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Everything posted by Over50

  1. Many thanks Olham. I'm not a regular here (just a casual- but not arcade - simmer) with just occasional posts, unlike yourself as one of the long-timers with posts dating back prior to the OFF forum moving to CombatACE. FWIW I'm currently running my in-game graphics at "3" global but will try lowering the scenery detail in the game setup. As for Vsync I run with it forced on in every game I play with my 24" 1920x1200 resolution monitor. Obviously I was hoping for a more definitive solution but per your comments apparently a "fix" for the tearing was never found. Other than being a bit of an immersion killer I can live with it, but again, I was hoping for a work-around. I'm flying numerous sims including FSX, RoF and the entire IL2 series and OFF is the only game where the image tearing appears with TIR - and having the latest TIR5 offering and driver the problem has to be with the CFS3 to OFF coding overlay. Oh well....
  2. Haven't been active here or played OFF in a long time (early this year). In the interim I've added a second GPU (GTX 260-216 SC) to run SLI but apparently OFF doesn't recognize SLI as only one card shows a temp increase (using Evga's Precision temp/OC applet). I seached the forum before posting but didn't find a definitive answer. Would appreciate a yeah or nay on SLI with OFF and how to enable it if it does support it. Thanks in advance!
  3. Does OFF support SLI ?

    With all due respect, having just finished a new build with a Evga x58 TRI SLI mobo and I7-930 processor (and OC'd from the default 2.8 GHz) running W7 x64 suffice to say I'm fully knowledgeable of the alternative rendering modes in the Nvidia SLI settings(none of which are true SLI where they just split the rendering between the GPU's), I do know how to activate "Show SLI visual Indicator", and I did state in my post I tried the cfs3.exe.....
  4. I've looked through the FAQ and Q&A and haven't found this mentioned: (1) Can the CFS3 installation be removed once OFF is installed ? (2) or is it needed to run OFF as well as for periodic OFF patches/updates? (I understand the CFS3 CD must be in the drive to play OFF)
  5. Thanks for the confirmation. I remember the question being asked shortly after I joined (and it may have been me...can't remember... ) the OFF forum but couldn't find it the posts around that time. I don't have the 3.1 CD version (or the DVD) thus I needed to load it and patch to 3.1 before installing OFF.
  6. When I first installed OFF a year ago I swear there was Vsync option in the Workshop offerings. Having just resinstalled the game again and patched to 1.32g because I had to reload (fresh) XP last month I don't see a Vsnc option in the OFF Workshop. Was I wrong in the first place - or - was it removed from the options ??
  7. ...and in a Fokker on your tail I assume... (smile)
  8. um....would 70 (me) qualify? (the Over50 user name was/is purely intentional...like, not wanting to admit to being this OLD for fear some young whippersnapper would FedEx me some warm milk......smile...)
  9. Ah so, kinda' figured this might be the case. Thanks for the comment...
  10. Thanks for the reply...and having dual GTX 260-216 SC's I'm aware of the Nvidia Control Panel Vsync. So, in effect what you're confirming is OFF doesn't (and never did) have a Vsync option. Man I swear it used to be in the far left menu in Workshop....guess that means my mind is going.. As for "Uncle Al"...and not being a regular visitor, I haven't had the pleasure. But I do remember OFF being booted from it's previous host because some people couldn't keep a civil tongue in their mouth (and I'm being gracious with this comment) so I would hope your description of "Uncle Al" was in jest...
  11. Does OFF support SLI ?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I do have my monitor connected to the primary card (slot) and running DVI. The lack of SLI recognition is only with OFF. All other current games that I have/play, from FPS's to MS 2004 and FSX all run in and benefit from SLI mode. In my opinion, because OFF is a CFS3 mod it uses OFFManager.exe as the executable vs CFS3.exe directly, thus preventing setting up a SLI profile that requires referencing a game's .exe to create it. And for the record I tried using both .exe's to set up a SLI profile w/o success. SLI would enable running the game at near or max settings at playable frame rates (in particular on or close to ground level) whereas with just one of my GTX 260-216 SC cards I have to run at global "3" setting to average above 40 fps sitting on the ground (and avg 90 at altitude). As I posted earlier, I can bring both cards in to play by enabling split frame rendering in the Nvidia 3D control panel but they aren't running true SLI based on the lower frame rate I get this way compared to the frame rate running with just one card. All said, the game looks and plays good at a global (3) graphics setting with just one GTX 260-216 SC - and Vsync forced off - with a plus 40 to plus 100 frame rate range so it isn't like I can't enjoy what OFF has to offer. Just that SLI would have made it even better. Aside from SLI, the (2) major factors I found that affects frame have been (1) OC'ing my E8400 to 3.6 GHz and (2) forcing Vsync off. Prior to doing this (after I initially installed the game) my frame rates topped out at 60 with lows in the single digits sitting on the ground.
  12. Does OFF support SLI ?

