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Everything posted by NS13Jarhead

  1. Just thought of this one. It was a horrible memory and I had repressed it... Anyway, check the capacitors on your MoBo. There was a rash of bad cappies a while back - they would bulge out or split when they went bad. I had one crap out on me with no warning and it took the mother board with it. I took the machine to the shop and the tech pointed it out to me along with a replacement board.
  2. Swordfish

    The other two guys appear to be staring at the camera. Your dad is the only one who looks like he's doing his job!
  3. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    How about Airplane!
  4. OT: 2012 Is The Year I Do It

    Good on ya, Mate. Unfortunately, after beer that would only leave me with 200 calories per day.
  5. Welcome, Abbay! You are about to enjoy a flying experience like no other. Make sure you check out the "sticky" notes at the top of the forum pages. There is a weath of information collected up there - a large amount of it from a gent called "Uncleal" As for me, I'll take tea or some of that fabulous cardamom coffee.
  6. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas. No matter where you are, people always find a way to pause and remember the holiday season. For example the Indonesian cooks made this reminder for us in the mess hall in Iraq in 2005. Not quite the Christmas truce of 1914, but it's the thought that counts.
  7. OT -- Cats

    And you can take them bowling, too...
  8. old planes

    My first flight was on a Lockheed Super Constellation some time around 1964. Since then I've done so many commercial airliners that I couldn't count them all. But as for miltary flights: CH-46 (one "hard landing" and one in-flight fire) CH-53 UH-1 C-130 C-141 IL-76 T-34 T-2 As far as I know, in the T-2, I still hold the NAS Pensacola record for heaving. During three half-hour dogfight practice flights, I barfed eleven times!
  9. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    The mist forms by a combination of high humidity and low pressure situations. If it was a very damp day and the wingtips were generating a lot of lift (i.e., low pressure above the wing), I suppose it could happen. Great video in any case.
  10. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    Sorry, didn't mean to dump on your parade. I have enjoyed flying the missions. And you are correct, the aircraft are first rate. The P40 is much better than any other CFS3 version that I've flown. But I'm still trying to get the hang of getting my Kate off the carrier to torpedo the Arizona. I guess that the OFF dynamic campaign and avoidance of the CFS3 menu structure got me spoiled. One thing that PTO:RS has that OFF doesn't is the post flight pilot animation. I always enjoyed seeing if I could survive, but fly so poorly that the pilot vomits at the end of the video. Overall, I do like PTO:RS and if it's any consolation I have not deleted it from my hard drive and I have been playing it more often than OFF.
  11. 50th Birthday today

    Happy birthday. And just remember: that's 350 in dog years.
  12. Just curious. Does that job pay very well?
  13. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    I forgot about it, too. I should have remembered. And it, too, allows you to add aircraft and skins. I may have to reinstall that one, too. Although after all this time with OFF, anything above 110 mph is a little fast for me. At least IL-2 lets you slow time down so you don't get overwhelmed.
  14. OT....New CFS3 mod released

    Right now, PTO-RS is in Beta. You are still tied to Microsoft's horrid interface for CFS3. There are separate missions, but no campaign. To change areas (i.e, Pearl Harbor to Wake or Midway) you must completely exit the sim an restart again. Granted, these warnings are already posted in the ReadMe file. It must have been a lot of work to get the terrain and ground targets installed - Pearl Harbor is amazing with all the ships in their correct locations. I may have to take an IJN torpedo bomber in there to see what I can do. I had a couple of crashes to the desktop when I tried to ESC out of the intro movies, but other than that it does what it promises Overall, it is very good for a work in progress. There are several add-ons for CFS3 that may have done bits and pieces of what PTO-RS has done, but I would not have the patience to find, download, and install dozens (or hundreds) of separate mods that may or may not work well together. As it is, I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Add campain, more aircraft options, and a little more stability and that'd be bumped up by one or two. If you really feel the need to fly in the Pacific, you can go for CFS2. Like CFS3, there are innumerable addon aircraft, missions, scenery and such.
  15. OT...FOR GOD'S SAKE!

    R. T. F. I. Read The Instructions
  16. OT...FOR GOD'S SAKE!

    That Zulu thing sounds interesting. Can you send me a copy?
  17. Happy thanksgiving Yanks!

    Thank you to all those across the pond(s) for thinking of us. It's always important to have enough food for everyone.
  18. Damage

    I see wings torn off all the time. You just need to run into other planes more often.
  19. OT: Panzer Corps demo

    Just got the demo yesterday. It seems pretty good and follows the Slitherine formula of move-shoot-repair-end. The hard part is to try to avoid clicking on the wrong place and demanding a "do over" I've finished the first two missions in the training scenario. I may just have to get this one for the holidays. It'll give me something to do when I finish taking over the known world in Total War: Medieval 2 (I picked that one up two weeks ago (for $2.75!)
  20. Research Question

    I've got a couple of books in Adobe Acrobat format. I hope you have them and I'll make them available if you would like: The Red Battle Flyer by Captain Manfred von Richthofen Heroes of Aviation by Laurence La Tourette Driggs Figthing the Flying Circus by Capt Edward V. Rickenbacker Marine Flyer in France Nov 1917-Jan 1918 by Capt Alfred A Cunningham
  21. Luckiest Man of World War 2

    Let's talk lucky. Violet Jessop survived an at sea collision aboard the Olympic (1911) as well as being the only known survivor of both the sinking of the Titanic (1912) and her sister ship, Brittanic (1916)! One very lucky lady. http://www.johnshepler.com/articles/violet.html
  22. OT: An eBay "Buyer Beware" Example

    What's the prize? Did I win that piece of the L49 that you bought?
  23. OT: An eBay "Buyer Beware" Example

    The shiny metallic paint?
  24. Wise words indeed!

    If you haven't done so already, you should check out "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum. It has many such nuggets of wisdom. For example: Share everything Hold hands and stick together Flush when you are done Of course on the other end of the spectrum is "Murphy's Laws of Combat" Friendly fire - isn't Recoilless rifles - aren't Suppressive fires - won't You are not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take note A sucking chest wound is Nature's way of telling you to slow down If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you If at first you don't succeed, call in an air strike If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself Tracers work both ways Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. and hundreds more.
  25. OT Who'd be a parent?

    Been there. My 14 year old son knows not to mess with the missus because he knows that dad will be on him like stink on "S". The good thing is that he's still scared that I'll use "Marine Tortures" on him. Now if only I could figure out what those are...it's great to have an organizational reputation. Like President Truman once said "Marines have a propaganda office better than Stalin's"

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