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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. superpatch

  2. The new patch DM is

  3. Preperations for sundays mp session

    Superpatch "b" announced and will be out soon. HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!
  4. mp session tuesday 8ish edt

    Won't be able to join until 9pm Duck. By then all gremlins should be worked out.
  5. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    I still think your mechanic needs to be transfered Simon. That crate of your was flying like a snail! And boy did you ever get the worst of the ground fire when you and I went or our straffing run! We'll get em' next time!
  6. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Not our Duck - we all know He's a freak of nature!
  7. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Yea, that Duck, you need to watch him! Could cause moral problems. LOL
  8. MY TURN!

    Now I know first hand the frustration people feel when they can't get off to work! Normally I don't have this much trouble but I tried putting OFF on my son's computer and I can't get it to work correctly. On top of that I had to do a reinstall on my computer and now my game is broke! I have worked for two nights for way to many hours on this! Hopefully Duck (if he has the time) will help me out tonight or Saturday so I can get the game back up in time for Sunday! How about it Duck do you have time to help me out?
  9. Yes! We will probably discuss switching today.
  10. MY TURN!

    Wow Duck! I definately don't see that! there must be a key command, something you check or a file that you need to turn that on or off.
  11. MY TURN!

    I'll try to be there at 8pm
  12. Winston's Early Birds canceled

    "If any one ever hosts a game with the medium flight model setting, just let me know and I'll be there." Winston, Just to let you know I run all my games with a medium flight model. So if I ever post a game I will let you know.
  13. I think aircraft with rotary engines should be played with a medium flight model. I don't have a problem flying the Dr1 but that Camel is a b***h to fly for everyone it seems. How bout it Vasco?
  14. Winston's Early Birds canceled

    Well it looks like Vasco has set the guidelines for MP play for the present time. I hope Winston will come back and play based on these new parameters. I know you play other MP sims and it is hard to devote time to something that is broke, but your a good player and we enjoy your banter and participation! Give Sunday another chance. Don't host just play and see if you can get some fun out of it!
  15. PERFECT!! And if anyone wants to fly a QC co-op mission for fun every once in a while let me know and I will find time to host them. Also, if you need an east coaster to host some Sunday missions count me in. My platform seems stable enough to handle the task! Just send me the missions when the time comes.
  16. Winston's Early Birds canceled

    I really liked the Human vs Human campaign with split TS channels yesterday. It made it a little more realistic albeit we shouldn't even HAVE radios but the concept was good. However there are way to many obstacles to overcome in order to get the game to run properly. Co-op missions are all that I ran before but not being extremely proficient in mission builder my missions have minor glitches in them, most of which can be ignored or fixed by someone more knowledgeable. The last missions we flew Sunday were the QC co-op Zepps over Paris and USA vs Europe and everyone had an absolute blast. Maybe we should try some more of those for a while to get everyones zeal up again. I know you guys probably won't like to hear this but, in my opinion we should probably go back to our damage model that was provided to us by Matt until the new Superpatch comes out. But now most people have FB's DM1.2 installed so reverting may be a moot point. It is unfortunate that players are leaving or not willing to give MP a try because of all the glitches with online play. Most are used to playing CFS3 ETO or IL-2 online and have become spoiled by the mostly trouble free online play there. But the reality is OFF will always have it's problems and we will just have to deal with them as they come. If you get frustrated with the game I suggest you take a step back, take a deep breath and remember, IT'S ONLY A GAME!
  17. I have a suggestion to make for today's game that might make things a little more realistic. All pilots EXCEPT for the flight leaders turn off their tac. That way only the flight leader, who would have been a more experienced pilot in RL, can see way points and targets. This would require the flight leaders to issue orders to their flight as to heading, targets, etc. We would still use lables so the flight leader and all other pilots can identify individual pilots by name and issue orders or warnings. What do you think?
  18. Who said you can't fight back in a Gotha! See the wing being shot off the camel!
  19. We need to pin down which damage model we are going to use for MP. Duck and I played around with FB's DM 1.2 last night and then we decided to go back to 1.1 because we didn't know if Winston was going to use it or not. I was not online at the time but after Duck went back to 1.1 and tried to get some new players up and running he was getting aircraft mismatches. I think we need to do a test mission before Sunday to make sure we are all ready. We also need to decide if we are going to stay with one DM and which one or are we going to keep installing new upgrades and use them when one comes out.
  20. the need for a concensus?

    I made skins, both CP and Allied, that some of us use with the D&H logo on them some of us use them in MP and offline. I would love to see a D&H online squadron form to fly in MP missions. We have done it a little but everyone has to have the same A/C files in their game in order to see all the planes wearing the logo.

    That's why I put this post up. Let's nail this down before Sunday. Are you for leaving the game at DM 1.1 OR Are you for upgrading to DM 1.2 VOTE NOW! BE A PART OF DEMOCRACY AT IT'S BEST! LOL

    So everyone needs to upgrade to 1.2 for now then if you want to fly MP with us?
  23. Winston's Early Birds

    If we can get the Damage Model issues worked out I would be glad to host Sunday. I will fly quick co-op missions like I normally do.
  24. the need for a concensus?

    If the person hosting the missions is OK with it then go for it! Also what about going to a separate TS channel for major connection/MP problems someone might have trying to get into a game after a flight has started.
  25. the need for a concensus?

    This is why I suggest tuning into turtorial missions. They are there to discover and weed out problems before scheduled flights.

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