    For comparison to what I'm seeing with just the one GTX 260-216 SC GPU (fps ranges from 50's to above 90 at altitude with all settings at 3) what is your fps with SLI enabled in OFF and with it disabled? EDIT: I just found that by enabling "force split frame rendering" in the Nvidia control panel 3D settings both GPU's are being used.....but still not SLI, in that selecting this option simply splits the frame rendering between both cards vs true SLI. In fact, my fps (using FRAPS) running this way utilizing both cards was much lower than running with just one GPU at the same global display settings of 3.
  13. Does OFF support SLI ?

    I'm curious how you can determine if the game is actually running SLI aside from just enabling it on in the ATI control panel. With Nvidia, SLI can be turned on or off in the driver control panel which I assume is similar to what you describe for ATI's (Crossfire) method of enabling SLI. But also included with the Nvidia SLI control panel options is the ability to enable a vertically aligned half inch wide SLI performance bar that sits about 3 inches in from the left side of the monitor during game play that will confirm the game is running SLI by the (1) display of the bar itself and (2) the displacement of a green shaded area up and down from center within the bar. The greater the displacement from center the better the SLI performance. The caveat is turning on/enabling SLI in the control panel does not mean all games will - or can - recognize SLI, be it dual, tri or quad GPU. But with OFF as I mentioned even creating a SLI profile - meaning specifying the 3D parameters and SLI application method - won't work because, as I suspect, the OFFmanager.exe is not the core CFS3 game executable.
  14. Does OFF support SLI ?

    Just to comment, I can find no way to enable SLI. I checked the Nvidia SLI (web site) capable game list and CFS3 is not listed (FS2004 and FSX are). I tried repeatedly to create a SLI profile using the OFFmanager.exe per the procedure outlined on the web site but it wouldn't work - which I suspect is because OFF is a mod of CFS3 and the fact the OFFmanager.exe is not the core game .exe that the Nvidia SLI enable procedure speaks to. I even tried using the CFS3.exe listed in the OFF game folder with no success. Based on the fact I wasn't able to create a OFF SLI-enable profile using Nvidia's specific procedure I have to conclude that OFF isn't SLI capable. As an aside, I PM'd POV and he replied he didn't know whether OFF supports SLI, but that if CFS3 did he assumed OFF would as well - but as I've found, doesn't, nor can a SLI profile be created. This is the Nvidia SLI link if anyone else would like to try their luck: http://www.slizone.com/page/slizone_appprofile.html
  15. Does OFF support SLI ?

