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Posts posted by Winder

  1. WINDER - one thing I recently read here, could perhaps be changed, if it was right:

    Someone wrote, the Albatros had a pressurised fuel supply to the engine, and therefor

    would not stutter at head down or headover manoeuvers?

    If that was true, I would appreciate that correction very much, cause I have to fly her

    in a war here (Lol!)



    Hello - we will look into this no problem.


    Guys thanks - we have had a good surge of sales since ROF released and you can imagine we are well pleased with that ,so yep we will continue with greater energy I believe.


    We have a lot of good things in the pipeline that are/ have been in development for P4.


    Payware Aircraft Packs will be announced soon too as well as some Terrain and Scenery upgrade packs that we are deciding on currently.





  2. When I have the latest mini patch already installed - should I still install it on top?


    It will be installable onto any version of OFF and will take it up to V 1.32.


    Given that it will have more content than just a reconciliation of existing patches - yes you should install it!!


    Reconciliation of DM means the we are no longer supporting multiple DM pack options for download as its a lot of work but will be rationalising the optional DMs into one DM (in V1.32) with improvements.





  3. There has been some questions in this forum and in support about patches and order of application etc and to avoid any confusion we will be reconciling the main OFF patch 1.30 and the two mini patches into one V1.32 Patch over the next week or so - no promises as to release date.


    Note 1.32 will include a few improvements too:


    1) Environmental Sound Fix.


    2) XDP/DM rationalisation


    3) Auto and Manual Online/Offline craft config management to ensure online connectivity - I am amending some features after some feedback from the MP guys now and then it will be made available as part of the V1.32 patch.


    4) Miscellaneous craft fixes eg Spad stall speed, Se5a loadout locations etc etc.


    A full list will be made at the time of release.



  4. Actually sales of OFF have picked up markedly this month.... we are very happy to say... but that does not change the fact that this thread is getting a bit silly.


    The point is simple there have been some very nasty behind the scenes spillovers of rather silly behaviour on the ROF forum to this forum since ROF released, and similar to the SimHQ guys we don't want that happening here.


    The threads do not tell any of the real issues that occured....


    Thanks Guys keep it clean.




  5. Setting up multiplayer is quite straightforward actually; I'll give you the process here:


    1. Download MadMatt's Multiplayer Autoinstaller available here (the installer drops everything in the right folders and doesn't affect your single player settings)


    2. When prompted, say yes to downloading/installing the hard damage model (it's what we all use in multiplayer)


    3. Download and install the TeamSpeak 2 Client for your operating system here


    4. Connect to Outlaw's TeamSpeak server using the following settings:

    a. server address (note colon befor 8767)

    b. Logon name is whatever you chose

    c. Password is camel


    5. Talk to anyone on of us on TeamSpeak (there's usually at least one of us on there most days) and we'll talk you through the final settings in Over Flanders Fields and make sure you're setup correctly.


    Job done! :biggrin:




    Vasco :pilotfly:



    Hello I assume MP is now working O.K?


    How did you get on with the test patch - I have had no feedback to date?





  6. As i remember it, when off3 came out the instuctions where pretty specific, you had to take off2 off the computer before you installed off3.


    In this thread, a pilot was asking about some files, to see if they could be remove, and as it turned out, he had installe off3 with off2 already on the computer..




    It appears he is running ok..so was wondering if anyone knew if you CAN have off2 and off3 on the same computer. And if not, what are the reasons,,,(or,,,was it just assumed you cant have them both)


    Would like to be able to assist off2 players in multiplayer, but took it off my computer only cause thats what the instructions said to do......



    Yep Unc is spot on - its one and the same game - only one registry folder so its either PII or PIII but never ever both.



  7. Normally I have three or four active pilots going in campaigns spread throughout the french escadrilles and british flying corps. (I even have an Albatross pilot, but he sees little action.) Recently however I've become quite fond of the se5 and her handling characteristics. Also, being the 'yank' that I am, I have been flying WM's "American" se5 skin. (bravo work sir) I enlisted a young chap into RFC 56, to fly along side the great Albert Ball in the spring days of April 1917. He has rapidly become not only my highest scoring pilot but now at 20+ hrs, he is also now my second longest surviving pilot.


