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Posts posted by Winder

  1. Winder,


    As the host never has a problem with these planes in multiplayer, you are going to have to join an mp game in order to see the problem. If you dont have 2 computers to do this, Im sure one of us would be honored to put up a game for you to join....


    personally,,i would love to be able to say i shoot down the "big tuna".......



    Lol no I am in South Africa and ping is errr baaaad.


    I set up MP on two PCs here at home on my home LAN.





  2. Returning to the OP topic, spotting aircraft...


    I've been really trying to fly without a TAC (or equivalent) display in BHaH because I've flown this way in other WWI sims and it is really more immersive and just a lot more rewarding/fun to simply look around with TIR, but am having a hard time in BHaH. My following comments here are not whinging, but trying to be truly constructive.


    The AC bogie 'white labels' only appear at distances not very realistic, and in short order if bogies are hostile then they are on top of you in an advantageous position. I think all would agree with this observation from experience.


    I'm going to get some flak (sadly, pun intended...) for bringing this up again, but if the AAA/archie was more active and concentrated (as it was historically) then you could indirectly locate (but not see) AC at realistic distances by the smoke puffs, white smoke was British/French, black smoke was German. Thus not only could you locate bogies, but indirectly determine if friend or foe! This IS how pilots historically used archie smoke; if you don't believe me, then please read some period memoirs.


    If many people do not want historically accurate AAA/archie for whatever personal/game reason, and I sincerely accept that (as judged by the earlier poll thread), could AAA have it's own slider separate from ground machine gun fire and aircraft mg's???


    Developers, please consider this, and the potential game benefits. After all, one of the true strengths of OFF is the ability to set it the way you'd like to play it, not necessarily the way the vocal majority want it.


    Thank you for reading, best regards.


    Making effects viewable at longer range is a function that has to be carefully considered due to FPS issues....we have noted this request even before now but understand its not just a matter of historically correct (OBD wants it to be as historically correct as possible) but also a function of CPU and GPU power balance.





  3. I


    I agree that the AAA should be more consentrated at least over the lines and it would be a great way to help spot Aircraft. Thanks to all who answered my help call about the TAC still learning to use it but have had some sucess. while in a 1 1/2 strutter (Sopwith) got hits on a Albt D-2 then my tail gunner got 4 hits more. Next flight , jumped 5 D-2 Albt. spoted them on the tac saw them below after a while dived in to attack swung slowly on the tail of one and got 4 hits, closer 6 hits he turned right as I fired a long Burst and he smoked and hit the tree line,of course the others tore up my flight of three but did learn to use the tac a little bit. :clapping:



    More concentrated will make player die in Flak more easily - is that what we want?



  4. Well, I'm not much a businessman, but wouldn't the add-on packs be a reasonable method for making some more money to help the development of P4? Less work than a new complete phase and some new planes and stuff (it doesn't have to be hundreds of improvements per pack) for us players. Release one every now and then - I'm sure I'm not the only who's more than willing to purchase them.


    Yep we are working on exactly that.



  5. I've also had similar experience with amazingly rapid promotions, and it has nothing to do with whose side I'm flying in. You don't have to do anything special, just keep completing missions and you'll be climbing up the ranks like crazy, if you stay alive. Sure, some exceptional individuals were promoted rapidly during the war, but nearly as rapidly as it happens in OFF. This system could use some improvements in the future.


    Speaking of improvements, I think it would be nice to see your rank insignia when you're pilot is promoted to the next rank. I remember some older flight sims had this kind of system, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe and Pacific Air War come to mind from the DOS era. As the medals are now being much improved, maybe something could be done to the promotions too? But it's certainly not very high in my list of priorities, just something that would be nice to have for the immersion value. :yes:



    Thanks for the feedback guys...


    Yes I can slow down promotions - its hard to gauge this from our POV as it depends on user success but its easy to do.

    In fact it will form part of the Cloud fix patch that should be up soon!


    Rank medals and all documents are being converted to more authentic WW1 documents, as closely as possible, and is part of P4.





  6. Waning ! WM, I will not have this kind of talk here. It's bad morale for the chaps. I don't hang around this forum much anymore but that has nothing to do with the majesty of OFF. It will always remain on my hard drive and I will always support it by all and any means at my disposal. I'll be lining up with the rest when you release the payware package and future updates. I'm sure many others (who's presence is not felt at this forum) are of the same mind.


    Stay positive.


    And why are you not hanging around here anymore? :dntknw:


    We are very positive about OFF but we do need more support!


    Pleased you are still flying though.



