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Everything posted by Nixou

  1. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

  3. 200 years of...

    Try saying this very fast
  4. Version 1.231


    Realistic gun sounds for Rise of flight. FMOD sound program used in Rise of flight offers unlimited possibilities in matters of sound performance/accuracy/realism, although it's not open to modding. This mod replaces original machinegun sounds with high quality real maxim/lewis gun recordings (courtesy of C2builder) to get the most realistic and qualitative result possible. Several youtube presentations here: http://riseofflight....p?f=278&t=25769
  5. Talking about Peter01. I don't want to spoil the party but i'm really worried. He suddenly desappeared while in mid of a project and never connected again since. From what i have seen on other internet forum he didn't log either since the time he stopped being here. Really it feel strange for someone who regularly came here since 5 years to not ever come back again and desappear all of a sudden with ongoing projects running :(
  6. Voisin V with 37mm cannon

    I'll honestly say that making this aircraft was part of one of my big projects which will probably never even start. But still seeing it actually done brings me some tears, kind of a dream come true. Thanks mate!
  7. THIS exactly. And although dragon age 1 was very good, i think baldur's gate will never be thrown out off the best classic RPG place. Hey dude, jagged alliance is not dead, check the mod 1.13 which has improved it since years to bring it to an excellence level. http://www.ja-galaxy-forum.com/ Yes, and for me even more than that. Not only the scenario is credible, which contrasts with other FPS, but it adds also enough RPG elements to make it better than any FPS without being a pure RPG. The stalker "culture", way of life, IA independant and continuous behavour ("A" life), atmosphere, make it unique. Can't wait for stalker 2. I am quite surprrised that talking of excellent RPGs nobody thought about Mount and Blade? Of the rare modern games which are valuable community wise, for a niche market of true gamers and modders like the strike fighters series, mount and blade excellent gameplay and unlimited mods of quality available for free, deserves quite a place here IMO :)
  8. Video Editing

    After being constantly annoyed with MM and it's restrictive output format and quality, i went corel video studio which you can do impressive things with. Output is good, easy to use, however i haven't gone very far in its use so maby there are some limits i don't know yet. Yes Sony vegas is a reference although i have no experience with it. Adobe After effects is the best for video introduction, montage and special effects although it will need very much time to learn to use it properly. Its also quite long to work with but when you start a project in after effects it almost look like you can do whatever you want, there is absolutely no limit.
  9. codemasters closes Operation Flashpoint studio

    BOOM BABY. That's what you earn for betraying the original Flashpoint spirit in favor of casual FPS console port clone. And when i say "clone" i'm gentle. Long life to ARMA Armed Assault, the true flashpoint.
  10. File Name: Nieuport 24bis 150hp Les Cigognes File Submitter: Nix File Submitted: 01 December 2011 File Category: ROF - Aircraft Skins This is a skin for Rise of flight's nieuport 17. It represents a Nieuport 24 bis of the Cigognes squadron with overpowered clerget 130 engine boosted to 150 HP. Nungesser used such aircraft. Small Youtube presentation here: For better cooling the casserole has been opened. Installation: Place "data" folder into your rise of flight directory. Click here to download this file
  11. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    Haha the "COD" acronym begins to be hated everywhere, nomatter what game it refers to
  12. Version


    This is a skin for Rise of flight's nieuport 17. It represents a Nieuport 24 bis of the Cigognes squadron with overpowered clerget 130 engine boosted to 150 HP. Nungesser used such aircraft. Small Youtube presentation here: For better cooling the casserole has been opened. Installation: Place "data" folder into your rise of flight directory.
  13. The game is free and add-on planes are cheap. You have no escuse http://riseofflight.com/en/store
  14. Drdoyo

  15. After installing BF3 Skyrim no longer starts

    And as far as i know, this didn't prevent piracy, to the contrary statistics show more piracy than ever. This is just like civilian weapons ban. Only good guys are punished.
  16. MW3 slated by users

    Well i would like to nuancate my precedent rant-like post about the battlefield franchise. I played to BF vietnam and BF 2 online and they were very fun, although having some issues, still good games. However EA behaviour is a deception, BF franchise were still good online games in my experience
  17. MW3 slated by users

    @UK_widowmaker Yes but looks at how much it sells. Compared to a thirdwire game for example. We ll have to face the truth, even a crap game will sell if it has the name for it. They will come out with BF15657 and CoD MW564 with the same engine as now, it will still sell more than an excellent independant game. That's the truth. Plus, call me old timer, but i can't stand on modern videogame industry only based on short term casual gaming with ridiculous storyline or no story at all, save the world bulls**te etc etc with excellent graphics to hide the emptiness of the game, coming out year after year and being commercial success anyways. Where are gone the excellent games we used to see in the 90's? Ok we still have some true excellent games like Arma, but i still remember when codemasters tried to push the excellent operation flashpoint franchise (ArmA ancester) into crappy casual COD-like fps. Thank god bohemia studio refused and left to make their own arma game. The STALKER franchise which is imo a good game with consistency in the scenario. It has zombies and fantastic stuff, but ironically when you actually play it you feel way more realism than a save-the-world-by-yourself modern high end graphics low end scenario FPS. Just my opinion.
  18. Currency Watchers: Euro

    Yes, euro too. The people who created it are responsible for its downfall, looks like 1929 crisis didn't teach any lesson. From what i see its not any better in the USA, many financial lobbyists and scholars advocating financial deregulation, and many bankers responsible for the shutdown of Lehman brother & co (which damage ends up being paid by federal bank = THE PEOPLE) are now in Obama administration, and more rich than ever. Go figure... People in greece are pushed to their extreme limits but Sarkosy project of taxing financial products was strongly refused by Obama and Merkel. Not sure Sarkosy was sincere about it anyways, maybe just a manoeuver for elections... Not sure what we can do about it? Revolution? When did our countries become the prostitutes of the banks?Tripple A bulls**te? When did our politics passed from being decided by the people to being decided by the banks?
  19. Youtube

    Once, I went upon some vid were the poster said something like that, see if i remember: "You never get to know how far stupidity can go until you post a video on youtube" So true... Also its the good place to remind everyone the internet f***wad theory:
  20. Airco DH5 in progress

    Lerhône 9Ja 110 hp 82 KW rhone110bn4nC.zip
  21. Airco DH5 in progress

    HAHA stephen, back to work already! Did i give you the Lerhone 9J already?
  22. I can hear a pin drop

    That's a good idea however modder activity is directly proportional to active players. And let's face it. Most solo players go OFF, most multi players go RoF, as much as it costs me to admit
  23. Pronounce Focke-Wulf...

    Who would do that? I mean i have nothing against animals but.... c'mon! Ok i'm out

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