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Posts posted by Winder

  1. Always in the search for greater immersion with my OFF and inspired by the creative bastards on this forum, I decided to rip the bezels off of my three dell 2007fps and mount them to a big triple mount stand! The result is spectacular! Who would of thought triple screening could get better!


    Here is a After Shot



    Here is a before shot



    After shot



    The amount of bezel space saved!



    Heres the monitor sitting in his house after I removed the bezel front



    Very Cool....


    One day I will find time to do a three monitor setup... one day...



  2. Yesterday I was again browsing through squadrons and found two French Escadrilles with missing aircraft. Escadrille 15 is equipped with the N.11 from 19th March 1916 to 2nd July 1916, but the manager tells me the craft is not available yet. Same thing is affecting Escadrille 102 from 19th June 1916 to 15th July 1916.


    Could some of you gentlemen be so kind and check this, so that I know this is a bug and not some glitch in my OFF only, and that OBD can fix it with a patch some day? Thanks. :cool:



    It is a bug and I will endevour to fix soon... but the problem is I am now running P4 on my rig, so to fix and test will take some time - so no promises when!


    Apologies for that.



  3. dear developers,


    sorry for my stupidity, but i read the following on the post of the 19th February 2010

    - questions will be entertained at the moment ;)


    that means you (all pilots) are cordially invited to ask questions and make inputs about P4.


    Never get me wrong. OFF belongs to OBD. My next dog will be called OBD even if its white.


    Roger roger




    Ps. uncleal. I also think the the current engine is the best for OFF.









    lol no the statement is:


    it's a fair way off yet so no "when will it be out?" questions will be entertained at the moment ;)

  4. Hi Guys,


    Yes we are looking at improving every aspect of OFF for P4 - we hope to show you how much of an improvement, over time, with screenies on our website.

    But I will not go into details here as we are still defining and working on P4 so its early days.


    I can say this on time and when:


    We have just started this Phase in earnest now so I would not expect anyone to be waiting on a release date - we are still in deep development.






  5. Thanks for the explanation, Pol. However, I still can't understand how OFF can track AI aircraft position, shots fired, craft downed, etc. if the CFS3 engine doesn't track anything about your AI, as you seemed to indicate in your above post.


    BH makes a good point and possible suggestion. If there is any way to link the AI pilot name with the ID number in the mission report, then we could at least manually track the fate of our squad mates. I can certainly live with the random deaths--it's easy to die in a war zone, after all!



    The fact that we are doing this n replay indicates how much info we have extracted by use of our own code in memory - and for P4 I will be doing more with this OBD info - but CFS3 itself does nowt no replay info nothing - what you are seeing is output of our own code and I will be expanding on this - time is all I need.





  6. i just checked. it's the very same text as it is here, with the same credit. same goes for the readme file included in the pack. maybe you just overflew it spadlike too quickly? bye.gif


    Sorry no I have not downloaded your mod so I am not sure what the read.me in that says but what I am trying to say is as long as you credit OBD where necessary in the read.me, there is no need to post and ask for permission here.





  7. Here a soundtweak for more realism if the devs don't mind (downloadsection)


    contents are new sounds for AI flown aircraft with original engines of the apropriate planes and doppler-effect. right now only a few AI engine sounds are standing for many different aircraft. now you are going to hear the right engine for the right type.

    furthermore i tweaked the soundfile to have the effect that when an aicraft gets closer you'll hear it louder and vice versa. currently it's wether on or off.

    also you'll hear now flak bursts the louder the nearer it is, and softer the further away it is.

    additionally i tweaked the air explosion files (when an aicraft is burning and exloding). the explosion itself is the very same. now you'll have additionally some broken engine, overrides etc.



    contents are:

    Inline-scouts (albatros etc.)


    Sopwith camel

    Other Sopwith engines, besides the camel (pup, tripe, strutter etc.)


    Various Nieuport versions



    Fokker rotaries


    sound-effect file drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields

    wav-files drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\sounds


    the engine files won't replace anything, the explosionfiles will replace it, so please back up first the original ones. same goes for the sound-effect file.

    all original contents belong to OBD software




    Upload away - if you have used any original content simply credit OBD software.


    Have fun



  8. Gentlemen,


    Having followed OFF since P1, and now utterly happy with P3&HITR, and also following other developments in the WW1 flight sim arena, I wondered if you'd share your thoughts on a few questions:


    What you've been able to do with OFF, considering where you started (CFS3) is nothing short of remarkable, by almost any account. I find it fascinating that OFF currently (more than) holds it's own against the biggest comparable product - which was a 'ground-up', stand alone development. This isn't really a new question, but how much more can really be done while still 'shackled' to CFS3? Of course, we've all heard talk of P4 - and, believe me, I've no doubt you can wow the crowd once again...but, man, there must be a limit somewhere, no?


    Is the difference strictly limited to having a new 'engine'? I somehow think there might be more to it than that, but I don't know much about it.


    What would be involved in this 'engine'? Time, money? (sort of obvious, money *lol*) What I'm getting at is what level of support (by the community) would be required to put the tool in your hands? There is an incredible confidence in you guys, and I'd bet many people would pay a reasonable sum just to see what you could do when *not* tied down to CFS3.


    Do you really foresee a point where you can wrestle no more out of CFS3, and would of necessity have to find a different approach? Would you be able to re-use any of your previous efforts? (Like the *ton* of effort, and resulting volume of info, that gives OFF it's uniquely historical elements).


