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Posts posted by Winder

  1. Have three flights in on a new pilot and have completed three claims yet the pilot log reflects seven. I did not complete claims for EA's that crashed after I and others made a number of passes or I left them trailing smoke or fuel. Does the game track those even though I did not complete and actual claim?


    Something is amiss there - the sim has been out a long time and this is the first I read about claims not tallying.

    Whilst there can sometimes be a flight time log discrepancy under certain circumstances (known issue when warp or time accel is used) to date I have not heard any mention of claims tally issues.


    Assuming there might be an issue in your install of OFF (I have not seen your pilot data files) I would suggest:


    1) Enlist another pilot and try to see if the problem persists with a new pilot.


    2) Reset CFS3 Pilots in workshops and try and see if that solves the issue (you will have to start a new pilot under this circumstance)


    3) If the problem still remains please contact support - we will ask for some files.






  2. Usually after all the enemy attackers have been downed I visit the waypoints to "complete the objectives" as the CFS3 engine sets them out. I am often curious as to what kind of waypoints are set forth in a scramble by the game. That's when I check the map and it dumps me.


    Can you tell me your PC setup please - as Pol said its when the GPU runs out of mem sometimes.


    Has it always done this? - you are a long term user and the product has been out for a long time now - but I assume for you it started recently?



  3. Yes, it helps. The pilots thing is a bit complicated. When your pilot's log number is Pilot No. 6, then his 3 files

    are called "Pilot7 Dossier", "Pilot7 Log" and "Pilot7 Claims. Always one number higher - Pilot No.1 may be a

    "layout" sort of pilot somewhere in the files - you won't see him.

    Now, if you erase one, and don't create a new one, the numbers cannot all suddenly change, I assume.

    And so it may lead to problems for the Manager.



    This should not be the case...




  4. Just went into QC...went to fight against SE5a Viper..got following error msg

    Unable to load SE5a Viper ace_RFC60_1918 CS Charlie Hall...default aircraft will be loaded


    Not seen it before..thought I'd let you know :good:



    Yes probably a missing skin but tell you what instead of fixing that what we can do is make a Snipe for P4?


    You have finally beat us into submission... Snipe it will be.



  5. Hello

    Thank you for your reply.

    This is the updated anti-virus (Avira), which has allowed this quarantine, the system analysis conducted after the quarantine has not detected anything unusual.

    How to eliminate the trojan detected in "OFF manager" ?

    Thank you in advance for your help.





    Its a false positive which does happen... so either:


    1) Inform your AV supplier of the issue and ask then to rectify in next update - Avira have addressed this in the past, seems they may have dropped it off of their latest update?


    2) Change your AV.





  6. Since our dev team decided not to give away any information on what they might be developing for P4

    (which is fully understandable and okay after the spying out and copying of their ideas by others),

    I thought I'd bring some action into our forum, and if only as a poll of wishful thinking.

    I know we had similar polls, but what the heck.


    You can only click one vote in each question, because otherwise, some of us would click everything,

    and I wanted to see the biases of each section.


    For the last question I made an exception, cause it contains so many different ideas and choices.

    But to get some biases, please would you be so kind to only click your favourite five?

    Thank you all.


    Excellent Poll - thanks Olham.



  7. Winder, yes, I get hit sounds but I believe in a loud engine. My riding lawmower's 12.5 hp single cylinder engine is only slightly closer and less sound-buffered than the nine-cylinder 90+ hp monsters that powered these birds and I'm nearly deaf to everything around me on it. I doubt I'd notice the sound of a bullet passing through fabric at all and wood only if it was uncomfortably close to my head. In combat I don't notice it at all. I only know that I can hear them from being hit during ground attacks.



    You are quite correct most WW1 pilots never heard any hits to their craft they simply could not hear above the engine noise, but the bullet hit sounds are there to be dialed in as an aid, just like the labels, if required.



  8. Fortiesboy, if OFF (CFS3, actually, since I would imagine it's a holdover from that) would provide a tactile response through my joystick to taking damage I would gladly turn all those lines off. Unfortunately it's the only way I know when I'm being hit. As I said, the message lines are rendered the same colors and opacity as the labels, so with the settings I use they're almost invisible but not gone completely. The external view was strictly to take the screenshots for this topic. Unless I'm skydiving I like to stay inside the plane.


