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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Fortiesboys DM 1.2

    Never mind. Figured it out.
  2. Fortiesboys DM 1.2

    The new aircraft DM files only have the .xdp files in them. Is this right? Are we only replacing the .xdp files?
  3. the need for a concensus?

    I don't want to be a jerk about it but there are enough posts in this forum to get people up and running in MP. Except for the few exceptions we have been successful in getting many pilots online with us! I think that if you have not downloaded Teamspeak do not attempt to play in scheduled flights. If you are having trouble with TS join one of the tutorial sessions for help instead. If you don't keep up with the downloads and patches don't use scheduled flights to find that out. Again, join a tutorial session or do your homework on the forum - Ask questions in the forum or PM the host BEFORE the scheduled flight. As far as online etiquite I think 30 minutes to get a game up and running is to long. If multiple pilots are having problems with a game that is being hosted end the game and start a new one. Let's not spend half the session trouble shooting missions. Run Mission testing sessions for that.
  4. You know what they say! You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all of the time!
  5. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    Don't think I will be able to make the game today lads. I have a friend leaving for overseas tomorrow and we're giving him a send off.
  6. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    I installed the new DM and played a little with it last night. It seems to me wings fly off of aircraft way to easy and to often. I know I'm not that good of a shot!
  7. LAN Lag

    One of our regular online pilots has figured out how to convert single player campaign missions into multiplayer campaign missions. You can now fly the same campaign missions you were flying by yourself offline, online with other players as your squad mates. Fly online with us on Sundays and you will be pleased with what we have done with MP campaigns.
  8. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    Can you remove it easily if need be?
  9. Vasco . . Thanks for Hosting !

  10. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    I just pm'd you with my location!
  11. A few problems

    Wait until you get shot down behind enemy lines and are hospitalized in an enemy hospital then POW for the duration! Be careful what you wish for!
  12. Frickin hilarious!!!
  13. What to do for multiplayer after patch 1.31 L

    Oh Great!! Another wrench in the works! That's all we need!
  14. I will be there for the game but not untill around 3pm est. I hope I don't miss to much! See You Then!

    Try the online multiplayer aspect of the game if you really want to have some fun!
  16. I'm back boys! It looks like you have been busy too! Again Stumper has opened more doors for us to make OFF MP more of a desirable aspect of the game! I am glad more people are finding success at hosting as well. It will take the pressure off Duck, Stump and myself in hosting duties. I will have to do a catch-up next time anyone is on TS! OH YES! AND REMEMBER - AXGRINDER STILL WANTS YOU!
  17. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    I hope you will be posting these missions for download so others can host them when you are not able.

    Winston, Got your PM with your number. I asked my wife about Balboa Park and she has heard of it and it sounds cool. When we get settled and figutr out what we are doing I will geve you a shout. I will have a laptop with teamspeak on it so we can communicate that way as well. We will play it by ear! Ax

    Winston, I'll actually be in San Diego all next week! That's where we are going on vacation. My daughter is going to a Marine Biology camp for the week. My wife and the two boys will be hitting the beach! Got any tips of good places to visit? When I get there I can pm you on the laptop and maybe we can meet up somewhere. Wouldn't that be something! Two Off pilots from two opposite coasts meeting up! Axe

    This will work great! I just hope people will remember to check the calendar. Right now everyone goes by what's on the MP forum. We also need some volunteers to host timely sessions that the Europeans can join. And just so everyone is clear, when I run a session I will not run free-for-all dogfights. All my games will be geared towards the cooperation of pilots working together to achieve mutual goals. I will run co-op missions where everyone is on the same side against AI planes and I will fly Team dogfight missions when there are enough people online to have two decent sized teams. And we will start using two channels on TS for these types of games. Most of you have flown in my games already so you know how my MP sessions go.
  21. I have created a team dogfight mission that we may be able to use for our Europe vs USA dogfight and would like to test it starting on Saturday afternoon at 3pm EST! I have put 36 aircraft in the mission but I understand the max limit for online MP in 16 players. I have Fokker Dr1's and Fokker D7F's flying against Se5a Viper's and Camels. Let's see how many people we can pack into this mission. It will give us some idea of where we need to head and what we need to do for future games of this type. I am posting this early so you have time to clear your schedules for this test. Oh! And remember! AXGRINDER WANTS YOU!
  22. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    OK! You have got to love the Camel squadron line-up pic Alpha 8 took. That pic is what an MP online game is all about!
  23. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    I will double check and make sure that the AI planes are veterans and aces.
  24. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    Great pics guys! If the pics of us going after the ship doesn't wet peoples whistles to fly online I don't know what will. I really appreciate everyone's participation in today's session. It makes hosting games a lot more fun!
  25. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    GAME IS DOWN!!!! 10 PEOPLE ONLINE THIS SESSION. ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION OR TEAMSPEAK ISSUES!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE! I think the Dogfight mission was a great success except for Bala being the only pilot from across the pond. Maybe next time? I will be on vacation from the 18th thru the 27th of june so it will be up to one of our other pilots to host an afternoon game on the 20th for our British friend(s). Sitting Duck is good for some evening games for the USA pilots. Check the posts here for game info frequently. Sometimes they pop up at the last minute. OH, and remember - AXGRINDER WANTS YOU!

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