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Major Bloodnok

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Everything posted by Major Bloodnok

  1. They look much better, than the stock ones.
  2. BAC Strikemaster Mk. 80/81/82/83/88

    Another brilliant package.
  3. All hail Mue, for his target editor. I cannot imagine, in a million years, doing this by hand.
  4. Netwings, there's a blast from the past.
  5. This is availiable in the PR_UK scenery.
  6. Wonderful Terrain(Ethiopia and Yemen) by Menrva.
  7. Yes!

    It was based on this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Mainbrace
  8. Yes!

    Nope, flying, Supermarine Attackers, off HMS Illustrious.
  9. In the aircraft data ini make sure these statements in bold are there: e.g: [MissionData] NationName=RoyalNavy ServiceStartYear=1965 ServiceEndYear=1972 AircraftRole=ATTACK AircraftCapability=DAY_ONLY Availability=COMMON Exported=False ExportStartYear= ExportAvailability=VERY_RARE PrimaryRoles=CAS,STRIKE,SEAD,ANTI_SHIP,NAVAL_STRIKE SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,RECON,FAC NormalMissionRadius=550 MaxMissionRadius=1950 Ceiling=12740 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierParkSpan=7.97 CarrierParkAnimationID=4
  10. In the carrier data ini make sure the height is there, e.g. Parking[01].Heading=270 Parking[01].Offset=6.280,91.84,11.925 See if that helps.
  11. Photos of Stunning Quality

    Fatastic old photos of aircraft, ships etc. They look as if they were taken yesterday. https://www.flickr.com/photos/8270787@N07/
  12. Who likes books ?

    "Javelin Boys", nice.
  13. Ghost of Kyiv

    Don't know if it's true, but, in the circumstances, more power to him/her. https://twitter.com/hashtag/ghostofkyiv?src=hashtag_click
  14. Is this it? [CockpitArea] ModelNodeName=CockpitArea ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE DamageRating=DESTROYED

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