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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.


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About prkiii

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  • Location
    Warner Robins, Georgia
  • Interests
    A-10s...Woman...LOMAC...PT Turbo...


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  1. yup...finished the first...can't get the second (& I uninstalled LOMAC for the time being because of some of the problems I was having)... The 15s would take out the Migs...but the 16s would just fly around & never fire off one harm...
  2. that is just awesome...oh how I remember how my A-10 would have foot prints on her...man Wolf is awesome...
  3. sweet...this game just keeps getting better & better.....
  4. I agree...we are VERY lucky...I downloaded these skins already...great works of art...
  5. Ok...I am in no way as good as Zimster...this is my first attempt EVER at doing a skin. This is the beta (lol) version...I've got a long way to go...but I figured I'd post a couple pics anyways....remember...before anyone tells me how terrible she is...I'm a skin "virgin" :D
  6. Zimmster...I sent you a picture of an A-10 idea...did you get it? I’ve got a couple more, but I have to admit I am biased (only because they are of my old units). Let me know if you would like any pics for those....
  7. I've downloaded all of Zimsters A-10 skins (all great) and I'm trying to work on my own...not going to well, but that's the only way to learn....
  8. Zimster...all your skins are beautiful....
  9. Whatz up ya'll? I was wondering if anyone has any A-10 skins they would like to share? I am a former A-10 crew chief and would like to have as many as possible. I want to attempt to make one myself (of my old squadrons/jets...185 from Moody, 70th FS & 177 from Osan, 25th FS) Anyways...any help would be GREATLY appreciated...
  10. I guess my question is so dumb no one knows the answer....
  11. i'm gonna give it a shot today when I get home...
  12. Ok...I downloaded loman...said I wanted to install the a-10 skin...my "dumb" question is...how do I get to use that skin? Anyhelp would be appreciated...also...I'm looking for someone who is good at making skins, enjoys making skins...and would make one for me from my old unit....anyways...thankz for the help ya'll...

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