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Posts posted by frester

  1. What level of detail are planning for airbases and the area around them?(cities towns) When the player taxi out to the runway what will we see. For example taxi and runway marking, Aircraft , hangers,wind socks and so on.

  2. Like the A-4 Skyhawk? :wink:


    Falcon 4 built around f16. Lockon built around f15 A10 mig29 su27 su 25 etc. Blackshark built around Ka50. Thunderworks built around Mirage, Atendand,Pucara,Harrier frs.1,Harrier, gr.3, and your right A-4 . icon6.gif

  3. It will be interesting to see what happens within the sim if as virtual pilots or Squadrons we use the information from this documentary . I must say how refreshing it is to have a sim not built around USA and Russian Aircraft. Looking forward to flying Etendard.


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