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Everything posted by Winder

  1. Yeah about 5 years... WM
  2. Vasco thats good, as I say we are not aware of any issues with these two in MP so please send the info to support@overflandersfields.com and if we can we will fix! Ta WM
  3. Well we are not aware of this and no, fixes are not part of addons, they are free assuming we can fix - what is the problem with them? If its mismatch make sure everyone is using same DM versions? WM
  4. Turbulence is drastically reduced not removed... No you will not need that. You will need to register the addon packs when they are released - you will do this with the Addon Pack order number. HTH WM
  5. The cloud issue has been addressed and will be available in the next update. You will experience turbulence in cloud but you can fly through relatively O.K. I might make it user scaleable.... HTH WM
  6. Aircfaft Stress Resistance

    No problem we spent considerable time sorting the low level behaviour in latest patch esp for N11... If the N17 etc is not having wing failures - (we will look) start that poll and lets see if its isolated or generally an issue. We do want sesquiplanes to mimic the behavior of wing shredding as it is a factor on many of them and it is modeled in. Try this: Dive steeply and then at high speed pull up very sharply exerting max G on the wings - they should depart from you.... Ta WM
  7. Aircfaft Stress Resistance

    The wings on the Noops as well as some of the Albs are susceptible to being ripped off. When we released P3 we had a poll and we adjusted the wings based on that ( I cannot remember if we made them harder or softer) - if you like start another one and lets see what the consensus is now. We might take a view on it as we are consolidating DM right now for an upcoming update so if wings need tweaking (by majority) and we can concur we will adjust. HTH WM
  8. Aircfaft Stress Resistance

    Both the N11 and N17 can lose wings - the AI is not affected by this - maybe P56 but don't hold your breath. Have you got the latest Patch? - because the low level handling of some of the craft by AI was addressed in that and especially the N11 HTH WM
  9. OFF Current Status

    No P4 is in development and builds on P3 in terms of the scope and features.... we have not announced firm plans yet. Addon Craft packs will be for P3 and will install on top of P3 and will be accessible only if registered (well this part we are deciding on but it looks like that's the way we will go as piracy is rife.) Addon Packs will be released as regularly as we can build them - pricing and content not announced yet but yes N24 and EV will be in the first release. HTH WM I meant to add that by buying a craft the user does not just get a 'craft' - he/she can access it via fully functional 'real' squads with Aces, skins, and at all the correct historical locations... full functionality in all aspects of the OFF world... QC to full blown campaign.
  10. OFF Current Status

    Exactly so.... keeps it all simple - yes we figured that many will have cleaned out their mail etc. Some may have sold their copies on.... legitimately etc and we do not want to upset legit users. HTH WM
  11. OFF mp current state

    I am sure we will get you up and running - if you need fast support contact us directly on: support@overflandersfields.com quote your order number and you will be helped. Best WM
  12. Aldis Sight

    There is a bomb site modelled in CFS3 but a true aldis site that will accurately reflect distance is not really possible at the moment. WM
  13. Aldis Sight

    The Aldis sights in OFF have no optics and are more for the modelling of the sight than its function alas. As you can see it was actually a great device. Well maybe in P56 - ca release 2020 we might have a fully functional optical sight but somehow I doubt it! HTH WM
  14. OFF mp current state

    It looks fine.... Note: if its not a 3.1 version you will have to install CFS3 and patch it to 3.1 using the patch from MS. Then Run CFS3 once and then install OFF. If it is a 3.1 version you can install OFF without installing CFS3. And yes the installer will tell you what version your CFS3 CD is! HTH WM
  15. Well my response is a modest and honest response and I will now lock this thread. Ghost the ship here is fine. I have not pointed a finger at anyone - but lets not kid ourselves we can all read and you really do not need to post here like this in so vague a fashion? Please clean up the members that you have at Sim-HQ that are killing the reason for the ROF forum and leave this one alone? Thanks WM
  16. Actually I believe this forum to be very well behaved and moderated even to the point of accepting threads on ROF etc BUT I cannot say the same about the apalling mess that is transpiring right now at Sim-HQ. As the owner of OBD I see many false statements being made about OFF and I believe that is not in the interest of Sim-HQ or OBD. I note you have posted the same over there but maybe time to clean up a bit over there now? Thanks WM OBD Software
  17. Your longest lasting pilot

    I believe that you deserve an OFF MOH.... well done! The only way to survive in OFF is to believe that you will die and to preserve your butt!! Its hard to convey that in a game but it is what it takes to survive... WM
  18. TrackIR 5 reconsidered...

    This happens when one of the three dots moves out of range...out of the Trackir FOV Try moving the trackir unit further back so as to increase the field of coverage for your nut. Also try adjusting the angle of the unit but I suspect moving it back will be fine. If you have it on your monitor and don't want to move the monitor back place it on a wee shelf behind the monitor - I built one for my desktop. HTH WM
  19. Just found a picture of Winder

    Gawd we have a spy or a leak or both..... WM
  20. Are you flying QC via workshops? WM
  21. Its actually a function of Vid Card memory - there should be only a handful of cards that don't show bullet damage on Normal. In your case try the next notch down which is normal CFS3 res anyway. HTH WM
  22. Goto workshops and check your Graphics Settings ; Aircraft Skins. If its on the highest then note that it says (no visible damage) Drop it down to Normal Res and you will see bullet holes. HTH WM

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