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Everything posted by Nightshift82

  1. That's what I thought at first, but after looking at the weapondata ini. all the USAF sidewinders have the boxes checked for USAF and NATO use. Also I can get all NATO weapons when I play a single mission, it's just the campiagn that knocks down the weapons choices.
  2. I like the thickness and side views of it compaired to the "J79 Exhaust Effect", but I personally would like the trail to be longer, like the "J79 Exhaust Effect" to give it a 5 star.
  3. Fly Navy 100 Flypast

  4. Hello, I am trying to give each gun type a distinct sound in WOI. I have added the wav. file in my sounds folder, added an entry for each of my new sounds in soundlist ini., and changed the soundfile name to match the wav. file in Gundata ini. but when I play the game, I'm still getting the stock sounds. Am I missing a step? Below is an example, when I play the game, it still uses the cannon wav. sound. Thanks in advance. From SOUNDLIST.ini SoundFile036=30mm [30mm] Priority=NORMAL Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=1000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 From GUNDATA.ini [GunData030] TypeName=30MM_DEFA552 FullName=30mm DEFA 552 Cannon Caliber=30.000000 ROF=1000.000000 MuzzleVel=810.000000 AmmoWt=0.247000 WarheadWt=0.024700 Reliability=95.000000 Accuracy=74.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.320000,0.240000 GunFireEffect=30mmFireEffect GunFireSound=30mm EffectClassName=30mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE 30mm.wav
  5. Disreguard, got it working, just ran it through the gun editor.
  6. Hi all, Is there anyone working on or going to work on a weapons pack for Strike Fighters 2? Most if not all the discussion on making weapons or using the weapons editor might as well be in greek to me as that I am dumb for when it comes to most computer stuff. Thanks
  7. What I think of MiG-17's (Strike Fighters 2)
  8. Lay Offs

    Been laid off since mid-December, been doing some side work here and there to keep the man at bay until I ship out to basic.
  9. Okay, I've just done a clean install of WOE, I've messed up so many things with mods I decided to start fresh again. Any suggestions on what to start with and what order?
  10. She's running smooth as silk now, thanks gents!!
  11. WOW what a great mod!!!!
  12. That's what most likely led to me wanting a clean install, I just threw everything in and well........
  13. I forgot to add that I had the latest patch as well (running vista, so it's a need).
  14. I agree with the MiG-17's are the toughest customer, hard to get it into the firing envolope with IR missiles. It does have it's weaknesses though, bad roll rate and speed witch was explaned before, just like a Zeke. So I like to get them into the verticle or even a rolling scissors to defeat them. The wingman comes in handy for them as well, but it's still no cake walk, not matter which one I play, WOE, WOI, or SF2 they make me work for each pelt. I still think the best fights I've had with them are in the F-100D's. The F-100's don't have quite the turn radius but make up in roll rate and power. F-4's on the other hand can be a little tricky as I mainly rope them to set up my wingman for the kill or use him as bait to set up for me. Using the wingman as bait is risky for him but with using the break command, the MiG usually is target fixated on him and will only match his turn setting up for a gun shot. I use the same tactics for the Mirages and Neshers in WOI as I do in F-4's against MiG-17's.
  15. Toss up between mulitplayer and AI, both would go hand in hand, I'd love to do some nice co-op missions, or even better, a co-op campaign.
  16. Still new to the art of youtube, but this is my first shot. I'm the only one left of my flight and 3 MiG-21's out for my hide (F-4C).
  17. Splash 3

    I'm new to third wire sims (maybe about a month of playing), but I came over from playing Aces High, I mainly flew P-47's and would get into a turn/E/knife fight with anything short of a zeke, so I'm used to throwing around big heavy beasts.
  18. Like it was said before, take the fight into the vert. I strongly suggest to get used to using your wingman to help take down those pesky MiG-17's. I like to set mine up with kills by luring the mig close at my 6 o'clock and pulling him up while denying him a guns solution and order my wingy to attack my target. The mig will eventually lose speed and go to a near stall and go nose level making it an easy target. I've produced seven aces (not including me) in my squadron in the Operation: Quick Sand Campaign doing this. Takes practice using the comms and reading the enemy's E state.
  19. First post one the boards for me (but lurking for about a month). All I have to say is WOW! What a wonderful aircraft!!! Can't wait until a campaign gets released for her!

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