    Last night the young ace headed out on an escort mission deep into german occupied teritory to hit an enemy airfield there. His small flight of 4 se5's face up against no fewer than 10 enemy Albatross DIII scouts. What ensued was easily the most intense simmulated air combat I've "ever" encountered in my history of flight simming. With every bank and roll the young pilot pressed home attack after attack. The sky absolutly FILLED with flying machines. At any given moment I could see two or three engagements around me. My wingman was attacking a PAIR of enemy machines, another enemy craft was on fire falling in a tight spin, and yet another group of craft were giving chase to the flight of four two seaters that we were escorting. And for the THIRD time in this short month, the infamous 'white axe' of Paul Straehle's Albatross sliced through the entire engagement setting one of the se5s on fire in a matter of seconds.


    And just as quickly as the battle had errupted, it was over. Gathering what was left of my flight (my wingman), I climbed the ol' bird as hard as she would climb and headed for home. After I landed and filled out my claim report I was greeted with the dawning of a new day. May 1st, 1917. Bloody April was over, and I had survived....for now. Effective immediately Thomas Macklroy has been removed from active duty and will report back home for a duration to be determind later.


    I just don't think I could bear loosing him at this point. :biggrin: So for now he'll have his well deserved leave and some of the other pilots will have to pick up the slack. :wink:


    Just a few pics from the last fight.






    "My" ace of aces dossier. :biggrin:



    Fantastic - and I am pleased to see your claimed to confirmed ratio so high, and looking at your excellent reports...... :ok: ..... guys this is how claims are done!






  8. I have installed the minipatch, and see the FOV settings can be adjusted by the player now.

    When I have 4:3 screen size relationship, how should I do the setting, if I want it one "notch"

    more zoomed?

    Do I have to change both horizontal and vertical numbers? And does it not lead to a distorted picture?



    Olham try 22 ; 16 or smaller if you want more zoomed in - yes change both to keep the ratio as near as 4:3 but you have some leeway before it gets badly distorted..





  9. Problem with this idea is that the text becomes too small to read. Labels are barely legible at 1600x1200, and become indiscernible squiggles when I go all the way up to 2048x1538. Any way to increase the font size?




    I run OFF at design res of 1920 x 1200 and the font is quite readable (to me)- I have to admit I have not tried the res you mention in the latter part of your post!

    OFF does scale the text with desktop res so can you post a pic of what you see at that res and I will investigate further.


    Test Pilot great post thanks!





  10. Perhaps we could have one thread, or a specific forum to discuss RoF. I like the people here and respect their opinions, and I'd prefer these opinions over others.

    I was going to link the blog post (which is REALLY well written, informative, and frank regarding their launch in NA) by the main guy at Neoqb, and some other stuff (there's a patch just released as well)....but I will hold off unless there's a specific thread/forum for us (yes, I can say us, since my OFF *just* arrived today...off to load it and CFS3 now).




    Hi Broadside I do not know if CA will be opening a ROF forum here.

    The point is I am sure that any ROF users are frequenting the ROF forums for that info!


    All I ask is to keep ROF stuff where it belongs otherwise this is no longer really the OFF forum?




    Hope you have fun with OFF!



  11. Thanks Winder. I appreciate your attention to MP. I'm willing to test your new tools and will send a message to that effect to support.


    But I voted no to the poll. For me the problem is not so much the mismatch issues (which can, after all, be dealt with by groups if they are attentive...and Madmatt's installer is just the ticket for that problem I think). What's kept me offline lately is the other issues which I suspect, as Winder says, are pretty much hardcoded into CFS3 MP. These issues make dogfighting unplayable for me. Well, I can play it, but I don't enjoy it. Planes don't fly like planes. They often stand on their tails and fly backwards. I can't tell you how many times I've been turning on an enemy plane, have him say 30 or 40 degrees above my wing and trying to get on his tail, so he's basically still in front of me, at least above me, and then he shoots me down. From in front of me!! I have a great computer and fly OFF offline at pretty much max settings with high FPS. It's a lag issue.


