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Everything posted by NS13Jarhead

  1. Most popular Movie theme

    Well, since Hellshade and Slarti stole my number one and number two, here are my number three and four: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswm7lHp7oY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiF0M4uOhgI
  2. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    I can't believe nobody hit these two: Come on, sing along. Everybody knows the words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YYzvstgX3g&playnext=1&list=PLDA29116619F0E6DC Who doesn't think about outer space when you hear this one:
  3. Fateful Morn II

    And I see Moritz made it into the picture, as well. Very nice job (as always)
  4. 1. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor - Bach. I've heard it played live on a real pipe organ at my church a couple of times. Awesome! 2. Halleluja Chorus from Messiah - Handel. I get chills whenever I hear it. 3. 1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky. It's got cannons in it! Need I say more. (also, I always think of the scene in "My Favorite Year" when Peter O'Toole is getting wheeled up the stairs in a luggage cart.) I can't stand the limitations (I did on the previous poll, though it was exceptionally difficult) Honorable Mentions: Symphonies 5 & 9 by Beethoven Eine kleine Nachtmusik Allegro - Mozart Requium - Verdi
  5. How about "William Tell Overture" on a harmonica? Check it out at about 2:35
  6. There are so many to choose from, but I guess it'd have to be '39 by Queen
  7. OT-Outer Space Fly By

    It's also availabe here: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html Make sure you select the image for 15 March 2011.
  8. Flyby, I remember reading about the North Africa Campaign during Marine Corps Command and Staff College. The book said that after seeing how the Americans performed in their first battles against the Afrika Korps, the British started refering to the US as "our Italians"
  9. Try this instead: http://rnzncomms.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/map.ppt
  10. WWI film

    It had a lot of potental that it failed to fully live up to. Too bad it wasn't historically accurate like Flyboys or Pearl Harbor... Oh, well. Maybe when he's done playing with Hobbits, Peter Jackson can do it right!
  11. saitek rudder pedals question

    I don't know about pedals, but for my X-45 HOTAS, there was 2 mb download of the drivers and a 19 mb download of the programming software. It allows me to program all the buttons, knobs, and wheels on the throttle and stick.
  12. OT: I've Done It!

    Capt S, I noticed two Mechwarrior titles in your list. Have you checked out the FREE full version of MW4-Mercenaries available at http://www.mektek.net/? It's got the full game, Clan and IS expansion packs, High Def conversion pack and about 100 new mechs. I think that they've re-established some form of easy to use online play, too. Oh, and did I mention it's FREE. The MekTek people's passion for their game is second only to those at OBD.
  13. OT Prejudice is everywhere

    He's lucky that nobody had pepper spray/mace.
  14. I've got a Saitek X-45 and I'm fairly happy with it. The X-45 was proudly advertized as Win 95 compatable, so that gives you an idea how old mine is. It was great for playing Mechwarrior 4-Mercenaries, which is why I bought it in the first place. Unfortunately, it's no longer in production - it's been replaced by the X-52 (There's a new one out, the X65, but it's $400 US + the cost of a set of ruder pedals at another $120 - $200). For maximum flexability, I recommend a HOTAS (Hands-On, Throttle And Stick) configuration with buttloads of buttons. That way you can use it for flying modern jets as well as Nieuports and Albatrosses. You can get a twisty stick (like the X-52) or spring for rudder pedals, depending on your budget. My X-45 has a rocker under the throttle that serves as a rudder controller, personally I prefer that to the twisty stick. If I had to replace it now, I'd definitely go for something sturdy with a separate throttle (like a CH Products/Thrustmaster or the X-52 Pro), and a set of rudder pedals.
  15. OT I've got an Interview

    Good luck, Mate. Just don't ask them what happened to the propeller and top wing.
  16. If I might be so bold as to attempt to translate for our resident curmudgeon. I believe that Uncleal said that reasonable experience is like beauty... it's "in the eye of the beholder" Also, don't concern yourself with the earlier versions (which I believe you were referring to). I don't think that they're available, and I'm pretty sure they're not supported. Basically, if you can run MS Combat Flight Simulator 3, you should be able to run OFF Phase 3 (Between Heaven and Hell)
  17. Orden im deutschen Kaiserreich

    I could imagine that Immelmann, Boelcke, Richthofen, Voss, and the rest would have grown weary of being trotted out for publicity events. Again, going back to my Marine Corps history, one of the first enlisted recipients of the Medal of Honor during WW II, John Basilone, was pulled out of the lines and sent around the homefront to sell war bonds. He eventually convinced HQ to let him go back to the fight and was killed on Iwo Jima. Awards seem to boost morale for most servicemen, as long is the recipient feels that it was earned. Usually, it's an honor to receive them. However, many of the higher level valor awards carry a heavy burden. I had a Marine who worked for me who was the recipient of the Navy Cross, which is the Marine Corps' second highest award for bravery (only behind the Medal of Honor). During the second battle for Fallujah, his patrol was ambushed and he kept going into the ambush building pulling out Marine casualties and killing insurgents. He didn't like the way he thought that people treated him differently - he said he was just doing what needed to be done at the time. Also, he told me once that "people look at that blue and white ribbon and see a hero, I look at it and I see three dead Marines that wasn't able to save." There are some other awards, however, that are worse than useless. For example, the US military awards a medal called the "outstanding volunteer service medal" for performing sustained community service in your off duty hours. It has nothing to do with your military performance, and normally you have to recommend yourself for it. The whole concept of that one just rubs me the wrong way.
  18. All those above are great choices. I'm looking forward to "The Heart of the Swarm", the Starcraft II, Part 2 of 3, which may be out late this year. But I can't belive that nobody mentioned "Duke Nukem Forever". We've only been waiting on this for 15 years. And every year, the release has been promised "very soon". I know we'll get it this time...
  19. OT- Iron Maiden - Paschendale

    I saw them at an outdoor venue in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (a statium on an island in the middle of the Susquehana River) as the opening act for Judas Priest back in '83. It took three days for me to get my hearing back! Both bands are still in heavy rotation on my Zune.
  20. I'm with Uncleal. IBuyPower. I bought one of their machines and was extremely happy with it. But as with all the ready made machines, you'll have to spend about 3-4 hours deleting all the 30 day demo crap and useless programs that you don't want/need that they put on to keep their prices low. There are dozens of mail order computer builders listed throughout PC Gamer or MaximumPC magazines. Take some time and browse through the websites that are in the advertisements.
  21. I want to get this film

    I had just read the review of it at The Wargamer and I, also, want to get this movie. I'm surprised that I hadn't heard of it before. Apparently, the battle scenes are spectacular, but it does have those annoying "Pearl Harbor", "Flyboys", "The Red Baron" love interest/chickie parts in it. But that's what Fast Forward is for.
  22. Lowest System Specs

    CPU: Intel Core Duo E6750 @2.66 GHz (not overclocked) MoBo: ABIT IP35P Mem: 2 GB GPU: NVIDIA GT430 (1 GB) Monitor: LG W22 @1920 x 1080 32 bit OS: Windows XP SP3 Basic OFF BHaH 1.32f is running with: - Sliders on 4, 2, 2, 4, 1 - Workshop's Ground Object Densitiy: medium - Workshop's AC Skins: Normal Res - Workshop FOV 23x16 (default) Result - between 15 and 45 frames/sec Before my GTX8800 GPU blew up in November, I was getting 30-60 frames/sec with higher slider numbers, but there's no sense putting a high end (i.e., expensive) video card in a 3+ year old computer that's in the chute for replacement soon. Side note - does anyone know how to level out the frame rate fluctuations?

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