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Posts posted by Winder

  1. Some very constructive comment.... tttiger's particularly so.


    I agree with him, that ROF is waiting in line for online... and if there is anything the team can do to push the multiplayer side of the sim, they should.



    Online there is not an awful lot we can do as to rewrite / improve the CFS3 online code would be very time consuming and not something that we would undertake unless we find no viable alternatives, moreover I can say that OFF's focus has always been the offline campaign and I believe ROFs focus is turning out to be largely online? so seems we have a balance in the marketplace.

    CFS3 Online is functional but its just not very popular.


    But I agree CFS3 was a dog no doubt about that, but its an extremely flexible engine as we have seen and also quite powerful but yes it remains the stigma - we knew that from the get go!


    Guys thanks for the support and very kind words - yes we have lined up reviews and exposure for P3 - some has already come to fruition.

    We sent out many free copies of P3 in this vein but we cannot force reviews.

    Over the years we have had some good magazine coverage and exposure - sure there is always more to be done but we also have day jobs so its a balance.


    Yes Addon Paks is what we will probably focus on in the short term but again no firm decisions have been taken.


    Finally please simply enjoy P3 - if you are only flying QC give the campaign a whirl - its the heart of OFF - and do not worry if you need to fly at settings below this seemingly magical 100% mark - bottom line is find a settings formula that works for you and have a blast!


    Update to 1.30c will be out in the next few days.





  2. Guys we are completing the last mini patch for P3 (1.30c) and it will cover:


    1) Reduced AA effectiveness across the board.

    2) Reduced rear gunner effectiveness across the board.

    3) Reworked realism ratings to allow 100% rating with some gunnery, wind or fuel mixture tweaks not reducing it below 100%

    4) Slightly reduced AI gunnery range.



    And so to the future:


    OFF sales have not been spectacular so we are unsure of a P4 but we are looking at some addon scenarios: additional craft and squad packs etc.

    No timescales or concepts have been solidified as of yet.


    I hope those that have supported us are enjoying the creation of WW1 air combat as we have seen fit to render it!





  3. "And therein lies the rub - in a flight sim the stakes are: a virtual pilot may be scrubbed off the list - when your life is at stake well how different it would be......


    We cannot account for this in any meaningful way alas."






    Ok, some great points have been made,especially regarding the AI,and perhaps their suicidal ways. Interesting to see, as I have lost perhaps 20 % of my pilots to enemy and friendly air crashes. A byproduct of the above, and certainly something that you just have to adjust to.


    It seems quite clear, even in these early stages of the POLL, that those who are looking for realsim, at 100% DID, and the 17 hour mark, are going to have their work cut out for them.


    It has always been my understanding that along with entertainment, realism is top spot, for the OFF TEAM. Given this particular notable goal of the clientele, is it within the realm of the OFF TEAM to provide for 100% DID, and the expectation that an average pilot, ( 1 of 4) will make this goal of 17 hours?






    I cannot answer this question as its dependant on how the player plays - Olham quoted somewhere that he plays cautiously (preserving his virtual pilots life) but even then I think reality would see him fly and fight very differently.


    So there is no real solution to this other than for you to lower the 'rating' i.e. the settings if your pilot dies too quickly given your mode of play.


    I have prepared a patch that allows some small leeway in workshop settings so as to still realise a 100% rating and now the player is allowed to make a few tweaks before the realism goes below 100% - thats the best we can do and again don't get hung up on the number - its just a number.

    Full settings is now 120% again.


    So why the number you ask if its not important? Well I wanted a way to gauge what settings folks are achieving long standing pilots, and or good kill counts - so this gives a relative idea of exactly that - and that is all it is.


    You will note in the workshops the text on the left that states what has been bypassed - I could add that to the log instead but it consumes too much space - a number is simply convenient.....



    Finally in patch 1.30c (coming soon) the AA ground fire has also been marginalised a bit.






  4. You have to learn when to stay and fight and when to fly away. Reading Richthofens book will give you ideas on how to stay alive longer.


    And therein lies the rub - in a flight sim the stakes are: a virtual pilot may be scrubbed off the list - when your life is at stake well how different it would be......


    We cannot account for this in any meaningful way alas.



  5. Hasn't worked for me yet. Sometimes, just as it's starting to go, if I take my hand off the stick, the plane will settle down and recover. Sometimes it just stalls anyway, but doesn't spin. But once in the spin, there's nothing I can do.


    Throttle right back and apply opposite rudder and sometimes opposite aileron also 'helps'.



    With practice you can recover from every spin (most?)