    Planes fly under the ground and then come up again. Planes stand still in the sky.


    Even in co-op, which is MUCH better and MUCH more enjoyable, there are those odd issues like planes just sitting in space, or vanishing. These are just some of the issues. The jittering, the sudden leaps from one spot to another, etc, also are a bit of a pain. I think that CFS3MP just wasn't coded well, and causes serious lag issues.


    I'm certainly no expert, and have really only flown MP in OFF and IL2 (heavily modded and which flies MP like a dream compared to OFF MP). I've almost always flown online in OFF through a desktop shortcut to the CFS3MP.exe. I noticed Winder's message on the other thread about this a few days ago and will only fly through the manager in the future. I'm hoping that will help.


    But I just wanted to mention the issues that really keep me from flying. I'd LOVE to see some of these fixed. I'd LOVE to fly OFF MP a lot more, but as it stands, I'll only fly co-op now, and there are still issues with that which diminish the fun.


    I only tried MP seriously in the early CFS3 days.


    Planes flew underground then - warped stuttered and lag was bad...internet connection dependant - any yes Co-op was much better too,


    So I will attend to OFF Mp functionality but yes we will willnot fix MS CFS3MP issues as we would rather put that effort into a new engine.


    Thanks - contact us on support!





  12. Winder,


    Winston and I (and very probably Sitting Duck) would be more than happy to test fully any utilities you put together to enhance multiplayer. Please could you provide a link or other method of downloading the software for testing.







    Great - e-mail us on support and I will e-mail the test patch through as it is less than 7 mb





  13. Guys also if you are not happy with CFS3/OFF MP you do need to say what you are unhappy about as I cannot guess!!


    I say this with a certain caveat that we echo on our website - we will not improve CFS3 MP functionality - this may change with an 'engine' change but not at the moment.

    We will do our best to make sure that OFF MP works as well as it can based on the CFS3 code!


    Also I am looking forward to seeing how many OFF MPers there are out there!

    So vote and reply stating what etc.





  14. This is completely untrue. MP for the original CFS3 and the ETO mod is alive and well and flown each weekend. See the posts at SOF here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forumdisplay.php?f=7


    Sitting duck and I hooked up in the original CFS3 multiplayer just a few weeks ago to veryify that none of the problems that we currently have in OFF are present in any way in the original game. I have since then flown several multiplayer sessions in the European Theatre of Operations (ETO) mod and also see none of the jittering, warping, and spinning issues that are present in OFF multiplayer.


    And Microsoft didn't abandon the CFS3 servers because CFS3 no longer worked. They simply do not support their older products forever. If it doesn't make money for them anymore, it's simply dropped. When's the last time you saw any cool updates for Windows 98?


    I love this sim and will probably never quit playing it. I may give up on it's multiplayer half though as some from my weekend ETO group has done. The word is getting out that MP is broken and that's not a good thing.


    I fully understand that single player is the focus of the OFF teams fixes, and I think this is the greatest single player WWI sim available, but please try not to give out false information to the forum members here. I'll accept any MP fixes you can muster. I'll accept it if you can't fix the MP issues we have so diligently reported to you. What's hard for me to accept is not trying, or denying that these problems exist. I have full confidence in you guys and that you can do something about this when you have some time to devote to this side of the game. We now feel that we have you listening to our problems and that is a great start and much appreciated.


    I think you need to read a bit more carefully - I said as far as we can tell.

    False info as committed devs we have never subscribed to and have kept an open portal all the time - so I take that with much salt.

    Also I state OFF MP does work - so its not broken- I just setup MP connectivity this evening.

    You have to play MP via OFF so that the hardcode mods become enabled - I carefully explained this in the recent MP reply e-mails I sent out and to date no one has replied to that?


    I have asked in numerous threads here and on SOH how the CFS3 guys are managing to connect online because on two test rigs in our team vanilla MP CFS3 gives mismatch errors....and I am not chasing that one up...


