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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Map idea

    The grid is a fantastic idea guys! That is what we use when flying IL2 online and you cant beat it. Simply call out a grid coordinate and everyone knows where you are at or you know exactly where someone else is. Now if we can get one of our computer savy guys to work it out - hint, hint.
  2. more naval fun

    Naw! You get your rear gunner to get out and give it a push!
  3. more naval fun

    OH NO! There goes Stumpers Moonshine!
  4. A Bridge Too Far.rar

    I changed the N17's to Bristol Scouts. I wanted to make this an early war mission. But to answer your question I don't know if the scouts will continue to attack. I guess we can find out together! I've got the feeling it's going to be hard enough to bomb London with Zepps!
  5. tues 11-24 session

    GB, Go into OFF Manager Workshop and do a Restore OFF Default in the lower left corner. Do this before the next time you try and join a MP game.
  6. A Bridge Too Far.rar

    I just flew the bridge too far scenario. Very cool! Great MP game Duck! Lots of good action! BRAVO!
  7. ts message

    It's up - Just joined.
  8. ts message

    I got it from Dutch Sunday. I will PM it to you tonight.
  9. A Bridge Too Far.rar

    I have one done. Early Zepp bomb mission into London facing N17's. When do you want to fly it? Tuesday maybe? There are four Zepps taotal. We start at the coast of England, fly in and bomb London, then try and make it out and back to Calais to land.
  10. tues 11-24 session

    Cool! I will have to download them. BTW: Pd is inquiring the Boys of 60 on who still has OFF installed on their computer. Do you think he is jonezing for a WW1 fix?
  11. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Sorry I missed it guys but RL got in the way. I was dealing with 2 backed up kitchen sinks! I may not be playing next Sunday either. I'm probably going to the Bengals vs Browns game.
  12. Here are a couple of picks from recent missions with Vasco's boys. Here is some tight formation flying we were practicing ealier this week. Here is Stumper puting the old crate away after a mission.
  13. Dawns early light

    We have flown this mission PD. It's great! Manny is a b**ch to shoot down. Lothar on the other hand.....See ya!
  14. gotha nite

  15. gotha nite

    I don't think Vasco want's to take a break!
  16. gotha nite

    Stumper, I have a couple of Gotha missions also. I do have a Gotha practice mission It's bombing ships right off the coast. We've flown it before and it's a good way to learn the Gotha. I could send it to you if you want. Let me know!
  17. mp session wed 11-12

    I had to do that also Duck. I put mine at 1.5 just to be sure!
  18. I have a training mission built for tuesday, 11,17,09. I will be online at 7:30 pm edt ready to fly. We will practice take off, navigation, formation flying, dog fight tactics, RTB and landing. We will all be flying Fokker DVa's so no one will have any advantages or disadvantages as far as aircraft goes. This a short patrol mission so we can patrol the front lines and do what we need to do! PLEASE READ THE MISSION BRIEFING WHEN YOU GET INTO THE GAME! See you then.
  19. Vasco's Volunteers Training Mission

    Sorry guys! Flying IL2 tonight.
  20. Vasco's Volunteers Training Mission

    Thanks to everyone that showed up last night! I think all of you are more than ready for Sunday! If we can just keep AV8er from joining the wrong side!
  21. oohhh i got it !

    Try multiplayer online. You won't regret it!
  22. Vasco's Volunteers Training Mission

    Sorry! I meant Albatross DVa. I was tired!
  23. We've missed you around here Matt! We have a nice Sunday MP campaign session going that seems to be going well!
  24. Sunday Funday Funnies

    I will put together a quick take off, form up, patrol and land practice mission for Tuesday with Duck's permission of course! Unless he already has one in the works.
  25. Great stuff fellas!

    I have no idea what happened to me in that second mission Mack! My computer froze for a split second and the next thing I'm in a Dr1. No messages relaying aircraft damage or pilot death!? I am going with flak, normally you get a message that your pilot was killed but I didn't this time. Next Week I hope will be better!

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