  7. Winder,


    Further to Sitting Duck, Winston DoRight and my report earlier we reran the tests ensuring each of us ran multiplayer via the OFF Manager. Our findings are as follows:


    The Nieuport 17 Vickers, both versions of the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and the Sopwith Triplane 2-gun (tested as a result of Madmatt's post) all exhibited the following behaviours:


    Host: No issues - the aircraft could be flown and viewed as intended.

    Clients: When attempting to join a multiplayer mission as a pilot in any of these aircraft the the game crashed back to the OFF Manager main screen. When joining the game in any other aircraft, the above named planes were invisible except for the aircraft label which was corrupted. The screenshots below illustrate the problem






    In each of these tests, the host was Sitting Duck and the clients were Winstion DoRight and I.


    Thank you for your attention.






    Thanks guys,


    I will personally test those three craft soon in MP.


    We are doing a craft update after the cloud fix patch is out so if I can do something it will be in that update.





  8. Guys I am reading this thread and yes I am making notes...


    A lot is possible in P4 but we need to see how the support goes in the short to medium term.


    This does not mean we may not do P4 but we will not undertake huge coding processes if support is waning, but all that is suggested in this thread so far is feasible.


    Hope this makes sense!






  9. Question


    When starting from off manager, selecting multiplayer, once you get to the point where you see the framed pic of the 3 pilots exitting the barrocks (cfs3mp is now starting), have all the files that the offmanger needs to generate/modifiy been completed?




    Its soon after when you see the WW1 Initialising screen






  10. Winder


    My mate is using this set up - I'll get in touch this evening and get the details. IIRC you have to set something like 3860 X whatever - i.e 3 times the usual res. 1280 or thereabouts.


    He did get it working .


    Thinking of getting one?


    He's seen my projector and wants one of those instead!


    Ta would be interested ... 2 reasons.. 1) I would like to know how OFF performs in this mode and 2) yes am tempted to get one...!





  11. Err... I understood a few of those words, but most likely the easy ones. one notch? pits? FOV? please explain.




    FOV = Field of View that is rendered when in cockpit view.


    In the next update the Horizontal and Verticals FOV defaults will be settable in workshops so all users can set up their own favourite FOVs... and not have to adjust in sim with the keys at every start or view reset.

    Although you still can as before.






  12. [quote name='Winder' date='Jul 5 2009, 05:58 AM' post='31097

    Unc how could you miss this one - its right up your street of "read FAQ" or "read key guide" :rofl: HTH




    Didn't miss it in the least, saw his date of erollment in Combat Ace, figured he knew which end was up, without me telling him . . :wink:



    Yeah half asleep thats me...


    I will fix this - it irks me too what was I thinking - in fact its fixed already



  13. I'm pretty certain DukeIronHand meant the 'Historical' text that appears next to an aces name on the Duty Roster board etc.


    I see wher he's coming from on the immersion thing, although it's no big deal at all for me.


    Whilst it's great for OFF that someone playing it can see that these aces are there where and when they should be, if you're living your time with that squadron or Jasta then to you they're just Mick, or Manfred, or Georges, or Eddie... whatever.




    Oh I see yeah that makes sense - sure I can fix that quite easily - will be in next update!.


    Unc you are too good...




  14. Sometimes the Mission Generator can get a little frustrating

    The MG has proposed sorties that just don't sem logical

    1. Airfield/Balloon defense missions that cross through enemy territory

    2. Missions beyond the fuel range of your crate

    3. Escort Missions where the bombers have to fly through much more hazardous territory unescorted than when escorted

    4. Deep penetrations with only 2 or 3 in the flight


    Ideally, a new recruit or even an element leader would have no say in the mission assigned or it's flightpath

    Here it is - good luck!

    If you reach flight leader, the target would still be assigned, but maybe a choice of 5 flight paths

    If you reach Hauptman, maybe a choice of 3 targets

    And throw in an occasional mission as above so we can gripe about the brass hats


    Would add a level of tension, realism ...immersion


    You mean less optional targets and optional target type in mission briefing?


    Its very easy for me to do that but I wanted the player to have leeway....


    Maybe I need it to be optional in workshops...



  15. Winder,


    Sitting Duck, Winston DoRight and I have been testing these models extensively in MP and cataloguing the issues. I'll PM you with all the detailed findings later this weekend.


    Thanks for taking the time.





    Vasco thats good, as I say we are not aware of any issues with these two in MP so please send the info to support@overflandersfields.com and if we can we will fix!





  16. Would these include fixing the Nieuport 17 Lewis and both versions of the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter that are porked in MP? :rolleyes:


    Vasco (attempting to look angelic)


    Well we are not aware of this and no, fixes are not part of addons, they are free assuming we can fix - what is the problem with them?


    If its mismatch make sure everyone is using same DM versions?




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