    Howver this is not the case with OFF - it connects fine although it has been recently brought to our attention that 3 craft seemingly do not - we will investigate.


    In any event the key to successful operation of OFF online (and CFS3) is to ensure all players have the same craft configurations - IT HAS always been this way and now in OFF to always start MP via OFF manager to ensure hardcode mods are enabled.

    Raf-Puff uninstalls OFF then reloads OFF latest patches on host and client to achieve online matching - this is a brute force method but does ensure this.


    CFS3 teams regularly used to send out standard online craft packs with the correct matching files again to achieve the same end result.

    And now in P3 I am afraid users will have to do this as well as there are now DM mods (since 1.30 via both OFF and user) and recently FOV mods as well as up and coming OFF dynamic DM effects mods that will enforce this.


    So I have built in some MP managment tools.

    I need two MP players to test these tools and basically the build is ready so whoever wants to test please contact us on support email addy:




    It is ready for test now... so Winston if you are keen....


    Finally we cannot attempt to fix what is not brought to our attention nor do we intend to improve 'CFS3 MP'. It certainly is not the best MP sim.


    We fixed MP soon after release - as it was broken - and since then we have had only one e-mail via support on this and I did reply to all with pointers and agreed that there needs to be investigation into three craft.


    If there are other issues you need to let us know - I cannot guarantee to fix them but as ALWAYS we will look.


    I believe the slow feedback on MP is due to the fact that most users are SP?







  15. I'm just wondering, who's name I haven't seen here for a long time (but my memory for names

    is like an archive after an exploding handgranade - so feel free to add those you are missing).


    Bullethead, Beany, tttiger, Capt.Winters (so far)


    Playing ROF I would guess?



  16. How about storing a common file set for MP in one folder as an archive and swap them out via the current files (SP) when entering MP and restore the current files when leaving MP? Of course this means a second archive folder for the current (SP) files that are swapped out. Also a spearate button in Workshops to reset to SP standards in case someone had a DTD while playing MP?



    Yes I will have this ready for the upcoming aircraft update.





  17. I voted yes because even with the incorrect rendering of aircraft encountered in dogfights matches, co-operative missions are still eminently playable and highly enjoyable - replacing AI wingmen with real people is about as good as it gets for me. I did find it frustrating that the new patch introduced further problems in multiplayer, but I'm pleased we figured out how to overcome them temporarily and that Winder has consented to look into the issue.


    Perhaps one day multiplayer will recieve as much love as the development team lavishes on the single-player campaign. If they do, then this really will be the pre-eminent WWI flight sim in all respects.


    Thanks Vasco...


    Guys basically the MP part of OFF/CFS3 is very hardcoded and not something that we will easily attend to.


    We have posted on numerous occasions that MP is no better in OFF than CFS3, well infact it probably is better because it still works in OFF whereas CFS3 MP no longer works as far as we can tell and is one of the reasons MS dropped CFS3 servers.

    And we have posted on many occasions and its even stated on our website that MP is not a primary focus of OFF - at no stage have we ever punted improvements to MP in any of our features lists.

    We are into historically accurate SP campaigns so that everyone can enjoy an idea of what WW1 is about even with poor internet connectivity.


    However as I committed to you in e-mail recently and on a post hereabouts I will look into the three craft that seemingly cannot be used in MP and moreover I will look at a Manager system that invokes a master set of online XDPs when you enter OFF MP so that people can have offline craft as they wish and online craft will always be 'standard'....and they simply swap in seamlessly.


    But I think as long as MP teams know that XDPs and all craft files must be identical - then its not hard to ensure that the Host has the same set of craft XDPs as the Clients, most online teams know and do this quite well by sending out craft packs etc.


    All the online teams used to do this with CFS3 - share the XDPs etc and craft folders to ensure smooth online connection. OFF cannot be any different as customisation is inevitable.

    This applies equally well to the DM options that we have offered since 1.30, user DM packs, as well as the recent FOV flexibility in 1.31l.


