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Everything posted by Cameljockey

  1. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    I uninstalled the latest drivers and went back to 180.48 IIRC. The swimming terrain in the distance is gone. Maybe my older card (8800GTX) likes the older drivers. I'm getting 40-60fps and no less than 30 in a furball, but I normally keep it capped at 30fps to stop the framerate fluctuation stutters. CJ
  2. Love the Tripe

    Olham, he means "perpetuating" or aiding, abbetting, or continuing the myth, which may or may not be the truth. Only Billy Bob himself knows the truth.
  3. Love the Tripe

    For you Tripe lovers. Here's a great video, not sure where it was taken (maybe Old Warden?) but starting at 1:04 there are some nice shots of a twice barrelled Tripe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLdhhrkPa6w CJ
  4. A Little Oddity

    If you look just above the starboard wingtip of the DrI, you'll see a thingy with red, white, and blue stripes on it. If that's not a DH2 tail section I'll kiss your a$$. It sure didn't come from an SE5. Even in the dark lighting I could never mistake a DH2 for an SE5!
  5. A Little Oddity

    I shot down an SE5 and landed to get a trophy, the only thing was, it had magically turned into a DH2!
  6. First of all, my six month old Seagate 500Gb SATA HD bit the big one. Don't know what happened. I shut down the PC and when I started it back up I got "Disk boot error, insert system disk". I said "Okay" and put the XP disk in the drive and was told there was no hard drive in my computer. There was definitely no joy in Mudville this night! I broke out an 80Gb IDE 133 Ultra that is supposed to be for my son's computer (once I get his case) and put it in. After I got XP re-installed and updated to SP3, .Net framework 3.5, yada, yada, I installed CFS3, updated it to V3.1, and flew the P-47, more out of habit than anything else, and it ran fine. I installed BH&H and everthing went smooth as clockwork. Ran the config, did the setup, made a pilot, and went for a QC. Everything went smooth until it got to the splash screen with Richthofen and Ball that says "WWI World Initialising", and then it crashed back to the QC screen. I went back and tried to start CFS3 again and the game froze on the big splash screen. I pushed Esc and got CTD. So the problem is with CFS3. I got the new copy of CFS3 (V3.1) that I bought not long ago, uninstalled OFF, deleted the folders that were left, and restarted the machine. I put the BH&H disk in the drive and when prompted I put in the CFS3 disk. When the necessary files were downloaded from the CD, I replaced CFS3 with BH&H and continued. Everything went smooth as silk, no problems. The patches went in just as easily, but I still got the crash after the initialisation screen. My problem is obviously with my machine as two different sets of CFS3 were used and both produced the same problem. I believe it's a CFS3 problem because I loaded up that other WWI sim (which shall remain nameless here) and it runs fine. Unfortunatel, it's not the one that I want to fly. Any ideas fellas? CJ
  7. As a matter of fact it is, only it says 1961 under the red maple leaf. It came out of an HP XL753 that I bought about 10 years ago. The computer itself still works great. When I took the Riptide out I put in a Sabrent sound card. I use it as a loaner. CJ
  8. The multimedia card is about 10 years old and is 2 channel stereo. I just use it for the gameport (for my MSSWFFB) and 56k modem (for faxing) and the sound is disabled. The SB Audigy is 7.1 surround sound and rocks the surround sound system I've got and also takes the load off of the system that the on board audio would use. They are all capable but only one is enabled.
  9. Only 533Mb. I told the Missus that they needed to speed up their servers. Normally 500 or so Mb only takes about a half hour max. But does your system have beautiful knockers? No, but Terri Garr sure did!
  10. Actually I have on board audio (disabled) and 2 sound cards. The Soundblaster Audigy is for sound and the multimedia (sound, gameport, and 56k modem) is for the joystick and faxes, sound is disabled. That's why I call it Frankenstein, or is that Frahnkensteen? Whatever gets the job done! Cj It was already installed, the two hours was downloading the update.
  11. Thanks for the help HPW. I finally narrowed it down to the Soundblaster Live. It just doesn't play well with my system. I put a multimedia card out of a 10 year old HP in and it works like a champ. No problems at all. I've tested it and re-tested it and it's good to go now. I've got my MSSWFFB working great with CFS3 and BH&H, both running slicker'n snot on a doorknob and now I'm enduring the 2 hour update to finish re-installing that WWI sim that shall remain nameless here. Thanks again, CJ
