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Everything posted by Nixou

  1. Not meant to be the party pooper but the status is "dead" as far as i know :(
  2. From the wikipedia article, right now France has (in total) 23 tigers, Australia 18, Germany 11 and Spain 5. Its a recent production which hasn't reached the quarter of the full orders. Plus they have to be shipped on a carrier, so it's limited to the carrier space you can't have thousands of them. Helicopters aren't going to travel from europe to north afrika by themselves. Remember that there is (at the moment) no any western base nor soldiers in Libya.We are supposed to provide an aerial help, not to make the war by ourselves.
  3. Sikorsky S-16

    Wow you are fast! excellent
  4. Sikorsky S.16 in progress

    Yeah, the polish soviet war of 1919 would be a must IMO
  5. http://combatace.com/files/file/3979-se5a-2-sqn-australian-flying-corps-1918/ This spad skin is kinda strange if you ask me lulz
  6. Very nice skin mate.Dunno for your problem though
  7. Hey Gustav! May i know what terrain you are using there?
  8. Aviatik-Berg D.I is here

    WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Your hangar is full of vintage top quality WWi aircraft!!! Your site is alibaba's cave! Can't believe my eyes, we should have known you before!
  9. Aviatik-Berg D.1 in progress

    Yes i was talking about horizon. Well ok i'm gonna look for it, thanks
  10. Aviatik-Berg D.1 in progress

    Excellent pix Quack74. May i know which sky mods you are using there?

  12. Aviatik-Berg D.1 in progress

    Excellent stuff! I agree with all above posters, and even if your skins are not 100% realistic it's still good to me.
  13. EXcellent. I like the contrast and effects on your pictures Gustav. They are also a freaking high resolution. What are your resolution settings?
  14. Rise of Flight plane sale

    Yeah, amazing prices actually. Around 2 euros the plane. If i played ROF i would definitely have a go. For aircraft models near perfection its a ridicule price.
  15. Morane-Saulnier N “Bullet”

    This is simply a professional level work. As good as if it had been done by TK itself. A masterpiece of modding art.
  16. Martinsyde S1 add-on aircraft by bortdafarm looks to be unavailable anywhere. Here at combatace, BWF and Bortdafarm haven't uploaded it. The only martinsyde available here is the G100 (by bortdafarm) uploaded by BWF. And bortdafarm site is down. Any idea?
  17. Excellent news!! having children is the best thing that can happen in life
  18. Happy birthday Silverbolt!

    Feliz aniversàrio!!
  19. Crisis en Libia

    JAJA pues Macalena para tu descarga, la casi totalidad del planeta hace comercio con China sin escrupulos ningunos, y cuando se sabe hasta que punto es democratico el gobierno chino con su propia gente, con el Dalai Lama, con la Primavera de Pekin, el Tankman, como ayudaron a Pol pot, como quasi empezaron la tercera gerra mundial para salvar la piel del peor asesino del mundo en 1979, etc, etc, pues supongo que no hay mucho de que quejarse en el caso de Khaddafi.

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