    I know much of what I ask is speculative, and not at all easy to answer. Some of it might be sensitive in terms of what you can divulge publicly. But, you guys are generally far, far better with communicating to this community than what I see elsewhere...and there are so many people who enjoy what you've done. One can't help but wonder what might be possible - and how you see the possibilities.


    I appreciate anything that any of you care to share.


    Best regards.


    Like anything there are limits to the CFS3 engine but really we are a long way from the CFS3 engine already and each day takes us further away....P4 is being worked on at a frantic pace and its all good so far.


    Pol has hit the nail on the head - what I consider a replacement engine for CFS3 simply has not materialised yet.

    OFF covers the whole theater of the western front including the UK - there is no engine out there currently that covers this size of theater with all the combat requirements we have - but I am still, and always will be, looking.


    The P4 in development will blow you away as usual...



  9. .


    Greetings All,


    I've been out of town for the week and got back Friday night, at which point my good lady wife had to leave and help out with her mother for the weekend, which meant I was suddenly given a couple of open days. After taking care of a few chores around the old family manse I decided to update the drivers for my nVidia GTX9800+ video card as I was running on a two-year old version. So, I downloaded version 196.21 which was the newest set I could locate for my 64-bit OS, and I made the install. After I rebooted and before I began the tweaking process, I downloaded and installed a little utility called nHancer, which no doubt some of you are already using. For those of you who are not, I can't recommend it too highly. I wish I had been using it long before this! It allows for a far greater amount of fine tuning than the stock nVidia control panel does, (and of particular note to us OFF flyers, it allows you to really tweak the anti-aliasing settings). I run a Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0ghz Wolfdale, (with Arctic Cooler), oc'd to 3.95 with 8gb of DDR2 PC2-6400 800 memory oc'd to 890 at 2.1 volts on an ASUS P5QL mobo along with the aforementioned Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+ card, and even with the old video drivers and settigns this sytem was pushing OFF very, very well. However, with the new drivers and, more importantly, the nHancer utility, I have eliminated all the little annoyances I had from time-to-time in the past. For instance, when at or near ground level in the winter, when there is a mixture of snow and open fields, I would get a small bit of "shimmer", a typical nVidia issue with certain sims and not something that can always be eliminated with the adjustments in the stock control panel. But with the nHancer utility I was able to get rid of this because of the in-depth AA adjustments now at my disposal. I was also able to eliminate the occasional object that would "pop" into view at the edge of the screen when I turned my head very quickly. And as an added bonus, Track IR is now smoother than it's ever been, (and it was quite smooth before). I have flown about twenty different sorties over all the various regions of the front in summer and winter, in storms and clear skies, and performance and graphics are better across the board. My current config settings are 5-3-3-5-3, with overrides and terrain ticks per uncleal's list in his "OFF Tips and Cheats" post in the Knowledge Base forum.


    I recommend you give nHancer a try. Here is the link to the free download: nHancer Utility








    Thanks Lou,


    This is the dogs bollox!


    Works damn well - I have always been disappointed in the shimmies in the distance that no AA or Aniso tweaking could ever seem to sort.

    No Longer


    I am now running nHancer in combined AA mode (Multi and Super) 16xS and its great FPS wise but most importantly clean all the way to the horizon with very little shimmer at all.




    I did try 32xS but found the FPS hit a bit much (GTX280) but wow 16xS combined mode is the dogs bollox.


    BTW If you open up the Nvidia control panel after using nHancer is shows the AA and aniso settings as "custom setting"....


    Again an Excellent thread thanks.





  10. fellows i have tried to down load HITR three time after paying 20.00 for it, and every time it says the file is correpted. i tried to down load it from the off web page. any help out their?






    If you have problems like this its always best to contact us on support@overflandersfields.com - quote your order number and you will be helped.




  11. When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp?


    1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened?


    2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


    I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


    I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.





    I meant to add there is also an air start option which sees you at your first mission waypoint this also saves time.


    Its a wee checkbox on the briefing screen..





  12. When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp?


    1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened?


    2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


    I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


    I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.





    1) Yes in the mission briefing you can select 'optional flight' as well as sometimes an 'alternative target' - and you thus can cycle through optional targets - select one closer to home.


    2) Warp can be used but there are provisos as you have noted - also you can speed up time so that's another option of getting to your target quicker or home again


    3) Guns unjam after a time period....


    4) You need to cycle the waypoints in order to warp to a different waypoint other than the next one.






  13. Information about HitR:


    1)OFF HitR does demand more GPU memory - if you experience any graphics issues/freezes please reduce either your scenery slider one notch or goto workshops and if you can select a lower Ground Object Density... reduce by one....



    HITR Known issues Post Patch 1.46...... Updated Asof 30/12/09:


    1) Fuel and Ammo (bullets) % no longer functional for the player's craft as we now have a unique instance of craft. Currently being worked on! Intermediate fix available for 1.47 : ammo fuel management or personal skins selection option in workshops


    2) Craft allocation errors in Esc 154 Esc 154 and Esc 313. - Fixed for Mini Patch 1.47


    3) Trains seen on airfield (rare) - Fixed for Mini Patch 1.47


    4) Personal skin sometimes used by aces - Fixed for Patch 1.47


    5) Jasta 6 missing field - Fixed for Patch 1.47





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