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About DesH

  1. Some years ago I actually had this working in VR with one of the Early Oculus headsets, think it might have been the DK1 or DK2 and it was excellent fun. Had to manually hack each aircraft to remove the viewpoint rotational boundaries and a few other tweaks using a 3rd party freeware head tracker etc but it worked great until the VorpX software (I think it was) got updated and broke the integration. I did post some detailed instructions at the time as to how to do this and might have another stab at it to see if I can get it working again in VR with one of my more modern headsets. As already mentioned in this thread, VR integration would really bring fresh life to this series and allow those who don't want to spend £3k on a PC build to run a very accessible combat flight simulator in VR. I'd even be willing to buy the whole flipping series yet again if it all worked with native VR support out of the box. As much as I love DCS (and have just spent £3k upgrading my PC) I just loved how quickly you could jump in and fly a mission in SF2 skipping all the dull bits...

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