  6. Hello,


    only flying the E.III, The Halberstadt and the ALb D.II my "experience" is probably not too big, but i have made some observations ..


    1. the AA (Archie) from the ground is a bit too exact. :wink:

    2. the ground AA machine guns are too exact. :yes:

    3. the rear MG of e.g. the Sopwith strutter is way too exact. :biggrin:

    4. the MGs of enemy planes still hit from very large distances, and almost every shot is a hit. :haha:

    5. main concern my own MG accuracy and evading "tactics" suck badly :rofl:


    Hrrm but really, I can say that it has been a big improvement from P2 to P3, those great distance shots are gone. But I still think the enemy's distance hit accuracy still is a bit (!) too good from greater distance, regardless which gun or cannon used.

    And always beware of those double-rear-MG two seaters, they are deadly. Only chance is attacking almost vertically from above, out of the sun (is this really modelled AI-wise that they do not see you then in time?) with max. dive speed, concentrating on one plane, and then do this well-known manouever #1 of getting the hell out of there (not in the "dicta Boelcke").





    In a recent patch we did fix 2 seaters such that they can effectively be attacked from rear under (i.e by the book) - you can kill the rear gunner this way or kill the craft/pilot.


    Finally I am contemplating making the gunnery spread wider and more random so that accuracy is diminished for all guns (yes selectable) but we will see.





  7. The could turbulence will stay - its realistic - well as realistic as a game engine of this nature allows.


    What is your cloud settings in workshops:


    If you have 'In Cloud Fog' off it will appear as if you are not in the middle of a cloud when in fact you are because with in cloud fog off all you see is the outer thin cloud box layer and it could be a fair way away.


    Bottom line - have in cloud fog on and avoid clouds - they avoided clouds in WW1 - even the cross channel Gotha raids had to divert targets due to clouds......





  8. Good show OBD. There is one other thing you may like to check out that bugs me a little and wasn't a problem in P2 ..... well as far as I can remember lol. The multiple waypoints at the beginning of a campaign mission (Allied only, rarely fly DS) can number up to 10 or 11 I think before the main waypoint appears that leads you to the mission target. If one follows all these waypoints the war may very well be over or at the very least the aircraft one has been chartered to escort are long gone. I always shft+w through them until the main outgoing waypoint appears. Any way to reduce these initial waypoints to .... say 3 (that should be enough to form up) before the main outgoing waypoint appears ?



    Its to gain height this side of the lines before going over the lines so as to avoid archie - standard procedure - lower your alt settings in workshops and you will see less.

    Or yep simply ignore them and head on out!


    They are mainly for the AI leader so that he is at a good alt before going over or we would have complaints that the AI goes over too low etc etc





  9. I have downloaded and installed Patch 1.30 this afternoon.

    If I want to use "Hardcore" - should I then use this new Patch 1.30b ?


    Everyone should install 1.30b after installing 1.30 and or any optional DM patch.


    1.30b will not change any DM files so whatever you are using post 1.30 remains untouched.


    Similarly you can still swap DM using 1.30 DM Patches on top of 1.30b


    1.30b basically only updates the Manager exe.





  10. My pilot Ltn. Wilhelm Klink arrived at Jasta 6 in January 1917, only to find that the game could not find the field at Vaux en vermandoi.


    Any idea as to the fix? Schultz!!!!!



    Works fine here - just enlisted a pilot and flew a campaign mission from Vaux - what version are you running (check in workshops)?


    What is the error message?






  11. I install the game no problems, run the latest patch, it starts up fine, I get an active pilot and things look fine, but when I try to fly I get an error message that there's a missing file called ConfigOverrides.xml.


    I've reinstalled the game twice now, but each time it says there's this missing file - what should I do?


    Go to workshops and press the "Reset 'CFS3' Files" button.


    If you still have problems contact us on support with your order number and CFS3 media version.





  12. I just changed my Desktop to 1280 x 1024 and it works great. I can live with shifting my Desktop resolution in the short run. All the start up screens are correct and once I hit the Go to Field button it shifts to 3840 X 1024.


    My desktop now is just the middle screen but most of the time thats all I need for most programs.


    Having three screens with the Triple head to go is just Amazing!!! I was able to get the displays on a closeout deal but having three screens with OFF 3 makes this as close to being in the Cockpit of a WWI plane as possible. If you are thinking about going for three displays you wont regret the cost.



    A fix has been implemented in V1.3 to auto scale the Manager when the users desktop res ratio is > 16:9.


    Thanks to Major Magee for testing.




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