effect for a smoothier terrain look
4. bringing sun shadows for hills on terrain. as the sun moves the hills cast shadows of different angle.
enjoy it and feel free to report any problem
Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain V1.1
Quedan corregidos un par de estupidos errores (la ley del cortapega) en los bordes de las ciudades. Tambien he editado y retocado un par de tiles que no acababan de gustarme...
Buildings&trees for EuroWW2 V2.0 prewiew
Bueno, empece intentando llenar un poco, el suelo de este estupendo terreno, y al final lo estoy "repintando" entero. Estoy usando para ello los magnificos tiles para Germany de Brain32. Todavia no esta terminado, pero cuelgo unas capturas de pantalla a ver que os parece. Se agradecen las sugerencias...
Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain
Bueno, como habia comentado, aqui esta la oportunidad de salir de debajo de esos impresionantes globos alabeando por las "calles" de Londres... No es perfecto, pero espero que os guste.
CloudScape v1
By ShrikeHawk
CloudScape Mod for Strike Fighters Gold, Wings over Europe, and Wings over Israel
This mod has been tested in all the above listed sims. I have every reason to believe it will work in Wings over Vietnam and Strike Fighters Project 1 as well.
For me, an essential part of the immersion in a flight sim is just watching the clouds go by. In real life, I watch clouds often and commonly photograph them. I like clouds that form into interesting and complex shapes.
My intent here was to create cloudscapes that are appealing to the eye and thus increase the immersion into the game.
In 2007, I created a cloud mod for First Eagles with the same idea in mind. When I placed the same mod into WoI and SFG, I felt the image didn't fit with the bluer skies of the modern era sims.
Tweaking the colors didn't work well enough. So I kept the same alpha channel (mask), modded it a lot, and created a completely new image with it. I think this one works better. This new image, on first glance, doesn't look nearly as nice as the default. Don't be put off. Most of the cloud's appearance is managed by the alpha channel embedded into the image.
Of the over 60 different clouds I tried, I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I am including just two and letting you decide which you like best.
If you already have an edited environmentsystem.ini file or a cloud1.tga file you can opt to use just the cloud1.tga file. Always be sure to BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS! I have tested the image alone with the Widesky mod and it works just fine.
--More information available in the README.txt
Happy Flying!
Eric Wicklund
aka ShrikeHawk
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