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Everything posted by Rickitycrate


    I updated and had to roll back. It led to a lot of trouble but my rig is good now. Laptop vers. 186.81. All I care about is running OFF and this will do until, if ever, I get a desktop gaming rig.
  2. Boom and zoom with her. You need speed to attack with her as she is not so nimble as the Bebe. Do not bank turn but turn with rudder mostly. It is very challenging to fly the EIII. Time and practice. Good for you for trying.
  3. Hey guys, so I started a new character/campaign flying as Sub-Lieutenant Ritchie Teacrate with C Squadron 1 Wing RNAS. Date: 11 June 1916 St-Pol-sur-Mer in Flanders. Aircraft: Sopwith Strutter 1A2. My original thought was to take pics of the Strutter for the OFF 2-seater thread I had started at SimHQ. As I led the flight from our aerodrome we soon encountered a flight of 6 FE2b's. It got me to wondering how many craft and what types would we come across in the course of our mission to patrol the front. So I decided to keep count and catch them in pictures. Perhaps like many of you I have many times been very impressed by the amount of air activity and the variety of airplanes that appear always in the correct historical timeframe. The result was 28 planes comprised of 6 different types. If you care to see the whole report including the pics please click on the link. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2980010.html#Post2980010
  4. Looking to get a WW1 Sim

    +1, rather well said Tamper.
  5. SE5a won't keep firing

    Hi Toadvine I see you flew over fron SimHQ, welcome! It's great group of guys here and you will find them very helpful but we do get thirsty.
  6. OT Once upon a Time

    Hey, now I feel better. WM those farts will cause problems if you don't let 'em go. I leave the room.
  7. Five Guys Burgers

    We got to eat up our burgers now here in the US. Or squirrel them away. I'm afraid they will be outlawed or luxury taxed to pay for healthcare. Todays burger is tomorrow's cigerette. Please don't hate. I'm just saying.
  8. Satan

    Sounds like someone's having a good and proper row with their "lady love". I feel for you. In my case it's a good thing for me I finally found a job. It will smoothe out mate. There might even be a make-up session in the OFFing. Til then I offer a virtual pint
  9. OT Once upon a Time

    Could have been you WM but for that "touch of Panache!"
  10. How Synchronizing Gear Works

    Well now... maybe it's the abbreviated version. And Uncleal that lambstails shook so fierce it fell right into the frapulator and exnayed the left caboosh panel. So a trip to the partsyard is in order to make my repairs affordable.
  11. British Eh

    Who in their right mind wouldn't like one of those, jeez.
  12. Experimenting with GIMP

    You guys with your talent/ideas amaze me.
  13. The Roland CII "Walfisch" pictured is the craft of Rudolph Windisch and is available to all as it is a stock skin in OFF. The sequence of picks with the pilot dead at the stick were possible because of the ability to view until crash that the devs changed for us some time back. My endless thanks to OBD and I look forward to more of the developers great work in the future.
  14. Olham you've outdone yourself! Wonderful fight with pics to tell the tale, wunderbar! I flew the Walfisch tonight. I was killed but my valiant gunner continued to pour lead into the Nieuport 16 until he too seemed to have enough and broke off pursuit trailing heavy smoke. Great pics everyone. Keep them coming
  15. How Synchronizing Gear Works

    I need to pick up a new sinusuettle dinglearm at Walmart I quess. I was afraid it had crapped out. Oh well. Thanks for the tip Bullethead.
  16. Hi Rich and welcome to OFF and our forum! What you need to do is go to Workshop and click the box in lower right corner the says "Graphics Config" the config box appears and then click File. Click custom settings then okay. The sliders then appear. The top slider "Overall graphics" has no effect. Play around with the slider settings, you will need to fly to see your results. Clouds can safely be set to 1 without losing much effect IMHO. Most important IMHO is to set Aircraft detail and Effects at 5 or as high as you can. Your anti-alias settings will have a big effect on your framerate of course. You can set your display options in that same Config box. When you select your AA it will not show in the selection box you just need to trust it. In short order someone will come along with better advice. Best wishes in your OFFing
  17. Sopwith Production

    The UK Widowmaker theme song perhaps? I give you "Snipe Hunt"!
  18. Wings of War by Rudolph Stark. In this fine work written by Stark who was a pilot and painter you read the German side of things including the the final days of conflict and the hardships the Jastas confronted with all too young pilots and the lack of materials. I found this book fascinating and a nice change from the Brit/US viewpoint. http://www.crossandcockade.com/pdf/Stark.pdf
  19. Now we know, how he looks!

    Very good pics. I will need to get myself a cockpit pooch too.
  20. No Flying For A While, Pranged My Kite !

    I'm sorry for your troubles Lou.
  21. update on the stumper

    Hi Stump, I wish you the very best and will remember you in my prayers.
  22. £1m Question for The OBD skinners

    It has been posted
  23. Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

    I hate to speculate but I will forever be a fan of OBD and whatever measures they take in this regard I will support. I only hope my rig will run P4.
  24. If you could go back in time, would you?

    I would not as I would still be myself. And if I was not myself then what would be the point. I would love to see and hear the planes and pilots though. Lord Nelson, Jesus, Dinosaurs, earliest man and civilizations all these things and many more are part of my enquiring mind. Thus I read and enter into the experience with works of both fiction and fact, as we known it. Important to me. That is why I have such gratitude for the developement of OFF. I had not flown for close to 3 weeks and although I'm still having trouble with my joystick I had some marvelous experiences last night flying the Alb DIII OAW.

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