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Posts posted by Winder

  1. Olham, you might find this useful Sir:






    This is the region MAW covers.








    Now that brings back memories....



    Guys to run WWI craft in CFS3, Korea or MAW simply put the OFF craft into the aircraft folder....of whatever version / implementation you want.

    Some people have literally 1000's of craft in any specific install.










  2. Morris,


    i know what you mean, but i played a lot of years with silent hunter 3. sh3 is a very realistic sub sim and the game have a "save button"... and you can progress and gain new sub all the war time etc...


    there is a "tips" by Herr Prop-wasche http://forum.combata...pfiles-program/ but it's only if you have OFF installed on C:, unfortunately my install is on the D:


    as i said my campaigns are always very short (5 or 6 missions). i bought off phase 3 and HitR 2 weeks ago and that's begin to seriously boring me to create a new pilot every 5 or 6 missions...






    Why not adjust the multitude of settings in workshops til you find a suitable setup for your gameplay - pilot never dies being but one option...of so many.





  3. My 2c on this:


    I have just finished setting up my OFF Development Win7 (64) OS PC and I found that Trackir5 software would not always initialise properly on auto startup when the OS booted.


    Trackir4 software on the other hand does and so I am sticking with that for the time being...


    Oh yeah and I have Trackir4 hardware







  4. It's quiet............TOO Quiet! :rofl:


    I have a feeling that there is some SkullDuggery afoot!....and that some feverish behind the scenes activity is taking place.


    Let's look at the evidence before us.


    1) Hardly a peep from WM

    2) OvS....unusually quiet (especially as he cannot blame it on Real Life workload...with the airlines grounded)

    3) Polovski....sneaking his Monoplane into his avatar!


    I suspect, that the well deserved 'Holiday' is at an end....and new things are afoot.


    Only time will tell


    What Holiday?

    We had a holiday?

    Jeez I missed that bit....




  5. CFS3 is a very unique animal in that it can have very high levels of scenery density and terrain resolution - the engine really was waaaay before its time and it is hardware limited.


    The caching seems to be O.K but it could be better and what it happening when you see the lags or micro second pauses is the HD light flashing as CFS3 loads up more into memory or swaps in and out of memory.


    Two main ways to reduce:


    1) Turn down the Scenery and Terrain sliders.....mmm not nice...


    2) Improve HD access time.... as many have realised this is one solution to the issue... SSD would be an amazing solution.... if its affordable go for it!



    Ideally all required data for a sim should be preloaded into memory, but CFS3 covers a vast theater and with a high level of detail - so this seems to be its limitation to a certain degree but I can say we have seen CFS3 run better and better in this respect as hardware improves (since 2002 wow).


    By balancing the sliders and hardware many have seen that it can be brought to a point where it runs pretty smooth as many users as well as the dev team will attest to

    One thing you can do is the classic external rotate around the craft at mission start - call it a craft pre flight check - which forces CFS3 to load more into memory of the surrounding terrain and hence you will have less micro pauses as you fly out.

    Also yes quit as many background tasks as you can!





  6. Hi Guys,


    P4 dev is underway but as many of you know we are on a non disclosure status at the moment as competition is stiffer than before. :cool:

    So alas no pics no screenies and no hints - but I can say it will ROCK.:good:


    I need a bit of data base help so if any one could kindly volunteer to send me a live pilots set of files it would be greatly appreciated.


    I need:


    1) Pilot'x'Log ; Pilot'x'Claims ; Pilot'x'Dossier text files.


    2) I need these to be a comprehensively filled in set - IOW this is a request for those that actually use this aspect of OFF to its fullest!

    I need claims confirmation kills etc - as comprehensive as anyone has and I need good narrative examples


    3) I need them to cover as long a period as possible IOW I need long term pilot files!


    If anyone can help me please post here and I will PM my e-mail addy to you.







  7. scratch_one-s_head.gifI'm gonna haveta get my decoder ring out and figure out what all this means

    wrrr, click O-F-F ching clack twang P-4 click click w-i-l-l b-e clatter click r-e-l-e-a-s-e-d tick tick tick i-n clang wrrr tick 2 w-e-e-k-s ...ummmm shok.gif Huh???



    It was April 1....




  8. Yesterday was my birthday. So i got myself a second ATI Radeon 5970 to crossfire X my PC.


    Maybe one day OFF will be having a new engine in P5 or P10. Who knows but ill be ready for the developers.


    Ps. my pretty little wife does not no anything about this.....rofl.gif




    Well all I can say is that may be fine for P3 but P4 well you will need to upgrade I am afraid.





  9. So I decided to drive from Bertangles west airfield to Amiens for some sightseeing and maybe to fraternize with one of the local ladies. Stole the CO's Model T Ford, had to drive around a convoy of lorries and then a column of five or six Whippet tanks and some troops that were marching with them. I never made it into town...pranged the motorcar hitting a dip too fast (looked like the car was flipping over backwards and I got sent to the debrief screen, but it sounds better the first way I said it). The Army censor confiscated the pictures of the lorries, tanks and troops (forgot to snap any, but...well, see above), but they let me keep this one taken where the airfield access road meets up with the main north-south road.


    On the one hand, kudos to the devs for the level of detail. On the other, no wonder this game requires the resources it does.


    And if this has been mentioned before I apologize for repeating it, but I just noticed it. And there might be some other folks who hadn't noticed or heard it.


    I think you just earned yerself a medal as I think you are the first to see my signpost - and yes its the only one I put in....as an easter egg....






  10. Can't get the embedding to work. I may not have waited long enough after uploading for it to "activate".


    Anyway, here is the link.


    Hope you like it.






    Thanks Jammer - I love it when this sort of thing happens - makes it all seem worthwhile - cheers



  11. Um, no. You can see in the shot how much bezel space was removed and per my bezel management program I have shaved 200 virtual black resolution spaces off my tally. Also, the newer Samsung Thin Bezel monitors cost you $1,800 for three and I built these for just over $400. As an added benefit, I no longer have to stare at "Dell," three times in my face.


    Trust me Unleal, if you played on my system I would have to beat you with a club to make you leave it, lol.


    Have you thought about overlapping the inner bevels- i.e bringing the center monitor fwd and having the two outer ones underlap behind - it does depend on the thickness of the panel though.






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