    Please guys be aware that if I introduce a feature of standard library of online XDPs (stored on HD) to auto load when you enter MP in OFF, it still remains the online team organisers responsibility to make sure that everyone has the same 'library' - it just allows flexibility between online and offline XDP customisation beit FOV DM effects or whatever other craft customisations the Teams invoke.


    In P1 and P2 we did not allow for any customisation of XDPs, so there was no optional DMs (OFF or user) or Effects or Seat customisations allowed for.

    Slowly in P3 we have opened this up - and yes the benefits are great but it means the Online guys have to be as vigilant as the CFS3 onliners used to be.





  18. There was no aircraft update at all in this patch.

    No files were changed at all relating to aircraft hence no mismatches.


    I think its clear that you have to set FOV to default for all craft to match?

    Default is clearly stated in the settings. All you need do is press a button.


    All this does is change the FOV you do not need to reinstall any DM when reverting to normal - please test again


    If it is the case then might I suggest MP users not change FOV?

    After all you never had the function before?







    Having said all this in testing MP my second PC is always identical to my main PC so yes it all works fine here.

    However I suspect that CFS3 may be comparing date stamps of files (I never knew this) in which case reverting FOV to normal will not allow connection.


    I feel I must add that MP in CFS3 is pretty broken and we have managed to keep it as alive as possible - for example I cannot even get a CFS3 MP game running anymore as it gives mismatch errors even with all craft identical.


    If anyone here can get CFS3 to work in MP please let me know how you do it.

    OFF still works in MP.



    I will reply to myself on this - assuming its a date stamp issue - I will look into storing the XDPs and BDPs and reverting between them for MP purposes.

    Something along those lines...






  19. Until another fix is available, here's what to do for multiplayer after you install MiniPATCH 1.31L


    ALERT! After you've installed the MiniPATCH 1.31L trying to enter a multiplayer game will result in "aircraft mismatch" errors. Before joining any multiplayer sessions you must do the following IF you have installed patch 1.31L If you have not installed this new patch, you probably need to do nothing. Try joining as usual through the OFF manager.


    All MP sessions will now be run from the OFF Manager. Please, no more entering through the CFS3MP.exe executable.


    1. After installing the MiniPATCH 1.31L, feel free to play around with the new FOV settings in workshop. When you are done experimenting with this, please write down your new favorite FOV settings to use when playing single player as this is what's causing the problems entering MP. We are now going to restore MP capabilities in the next step.


    2. Re-run the Hardcore Damage model, followed by Madmatt's essential MP autoinstaller program, IN THAT ORDER.


    You should now be able to enter a multiplayer game without the mismatch errors. Just remember, from now on everytime you change your FOV in workshop you'll have to do step 2 over again before multiplayer.


    It is my sincere hope that the OFF team will start to test for multiplayer functionality before releasing new patches. It is my greatest fear that some day the multiplayer problems will have accumulated to a level that they cannot be fixed at all. Let's all hope that doesn't happen and that multiplayer issues will soon be addressed with some of their time and energy given to this most important aspect of the game. Maybe a patch or two just for multiplayer?



    There was no aircraft update at all in this patch.

    No files were changed at all relating to aircraft hence no mismatches.


    I think its clear that you have to set FOV to default for all craft to match?

    Default is clearly stated in the settings. All you need do is press a button.


    All this does is change the FOV you do not need to reinstall any DM when reverting to normal - please test again


    If it is the case then might I suggest MP users not change FOV?

    After all you never had the function before?







    Having said all this in testing MP my second PC is always identical to my main PC so yes it all works fine here.

    However I suspect that CFS3 may be comparing date stamps of files (I never knew this) in which case reverting FOV to normal will not allow connection.


    I feel I must add that MP in CFS3 is pretty broken and we have managed to keep it as alive as possible - for example I cannot even get a CFS3 MP game running anymore as it gives mismatch errors even with all craft identical.


    If anyone here can get CFS3 to work in MP please let me know how you do it.

    OFF still works in MP.


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