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Posts posted by Hokum

  1. The Harrier cannot take off vertically with a combat load, the pictures would be of a jet with empty external tanks and lower internal fuel. Do you have the nozzles set for VTO? It's just not gonna happen at the start of a mssion period because thats realistic, you are too heavy. When you come back to base after a successful mission you can land and then VTO and land until you run outta gas.


    I'm aware a full war load isn't possible at least on the earlier harriers. But i believed that fuel and two pods was possible?

  2. Before this goes like a previous thread. I'm not talking about the ability of the real Harriers just the ones in the game...


    GR1 with 75% fuel and no external stores 100% thrust it gets light on the wheels but no joy other than that. This is with flaps set to takeoff and landing. If i edge the thrust forward i can STO but i sink if i try to bring speed to 0kts again. I've tried with Bobrocks GR7 too but no joy.


    I was just showing a friend the Harriers and it just puzzled me.

  3. It was said that if a runway was built that spanned the earth, Republic would build an airplane that needed all of it.


    I thought it was only the B-52 which took off due to the curvature of the earth? :biggrin: I remember at RIAT the voice of the B-52H pilot with minimal fuel and no bombs taking off stating this was the first time he'd ever pulled positive G on take off!


    I had a thought about this issue, how is undercarriage damage set by speed? Could that cause it? IE take off speed is just below the speed at which the undercarriage gets ripped off?

  4. Hmm the only issue with the chopper is that it looks like its made of fiberglass, and thin plexiglass. The engine wouldn't be powerful enough to lift heavy armour and weapons. Which means you need to make it small.


    Well it has a firly small cross section but it's still large from a side/plan view. It'll be fine for putting down civilians from range, but anyone with a gun would rapidly poke holes in it.


    Also didnt most nations not bother with mini submersibles due to the rubbish range and lack of torpedoes.


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