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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    The IP for this afternoons dogfight is: Please write it down. If anyone else hosts this afternoon they will give their IP over Teamspeak.
  2. Anybody recognize these...?

    I would be interested to know where you two got your versions or CFS3? And, are they the Microsoft or Ubisoft versions upgraded to the final version?
  3. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    He can help you with TS as well. You are able to chat on TS even if you can't hear each other.
  4. I will be on TS at 8 pm EST for anyone brave enough to fly tonight. I will run a few missions plus if we get enough people a team dogfight in preparation for Saturday. I will give the host IP on Teamspeak. Hope to see you tonight! REMEMBER! AXGRINDER WANTS YOU!
  5. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    Any way you and Bala can get together on TS to make sure you are OK for Saturday?
  6. 6/9 mp game

    Duck, I took out the AX N17 and I put the updated missions on the D&H site. Also, get rid of the Boys of 60 campaign mission 5. There are features in there that I don't have.
  7. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    Well Bala, there doesn't seem to be much of a response to this post. I hope we can at least get what's turning out to be our regulars to show up Saturday! Duck, Joker, Alpha8 and I flew the mission and it looks like it has some good possibilities.
  8. 6/9 mp game

    Wouldn't it be the same as me putting the plane on the 3rd party download site here?
  9. 6/9 mp game

    I don't have a problem at all with Matt putting the Ax Special in his installer if he wishes. But to save confusion I will exchange the plane with a normal N17 in those missions when I get a chance. I'm with you in making the process as painless as possible.
  10. Why do I get he feeling that duck would get the short end of the stick in that deal! Besides, I hear he's pretty tough and stringy!
  11. 6/9 mp game

    The Ax plane is available for download on the D&H site. BTY Sorry I had to bail on you last night. Do you want to try again tonight? I am not flying IL-2 tonight so I wont bail on you!
  12. Well done Gentleman...

    Join in a multiplayer game and you will know for sure you've found a replacement for RB3d!
  13. Required files for MP Games

    Yes, absolutely! Let's make sure the right files are here! Can the administrators give us a hand please? Leave the info on Teamspeak, it is correct.
  14. First of all let me say that this post is not in any way directed toward any one person that joins my OFF mp sessions. It is only some observations and general requests I would like to ask of any pilot when they join my online games. We now have many people that Join in MP games now so we will be dealing with allot of personality types. Please be respectful of this. Please do not ridicule, chide or admonish any of the pilots in any way for their skills regarding flying or computer skills. Let's try and keep our interactions civilized. When a session or game is starting please keep the radio chatter to a minimum until we get everyone up and running online that way we don't have to wait or try to talk over anyone if there is a problem. If you need to discuss a matter of length on something other than getting the game up and running please wait or create another channel and carry on your conversation there. If there is something that all the pilots need to know please wait until the appropriate time to relay the message over the radio. Everyone that joins will have different levels of skill when it comes to computer hardware and software. Please be respectfull of that. We have pilots that are computer engineers and pilots that do not understand the advanced workings of hardware and software. Please do not get offended if someone offers up advice on any matter regarding computer or game problems. Everyone here does their best to solve any problems reagrding joining MP games or other computer issues that help make OFF run as smooth as possible. When a co-op mission is run please join the appropriate side. Allied mission - join allies, and visa versa. If you are shot down and there are no friendly planes left to take, you may take an enemy aircraft if it is availlable. But please- DO NOT ENGAGE IN ACTIVE COMBAT!! - you may use the enemy aircraft to fly around and observe the mission being played, that is all. Sorry, but I don't want anymore pilots shot down by a buddy while landing their plane after a successful mission. During Team Dogfight games please chose the appropriate aircraft. It gets a little confusing when your opponent is flying the same type of aircraft as you. During Free-for-all dogfights you can of course fly what you want. Well that's it! I hope everyone understands my reasons for these requests and will do their best to honor them. If anyone has any other MP comments or constructive suggestions that will help our growing OFF MP community remain an enjoyable, stress free experience please feel free to ad to my list. Thanks guys! I hope to see more off you in the skies soon. REMEMBER - AXGRINDER WANTS YOU!
  15. Axgrinder's Multiplayer Request

    That's why it says Axgrinder's requests for MP. I can't tell other people how to host their own missions. But when I host I hope people honor my requests, and I believe they will.
  16. Europeans V American's MP

    Check TS tonight starting around 8ish EST. Someone might put up a game. Don't know yet if I am able to host today so I haven't put out the call.
  17. now this is progress

    I mentioned this too somewhere Duck.
  18. Europeans V American's MP

    DAMN UKW! LOOK WHAT YOU STARTED! Don't worry, if and when this happens it will be on the weekend. Most likely on a Saturday.
  19. Screens from Sunday MP game

    HEY! How come I wasn't a part of this one! LOL
  20. Europeans V American's MP

    OH! I AM LIKING THIS! 2PM EST = 7PM LONDON TIME I BELIEVE! I would be willing to create a MP mission with two opposing squads of aircraft. Maybe a two seater thrown in on each side for an escort type scenario. Then we wouldn't have to use the Team dogfight feature and the game would run better. We would set up two channels on TS for each side. THIS COULD BE GOOD!
  21. I am working on that aspect of the MP experience right now. I have been tinkering with MP team dogfight/co-op missions with multiple underlying mission goals.
  22. I have found that even with cable as long as you use the dogfight or team dogfight feature of OFF MP there will still be some stutter and lag. Planes will also act somewhat erratic. You will see someone in front of you yet they shoot you from behind, planes will look like they are flying backwards things like that. The weird thing is hosted missions seem to run better, less lag and good FPS. Don't know! I believe Madmatt is looking into it.
  23. now this is progress

    Eric, The way I see it is if a dedicated server is to be set up it will have to be like the RB3d server, strictly dogfights. I don't know of any way to run co-op missions on a dedicated server unless the administrator would be able to put up a mission that would run at a certain time. Otherwise we would be limited to a game like Rb3d again and groups of pilots would form squads and challenge each other to dogfights for bragging rights. Anyway I'm not familiar with running a dedicated server so someone else with that experience will have to fill in the blanks. As for my preference, I would like to run a mix of team dogfights and co-op missions. I know the boys that fly with me in the D&H squad would be glad to challenge other squads in a dogfight over France!
  24. now this is progress

    I have already built an online mission like this. We tested it Saturday morning and ran into some problems so I am ironing out some of the quirks. Neither side made it to the objective. Both squads of planes were all decimated by spawning enemy aircraft while taking off! I hope to test it out again next time I run a session. The basic premis of the mission is as follows: Half the online players pick allied planes and the other German. The Germans have a forward observation post that the Brits are trying to overun and take over. The Brits have sent troops and aircraft to drive the Germans from the area. SE5a's have been sent as cover for the troops and to bomb the German postion. The Germans must defend this critical forward position! Reinforcements of German troops are on their way to repel the Britsish offensive. D7's have been sent to give the German troops air cover and turn back any Allied aircraft! So you have the potential for a great dogfight over a bloody ground battle with the underlying mission of taking or keeping the observation post by either side. How's that sound? I hope I have worked out the kinks from the first test! If not I will keep working on it till I get it right.

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