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Everything posted by Fracture

  1. Ah, so someone actually read the readme lol. Yeah, I have my moments. And for those of you who did not read the readme LOL
  2. TA-4J



    Here it is, better late then never, the Douglas TA-4J trainer.
  3. .. -. ..--- .-- . . -.- ... http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html
  4. Was just havin some fun with ya. Just gotta double check for stray temp files and it's good to go.
  5. Heads up on my current WIP the TA-4J. Whats that you say, heard I was gone.. no such luck suckas... LOL :) Modified A-4 pit Hangar screen Paint and panel WIP Let the firing commence. (questions and comments that is) Fracture
  6. Shouldn't be much longer, just gotta fine tune a few things.

    Hey Dave, it's the same for me and the Cleveland Browns. Oh the agony of 4-11.. I had such high hopes for this season.
  8. Merry Christmas!

    Check six, Santa is watching. Oh , and seasons greetings to all.. lol
  9. Update: It's getting closer to being done .....stay tuned lol
  10. After eel breeding season but before sea snake migration.
  11. Wilches: I did not build that pit, it's stock from thirwire, we do not have a propper A-4F\TA-4J canopy and I'm not inclined to build one. And if you look closer at that first pic you'll see that I do have the center canopy spar. MiG51: When It's finished, and uploaded you can get it here at CA.
  12. Quick update..... And as for your ? Crusader. I haven't forgotten the Bronco pit.
  13. bibbolicious: I have resisted the urge to do alot of skins as I know people like to skin. ghostrider883: Thanks, I'm glad people are enjoying the OV-10. USAFMTL: Where have I been hmmm... hiatus as follows: 70%>Real Life getting in the way 10%>Head up ass syndrome (LOL) 10%>burnout 10%>lack of communication
  14. Better odds of winning this lottery lol Post #38
  15. Latest progress. Flight model is shaping up. Still haven't started the new cockpit. Latest skin work.
  16. heres kitty..

    Hey SeaWolf; Is that the Tomcat from flight deck?
  17. Actually since I jump in and out of the game so often to tweak the ini for the bronco it made more sense to use it as a test bed for other experiments. I made the new pilots to see if it could be done, and if I could do it. The answer to both of those is yes. And the head animations work just like the stock pilots. I'm pretty sure pilots don't always fly with their visor down, and thought it would be cool to have options.
  18. Hello guys sorry for lack of updates, but real life has been kicking my ass as of late. My distractions run the gamut. I've had a death in the family, personal illness rusulting in one hell of a bill due, a hard drive failure similar to what others have encountered, then my operating system crapped out on me Ok enough of the depressing s**t. I did have my files backep up , but I still had to start over because of a problem with 3dmax that I just could not iron out. Anyway the newer model is comming along alot easier now that I've had the experience from doing the first version. Here is a pic of what I've got so far. Comments , criticism, are welcome but remember this is a work in progress.
  19. In my haste to be helpful I sent one without the related images, and can't replace it yet. If you need it now just leave your e-mail and I'll send it to you.
  20. I uploaded a copy of the decal tutorial here, once MJ see's it it'll be available. :)
  21. I made a tutorial for animating gear for Strike Fighters. Check it out here. animation tutorial
  22. Sure thing, want me to uplaod it to the ftppub? also how do you want me to set it up, as far as the image links, everything in a single folder or seperate folder for the images?
  23. I figured out how to get the analog counters to work. All of the digits must be named according to what they count ie: alt_dig2,alt_dig1 (named from left to right) for a 2 digit counter as in: [Altimeter] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_2 <----the 2 is for 2 digits NodeName=needle_alt CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=1000.0 for a 3 digit altimeter they would be named alt_dig3,alt_dig2,alt_dig1 (named from left to right) [Altimeter] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 NodeName=alt_needle CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 the Set[02].Value corresponds to both the position of the needle and the movement of alt_dig1 so it must be 100 for a 3 digit altimeter and 1000 for a 2 digit altimeter. Otherwise the digits won't be in sync with the needle.

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