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Posts posted by DaniMS

  1. Thank you Fubar512, a tutorial like this is what i was looking for!


    And FastCargo thaks too, good explanation!


    My problem is that i am a beginer (i've been playing for 3 days), and i'm playing in hard (every seting in the game: radar, visual location, physics) and i am lost! I have to use the map in order to find the enemys (and discover their trayectory) because when I contact to the radio they told me the distance and the position of the targets only. And then, I never found them (sometimes, they are higher than me) and I think is very hard finding their tail so as to launch a missile (radar/heat coming). I think i've a lot of things to learn!


    Anyway, thanks both of you for awnsering my questions!

  2. Active homing missiles (such as the Phoenix, AMRAAM and R-77) are equipped with their own radar sets, and only require initial targeting data from the launch aircraft. After that, they will track a target on their own.



    Yes, but doing that requires lock the enemy in mi plane radar, so if they never appear in my radar (I wouldn`t can lock on de enemy), I won't can launch any active homing missile.


    Am I wrong?

  3. Hello guys! I'm new in Strike Fighters game and I feel quite lost.


    First of all, my game is Strike Fighters 1 (Gold version), I downloaded and instaled the last patch (October 2008 I think) and a Missile/Bomb pack (made after 2008).


    My questions are:


    1- If an enemy aircraft doesn't have radar, or if the enemy radar is off, could I detect the fighter on my radar in the Searching Mode?

    2- Is There a tutorial about using Anti-Radiatiom Missiles (ARM), AGM Missiles, GBUs and free-fall bombs?


    Maybe these questions have been already awnsered but I don't know where they are!




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