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Herr Prop-Wasche

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Everything posted by Herr Prop-Wasche

  1. HPW's FM werks

    Hi Madmatt. Great to "read" your voice again, old chap! Don't feel bad about not being around much since 2009--I haven't posted on the Battlefront Boards for ages, although I still lurk there on occasion. I'm not nearly the grognard that I thought I was, I guess. I'm also not too much into the modern theatre of operations stuff and prefer my WWI and WWII sims and games. Are you still involved with Battlefront? Glad that you appreciate the mod. It helps that Microsloth made the FM files text readable, otherwise I would have a very hard time deciphering all that hex code! Are you a Reds fan? I'm a Cardinals fan (from my father) myself, even though I grew up and now live in S.W. Ohio again. We should have a get together of area board members at a Red's game or at the Air Force museum sometime. Dave, one of this board's mods, actually lives only a mile or so from the Air Force museum himself. In fact, he is having a cookout at his place this labor day, I think. I told him I would attend. I'm sure anyone else within driving distance who reads this forum would be welcome too. BTW, love your avatar! Is that your kitty or a generic one? And, is that a frog face?
  2. Problem with AI Weight Mod

    The AI has put on a few too many extra pounds in the AI weight mod and can't get over the trees at the end of certain airfields. This will be fixed soon. Please stay tuned.
  3. Imagine

    "Imagine" that P2 was released today!
  4. Help needed......

    Red- I am working (still) on a combined FM and AI weight mod that will allow you to fly with both the FM changes and increased weight for the AI. I know I've been saying for at least a week or two that it will be ready any day now, but I have been extremely busy with real life lately. All I have to do is patch together the various files, so I really do hope to have something very soon, so I hope that you and everyone else will continue to be patient.
  5. As you might guess, I have done a lot of testing using QC, and I have found that the AI cannot see through the clouds on a setting of "3" or higher. So, if the clouds (especially in heavy weather) are slowing down your frame rates, you might benefit from lowering your clouds to 3 after all.
  6. Help needed......

    RP, Are you using any mods in your 1916 N11 career?
  7. HPW's FM werks

    Madmatt-- Is this Cincinnati Madmatt, of Battlefront and Combat Mission fame? It is an honor that you have tried and liked my mod. Thank you, Sir! Kaische-- Glad you like it so far! It does make it more fun to fly, I think. The flat spin adds a tactical advantage you don't get with the other planes. Unfortunately, the AI doesn't seem to know how to take advantage of it. I'll have to try a QC against an ace flying a Dr1 and see what he can do!
  8. OT: iPhone Goodness

    Get well soon, Capt. S!
  9. HiTR questions

    Welcome to the madness, Golden Eagle!
  10. Jesus V Satan - Computer joke

    Rim shot!
  11. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    WM-- Does this now make you one of the "Pet Shop Boys?"
  12. Check In

    Cool. Will check it out. Signing out from Dayton, OH. HPW
  13. Taps for Multiplayer

    Fair points, von B. I didn't particpate enogh to be aware of the problems that you mentioned. Unfortunately, they sound like they are CFS3 engine related and so probably not much can be done about them by the OFF team--at least until they find a new game engine or become fantastically wealthy enough to buy one of their own!
  14. Latest FM/DM Combos?

    I hear you, HW. Thank goodness for JSGME. Did you ever play Silent Hunter 3? The number of mods for that game are probably in the hundreds or even thousands. There were once so many that a group of modders combined some of the best and created a Superpack out of it. The download was so large that it had to be in 6 parts!
  15. HPW's FM werks

    I don't mean to troll, but any reviews yet for my revised Dr1? Now is the time to speak up, before I release the Dr1 along with the rest of my revised FM. Even if you are completely satisfied or dissatisfied with the Dr1, all feedback helps me make the FMs for all the other planes better, so fire away!
  16. Taps for Multiplayer

