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Everything posted by Vanguard1

  1. Eric, found the problem at my end, thanks for looking anyway. Great mod, thanks for all the hard work.
  2. Hi Guys I'm trying to download this update but each time I go to the download page, both Download buttons are greyed out. I've been randomly trying this over the last week or so, but the buttons are always greyed out and this seems to be only download page with this problem. Every other download I've done recently has worked fine; am I doing something wrong or is there a problem with this update? Any help, much appreciated. Thanks
  3. Leopardo, this a brilliant model of one of my all time favorite aircraft (albeit sadly it never got off the ground). I'm playing it virtually constantly so I had to make my first ever post to say a big thanks. Love the the skins too. Not that much improvement could be made to the great work you have already done, but you mention the possiblility of a Skorpion specific 'pit; is that likely to happen?

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