  12. Unfortunately that wasn't the problem. CFS3 ran perfectly. Installed BH&H and the problem showed up again. Fortunately my SE5 took off instead of crashing and was airborne when the screen came alive again. I felt a pulsing in the joystick and every time the stick would pulse the screen would stop for a split second. I paused the game and went to controls and turned off the FFB and viola! The pulsing quit and the terrain slid by as smooth and effortlessly and the Savannah River in summertime. I ended the mission and started another and everything went off without a hitch. I went back to CFS3 and tried it with FFB and the problem was there. Turn it off, the problem disappears. Now I just have to figure out what's wrong with the FFB. Maybe it's the CH gameport driver. I'll investigate further. At least I can fly now. The Who's down in Whoville are singing tonite! :ghey: CJ
  13. Damn you're good with that hammer Prop-Wasche! You hit the nail right on the head. I have two sound cards in my machine but one is just for the gameport for my MS Sidwinder FFB. I had inadvertently installed the drivers for both sound cards and it was causing a conflict. This time I installed the drivers for the Audigiy and then went to the device manager and installed the CH gameport driver on the SB Live!. Works like a champ. CFS3 runs as smooth as silk. I'm installing BH&H now. Will report back later. Thanks a million! One happy camper! CJ
  14. If the problem persists after this re-install, I'll check that out. All of my other programs ran just fine. Train sims, flight sims, etc, no problem. The ironic thing is, I built this computer to specifically run BH&H and now CFS3 is the only thing that won't run and you know what that means. :cray: CJ
  15. CJ, Just out of curiousity do you really have all your sliders set to five? For CFS3 only. I haven't gotten it to run yet so I haven't installed BH&H. I'm reformatting my HD as we speak. I've tried everything else. CJ
  16. Nobody have an idea? I guess it's a lone wolf mission then.
  17. I'm not sure they're right, I lost all of them in the crash.
  18. Thanks for the tip Scout but I've tried both sets of my CFS3, one is 3.0 and the other is 3.1. I used the 3.1 to install just OFF and it did the same thing and also the motion was really jerky instead of smooth. All of my other programs run great, it's just CFS3. I don't know what the problem is. I hope my graphics card isn't going South on me. CJ
  19. I've got some real problems. I posted this message at SOH since that's the "go to" place for CFS3 and got no help, so I'm posting it here. I have used CFS3 for quite a while on this particular machine, but last week I had to replace my HD and CFS3 hasn't worked right since. It installs and configures fine and everything works well until I go to fly. I got into the P-47 and was sitting at the end of the runway with the engine idling. I pushed the throttle forward and the picture froze but you could still hear the engine idling. After about 20 seconds the screen starts to move again and I'm either in the air or in a pile at the end of the strip. (see screenshot 1) I took a screenshot of what I thought was the plane frozen on the runway, but when I looked, the shot was the plane airborne, but closer to the field. (screenshot 2) That tells me that the game keeps running, but the screen remains frozen for a time. The machine runs all of my other sims fine. Rise of Flight couldn't be better and it is extremely resource hungry. It just seems to be a problem with CFS3 and consequently OFF BH&H, ETO,PTO etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks CJ
  20. OK last chance

    What OS and processor are you running?
  21. Your graphics card is definitely your weak link. I'm running 4Gb of DDR2 800 and XP recognizes 3.25Gb, but memory is not your problem, that 8400GS is. I'm running an 8800GTX right now and have been doing some reading about the 200 Series Nvidia cards. I'd say right now the best bang for the buck would be the GTX 260. Here in the States a GTX 260 can be had at Newegg.com for around $150 US. I'm seriously looking at the 280 myself. CJ
  22. Force Feedback Headsets

    Go to the Main page here at CA and there's a link to a Buttkicker review. CJ
  23. I got him not long after he posted SD. CJ
  24. I'd like to fly in the Great War, not finance it.
  25. Magpie at six o'clock

    I reckon it's a little different when the pilot is the craft, and vice versa.

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