    I don't know if I agree that multiplayer is permanently dead. I agree that it is pretty much dead in P3, but I still hold out hope for P4. Chances are, there will be a lot of renewed interest in multiplayer after P4 comes out and the reviews are in. How long that interest lasts is another story.
  17. My guess would be that that particular squadron does not possess the Alb DIII_early at that date in the war--at least as defined by the squadron roster which I believe is a hidden game file and not accessible to the player. Also remember that in P3, your flight cannot have a mix of different aircraft, so it prohibits you flying with an Albatross while the rest of your flight or squadron has another plane. This restriction is eliminated in P4, I believe.
  18. HiTR questions

    At that price, there really is no excuse not to buy it. Plus, every purchase makes it more likely there will be a P5 after P4. A win win.
  19. HiTR questions

    HITR costs less than dinner at a nice restaurant, redpiano. Well worth the price (and lasts a lot longer)! Also, keep in mind that P4 is probably still several months away.
  20. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Seek your bliss, that's what I've heard, anyway. It's nice to actually hear about someone who has been able to find exactly that! Congrats, WM! I've noticed that our 4-legged friends seem to be much more appreciative of us than many of our 2-legged ones!
  21. Latest FM/DM Combos?

    The FM mods have nothing to do with the AI crashing into the trees problem, it is the empty weight for some of the two seaters being set a little too high in the AI Weight mod that causes the problem. After I release my FM mod, I will release a combined FM/AI Weight mod that will be based on the ramp weight of each plane rather than the loaded weight of the plane, as it currently is in the AI Empty Weight mod. The difference ranges from around 150 to 400 pounds for most AI aircraft and keeps the AI from crashing into the trees at the end of the airfield. I hope to have the FM and AI weight tweaks done no later than the end of next week.
  22. To be fair, I'm not sure what he means, either, Olham!
  23. What's in Your Local Museum?

  24. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Exciting rumblings! Wars and rumours of war...we can only hope!
  25. Latest FM/DM Combos?

    Whew, I get a little confused myself sometimes with all the various mods! My latest mod is the FM mod for the DR1, which adds a flat turn to the DR1's bag of tricks. As of today, it is not compatible with 33Lima's AI Weight mod, but I hope to release a combined HPW FM mod and AI Weight mod a few days after I release an update to both my German and Allied FM mods. The update to the German FM mod will add the Fokker EIII, Fokker DR1, Fokker EV, and Roland, with a major update to the Pfalz DIII, and minor updates to the Albatross series. The Allied FM update will contain mainly minor updates to the Sopwith Pup (80 HP and 100 HP versions), Sopwith Tripe, Spad VII (150 HP and 180 HP versions), Spad XIII (3 versions), Neiuport 28, along with the RAF Re8, as well as a wing contact point fix for the Camel. My latest DM is still the Ultimate Damage mod version 1.25. After I finish with the FM work, I will be issuing a minor DM update to make the EIII a little less durable than it is currently. In the present DM, the wings and fuselage seem to be a little too tough. I also have a couple of separate gun mods which increase the bullet spread for front or rear guns. The front gun mod effects both human and AI players, while the rear gun mod only effects the AI gunner. An important note about installing the gun mods is that you have to create a separate JSGME installation inside the OBD Software folder instead of the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields sub-folder because they alter the gun settings in Workshop. Of course, I also have a few miscellaneous mods, including a HPW news mod and a HPW skies and HPW weather mod. The news mod is self-explanatory, while the HPW skies mod adds one or two cloud types and makes the good weather somewhat "nicer," and the variable weather somewhat more "variable," while the HPW weather mod alters the mission frequency based on factors such as year and whether you are in an active or quiet part of the front--a lot like Bletchley's mod. Other mods I would recommend include Creaghorn's sound mods, 33Lima's Arc mod for two seaters, 33Lima's flak mod (decreases lethality while tightening the spread of flak in the sky), and, of course, all the various skins. I'm sure there are others, but I can't recall them at the moment. My apologies, fellow modders!

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