    77scout, trust me (or better still give it a shot), using the modified labels is no picnic. While they're pretty easy to see in my screenshot, when they're moving around that's not the case. And while I'm on the subject, they're not all that easy to see in the static shot. For instance, the Alb at the far left is labeled but you have to look closely to even see it, let alone read it...and he's close enough to clearly id the type visually. The same is true to a slightly lesser extent for the three DH2's on the right, particularly the uppermost and lowermost. And there are three labels on the airfield: two 'Bogeys' in the area of the hangars and the 'Airfield' label right smack in the middle of it. I'd wager that most haven't noticed anything but the airplane labels that are set against the dark green of the trees. Add movement to the mix and the difficulty increases dramatically. Trying to find those labels against light clouds or blue sky is almost impossible and in the hazy area several degrees either side of the horizon they can't be seen at all.


    I agree with SirMike's feelings that labels can help compensate for those of us not blessed with the wherewithall to have three good-sized widescreen monitors and the graphics cards to keep them supplied with information at a framerate higher than a slideshow at an old folk's home. I can attest from my skydiving days that a small airplane (Cessna 4-6 passenger class, or about the size of a scout) can be identified from a distance of two miles, and larger craft at three or more. That would translate to ranges of about 3400 for the scouts and 5100 for the two-seaters. Does this game even display more than a dot from those distances?


    Olham, it's not your fault. I understand your purpose. BTW, get yourself a good force feedback stick and you won't need the game's stall warning. I can feel a stall approaching before the warning light comes on.


    NOT WHITE!!! White stands out too much against too many different backgrounds. As the color chart provided by Olham shows it's a light gray. This blends in better in general and when made mostly transparent adds to the difficulty in seeing them. The purpose of the modified labels is to aid in identifying specific flight members under noncombat conditions, not locating the enemy and highlighting them in combat. As I've said before, if you look for these labels in combat istead of looking for planes you're going to get a lot of practice enlisting new pilots.



    You should be getting hit sounds - check your sounds sliders in workshops?






    Nice work on the label transparency.

  9. .


    PD-1, I don't see how that could be done as CFS3 and IL 2 are entirely different engines. Also, IIRC the DGEN in IL 2 would not lend itself to the WWI environment without an entire rebuild. I would put this in the same catagory as the "Smell of Victory" add-on.


    Large load of tripe, anyone?




    Hello PD - Hi guys,





  10. OFF already has one of the most living enviroments in the flying sim-world, so definitely i'm just spoiled, but i have an idea or better, something i want to point out.

    one thing i noticed is that 99% of the vehicles, people etc. are military related. so if you are flying and see a group of men, you know they are soldiers. if you see cars etc, you know it's a convoy. there is no civil life, besides the houses and farms. the towns and villages are as lifeless as paris in ww2 when hitler was going out for a walk.


    maybe as a suggestion for p4. how about adding many more of the civil people who are living in this country? if we have cars driving around airfields, why don't add civil cars or lorries or carriages in towns, driving through the streets. groups of civil people, man an women, walking through the streets? at farms having horses and farmers. having groups of refugess at the open streets, maybe at the front or at destroyed villages, dead horses etc. many more of civil life and people who actually live in this country.

    so if you are out for a strafe run you have to look first, is it the enemy or just a group of civil people. is it a convoy or just some carriages of refugees.

    i don't think it's too resource hungry but maybe i'm wrong. maybe to hard to do. might be dependable of the density setting.


    just an idea for p4 :salute:



  11. Thanks I enjoyed this thread immensely.


    The sad reality is War is just as ludicrous as the bar fight and often wages on issues that can be rationalised and settled in a single court action or a hand shake, instead of war, yet the end result is death destruction and mayhem that has impact on people and families, infrasructure and civilisation for generations... and generations ...and so it goes.




  12. Hi


    I've followed the tip from RAF_Louvert and corrected my flying time like this:

    Find your Pilot**Log.txt file that are located in your \CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots folder

    Open Pilot**Log.txt and correct the flying time.


    In the OFF Manager Log book the times are displayed correctly, but the total time doesn't match with the time in the log book.


    For example if I add the actual flying time from the log bok it becomes 2,7 hours, but the total time that the Off manger displays is 1,9 hours. :blink:


    Do I have to make more corrections than in the Pilot**Log.txt or is it the OFF Manager that can't count time properly?








    No one has reported an issue like this so you will have to see what consensus says - try seeing if others have the same issue.


    If there is a bug then it will only be fixed in P4.



    Try to enjoy the sim withouth getting anal about minor issues - you seem to not be happy with OFF and constantly try to nit pick - try ROF.





    Ignore mode on.


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