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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Be2c Bombing

    I would think that you guys with TrakIR would be able to look straight down over the side of your aircraft and spot the the target then drop your bombs when you are just about over the target.
  2. Vimy Ridge Memorial

    Hitler even forbade it being destroyed during WW2.
  3. sunday 12-14 session

    Why do you want my video card?
  4. sunday 12-14 session

    I actually came in on a very steep dive then pulled up sharp at the last second. Could the inertia of the climb have pushed the bomb forward? Get out your slide rulers!
  5. Football 0 Rugby 1

    I grew up in Germany (Moms German, Dads US Airforce) so i was raised with both Soccer and U.S Football. All my cousins in Germany played soccer, My wife played soccer and all my kids play soccer. I love Football for it's brute force intensity. It's like two armies slugging it out on a battlefield. Very American in it's attitude. If it don't work give it a good bashing! I like soccer for it's finesse and technique It's like watching an aerial battle with planes jockeying for position to get that perfect shot. the game is very indicative of the European attitude. Detailed and deliberate in everything.
  6. MP testing needed on Stumps new N-17 Bis

    Would have liked to be a part part of the testing last few nights but I have been trying to fix a busted water heater! Glad to hear you got a viable aircraft! Good job guys!
  7. MP testing needed on Stumps new N-17 Bis

    Winston, I may not make Saturday's flight. If I can get on it won't be until closer to 3pm est.
  8. Rockets for HitR N-17 bis

    Cool! I hope it works.
  9. Sat 2-6 session

    Some pic Duck! I've never seen part of the canvas rip off like that before! You're lucky you didn't lose your wing mid-flight.
  10. Some pic's from tonights missions

    More pics from Saturday! Heading home at dusk. Parked and safe at home in the glow of the sunset. Winstons Early Birds back from another successful sortie!
  11. testing

    Ah yes! Dogfight mode our biggest problem.
  12. mp tues 2-2

    Couldn't last night Duck. I'll try and check in tonight!
  13. Whats up with european OFFERs

    Wow Simon, USB headphones? pretty cool! I wish i had USB wireless headphones. I should look into that.
  14. Whats up with european OFFERs

    I'm glad to see there are some positive responses by you guys across the pond! Lots of us regular MPer's have tried to coax you over with little or no luck. Maybe Winston will have better luck. As I have said many times before once you try it you will be hooked. I know this won't happen to most, but, once I got online with MP I don't play the game in SP mode anymore. To quiet! I love the Human aspect of MP games. Nice shot Mate, Watch your six Winston, That sort of thing. Very enjoyable.
  15. alosmt back up

    Check your PM Stumper.
  16. Winstons Saterday MP session

    More pics from Saturday.
  17. up and running

    If we can get some guys on tonight we can give it a try. Say 7:30 my time?
  18. up and running

    We can do that Winston. I have gone in and edited all the mission after some additional research. I have taken out some incorrect aircraft and added others that were present at the battle. I don't want to give out to much but, remember Jasta 2?
  19. Top 5 aircraft for next OFF installment

    1. Moraine Saulnier (L & N Model) 2. Albatross C2 3. Taube 4. Pfalz E IV 5. Junkers (single & two seater) Then i would be a happy camper!
  20. up and running

    I've still got Vimy Ridge day 3 and 4 waiting in the wings.
  21. ts

    Sorry GB, I was flying IL2 last night.
  22. ts

    I'll be around tomorrow PM as well.
  23. Winston's Saturday MP sessions

    That's right he's west coast. he's behind. Duh! Boy I feel like a Homer Simpson
  24. verizon router

    See you tonight!
  25. verizon router

    You flying tonight?

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