    Thanks for the link....(and I saw it in my search for "SLI" in the forum) but the posts don't specify "how" to enable it with OFF. It isn't a matter of whether my Evga 750i FTW mobo supports SLI - it does - and I have SLI enabled (Nvidia Control Panel) with corresponding performance increases in all other current games I have.
  16. CH FlightSim Yoke

    Just for the heck of it I emailed CH support and received this reply today.. Sir, CH yokes are designed to be used with no lubrication whatsoever. The different plastics which comprise the shaft and bushings are such that they will allow smooth operation when clean. To clean the shafts on our yokes we recommend the use of rubbing alcohol to both clean the shaft and wick out any moisture, if in the event this proves to be insufficient you may try dry graphite power on the shaft. Michael Sexton CH Products - Tech Support Supervisor
  17. CH FlightSim Yoke

    Found this at the CH forum that may help: "Like others, my yoke worked fine for about 2 hours and then began to get sticky in pitch. I tried a variety of things to fix it including vaseline, wd40, silicone spray and cleaning with alcohol, but nothing really helped. Then I found a reference to a dry lubricant which solved the problem. It's made by Gunk and called "Liquid Wrench Dry Lubricant" part no. L512. I got mine at Home Depot. Push in the yoke and spray the shaft in the back, then pull it out and spray the shaft in the front. The carrier evaporates and leaves a dry ceramic-teflon lubricant residue. I sprayed two coats on and have put about 8 hours flight time on it and it still works like new with no sticking. If necessary, it cleans off with rubbing alcohol."
  18. Finally Got in

  19. Finally Got in

    Considering what you've already spent on memory, etc., for another $10 plus shipping you can get a new CFS3 copy from Amazon to put that concern/possibility to bed. Again, you've demonstrated nearly boundless patience with this (3 month) exercise in futility as it is. My earlier post referencing the numerous suggestions to date ranging to the extreme - none of which have identified your problem - reflects the limits of my tolerance were it me. While well intentioned, the term "over engineered" comes to mind with some suggestions, when in reality most computer software/hardware problems once resolved turn out to be pretty basic. The farther out the suggestions become the greater the chance up creating problems that didn't exist before. But all said and done, it IS your situation to deal with and not my opinion that matters.
  20. Finally Got in

    Joker.. Keep in mind your crash problem is ONLY with this game. Rather than continue to beat yourself up, after 3 months and everything you've tried/been suggested up to now, the fact you were able to play the game w/o problems by simply deleting the uisel file (which others with the crash problem did to get around it per the link) then just repeat the process to get back to that state then call it good. Or, continue with this exercise in frustration/futility on the remote chance someone will come up with the solution that after 3 months no one has so far..
  21. Finally Got in

    Just 2 slots (2x2GB) occupied. But my reason for the comment was to denote you can raise the FSB to OC the processor without correspondingly ramping up the mem speed if you select unlinked. Fact is I've had mine up to 3.9 (on air) and stable (albeit after bumping up the processor voltage a bit from default). Just didn't see enough actual game performance benefit between 3.6 and 3.9 GHz to warrant the higher failure risk so just run at the lower/safer 3.6. All this said, if I remember correctly the OP is not/has not OC'd anything on his system. But his problem may very well be related to populating all four slots with the particular/odd default timing value of the memory he's using.
  22. Finally Got in

    Just to comment, I have my E8400 OC'd to 3.6GHz and the memory speed does NOT ramp up if you unlink the memory from the FSB speed via the available BIOS option - which I do. And I've had zero performance problems in any game I play including OFF.
  23. Finally Got in

    Yeah, I can believe it. I've been using Driver Cleaner (saved to a thumb drive while it was still freeware..) since I first learned of it way back when. And I've never had a graphics update driver issue. None. Whether this app or the more recent (and freeware) Driver Sweeper it's a good tool to use to find and remove the orphaned/leftover driver files most uninstallers leave behind.
  24. Finally Got in

    I just happen to run across this doing a search for CFS3 crashes. You might give it a try and see what happens..
  25. Bloody buggering hell.

    Many thanks to Olham, HomeBoy and Bullethead for the additional input (and the profile link). Based on what you've posted and the fact my computer glasses are prescription with total mid-range ability and full side to side view focus in the upper 2/3's of the lenses (with bottom 1/3 a closeup focal point) these should be ok. I'll revisit the TIR web site in particular the Pro Clip attachment - which I thought I read was only compatible with earlier versions of TIR. Again my appologies (and thanks) to Siggi for hijacking his thread with my TIR questions!

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