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Everything posted by NS13Jarhead

  1. they call canvas sealant "dope" for a reason.
  2. OT I hope this sees the light of day

    Quite interesting to see what goes into constructing the shots. Flight/fight scenes look amazing. And on the ground, it appears the two pilots are also locked in a struggle - like Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune in "Hell in the Pacific" or the sci-fi remake of it with Dennis Quaid and Lou Gossett, Jr., "Enemy Mine"
  3. Albatross experts needed.

    I'm sure you'll look great when you show up wearing that for her birthday!
  4. OT Tom and Jerry

    There is quite a collection of cartoons that are no longer allowed to be shown anymore. Not just Hannah/Barbera, but Warner Brothers (Bugs Bunny, et. al.), and even Disney, too (http://www.rotten.com/library/culture/banned-cartoons/). Most of the patriotic/propaganda cartoons from WWII are way off limits. As are most that contain steriotypical depictions of minorities. *Sigh* Now who's left that can we make fun of? Just my flying skills...
  5. Your fantasy vs. the OFF reality?

    I would say the DH-2. It was one of the first planes that I flew because it's an aircraft that I always had a soft spot for it since my days of playing Richtofen's War (hex board and cardboard squares). However, when I tried to make a hard turn like I had gotten used to in the D.VII, It slid sideways - straight into the ground. It taught me that I need to be careful about the angle of bank. Too much and it'll go into an almost irrecoverable side slip.
  6. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    Well, as Slarti would say. "Don't Panic. And don't forget your towel"
  7. Got FreeTrack working.. ( Yay!)

    Lewie, You've just got to attach them to the right hat
  8. Skinning

    Try GIMP , it's an open source (i.e, free) image manipulation program very similar to Photoshop.
  9. OT This cracked me up!...brilliant

    Thanks WM. Some people obviously have way too much time on their hands. But I'm glad that they do so we can get a chuckle from time to time.
  10. OT This cracked me up!...brilliant

    AAAAAAHH! Taken down due to copyright issues before I could see it!
  11. Bye Bye Osama

    AP and NBC reported that he was using a woman as a human shield. I would have expected nothing less. They also reported that he's already been buried at sea. Any sailors out there should be familar with the term "pump and dump"
  12. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    Lord Robert Fuzzy Columbia. Doesn't seem to have a real British ring to it. BTW, Fuzzy was a long haired guinnea pig - Even so, it sounds better than the other one I had at the time: Cousin Itt.
  13. Still Standing!

    Great work Capt S! Any idea what you're going to specialize in for the next degree? I've realized that I know a little about a lot, but not a lot about any one thing that would make selecting a PhD topic easy for me. Keep up the good work and don't be a stranger.
  14. Loosing my "automatic sign in "

    Also, if your virus checker or anti-spyware automatically deletes cookies, I believe you can loose your permanent login as well.
  15. On a Marine Corps Facebook-like page, one of the members posted these pictures from a trip to the National Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson in Ohio. There are some amazing shots. I don't know what he did to the color saturation, but the pictures almost look like paintings. There are several WWI aircraft in the collection. It's a must see for anyone who loves airplanes. Have a look. http://dougstidham.smugmug.com/Military/Wright-Patterson-Air-Force/16658454_ZjgfVv#1255872514_56PMWsT
  16. OT.How not to fire a Mortar!

    This is a real good example of how NOT to shoot a mortar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNx41j3oO-U
  17. I don't recall seeing this link before, but I apologize in advance if I'm retreading old ground. I was on a wargaming website, surprisingly enough called "The Wargamer" (www.wargamer.com) and they had a discussion about building models. One of the forum commenters mentioned that painting was for the birds and you should build models out of paper. So he provided a link to Fiddler's Green. They've got quite a collection of WWI aircraft (Taube and Fokker EIII to Junkers D-I and Siemens-Schukert D-IV). They also have tanks and armored cars. They even have some modern stuff, but who cares about that?
  18. Olham, Unless it's your entire hard drive that self destructed, you should be able to resurrect all the files from it. When you get your new machine, pull the hard drive out of the old case and connect it up to one of the open SATA plugins on your new machine. When you turn your new computer on, it should recognize the old hard drive as nothing more than a data drive and you can then transfer all your files. I believe there's a sticky about the location of the pilot files for resurrection of dead pilots (Uncleal, chime in, please). After you're done, you can either remove the old drive or wipe it and keep it installed as an extra data drive. Of course, make sure you have the power off whenever you plug or unplug anything, but you already knew that, didn't you?
  19. Why the Heck?!

    One word for you, Lewie: Kneeboard
  20. No way would I do that, even with track spikes on my shoes! Of course that wouldn't be very good for the wings.
  21. The Stand: Frank Luke's Final Flight

    Frank Luke was a very interestingn character. It's one of the books on my "should buy and read" list. The Order Website has some different purchasing options. Apparently the only movie yet available is a documentary of how they wrote the book, not a full film dramatization of Luke's life.
  22. Olham...you'd be proud!

    I took German for 1 year in college. Like you say, I found that it was somewhat strange to assign genders to objects. Neuter (genderless) children [die Kinder] and masculine pencils [der Bleistift] (makes sense if you think about it). But it does help to figure things out by capitalizing all the nouns. However, combining nouns and the adjectives that modify them into one word makes for some pretty large spelling challenges. After a year I realized that I just have enough trouble with English.
  23. OT It's back!

    You're going to use the Help Key on your keyboard this weekend?
  24. How often do you......

    I try to get into the cockpit at least once a week. I'll usually fly 4 or 5 missions in a row, but I do use the warp (unless it's a very short distance mission) so that there's not so much to and from in my missions.
  25. Most popular Movie theme

    Flyby, that seems to be the hard way. I just find the clip I want, select the whole address, press Ctrl+C to copy the entire thing. Then go to the post message in the forum, select "insert media" and press Ctrl+V to paste it into the Media URL box. Click Insert media and you're done.

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