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Posts posted by Rooster89

  1. I never played Wings before and after reading some of the diary, I really wanted to give it a try. So I found Winuae Amiga emulator online and downloaded it and tried to set it up, only to find you need to buy the kickstart ROMs to even use the thing. I only wanted to try playing Wings so I gave up, saying "guess I'll never play that one."


    But then I remembered seeing a game called Wings (that had a screenshot almost exactly the same as the one Jarhead posted) available for the Gameboy Advance. So I downloaded a Gameboy Advance emulator and Wings. Im not sure if its exactly the same as the Wings you fellas know, but it has to be really close. Give it a try if you want.


    Gameboy Advance emulator- http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gba/vboyadvance.html


    Wings- http://www.coolrom.com/roms/gba/14337/Wings.php


    Just place the Wings files into the VisualBoyAdvance folder and then start the emulator. Go to file/open, then select wings.


    have fun,




  2. Ahh good memories with that old game. It was my first ever game. I remember the day I got it. And a red and black logitech joystick. That game is the sole reason why I got interested in WW1 aviation. Just hearing the intro music brings a tear to my eye from all the good times I had with her. One of my favorite parts was that as you earned medals you got to see them shimmering on your pilots chest.




    I swear that New Standard still has my fingerprints in it's cowling

    Great experience! good.gif


    Yep, theyre still there Duce, lol. My first ever airplane ride was in that plane. Its a blast when the pilot fires up the engine and thats all you can hear, rumbling down the grass field to take off. Then flying around over the Hudson, wind whistling through the wires and slapping your face. Somehow it just feels right.



  4. Hey Duce, its actually not that hard at all. Just go to C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots. Then open up the pilot dossier for your current pilot and scroll down. You'll see a list of names and ranks of the pilots in your squadron. Just substitute the names you want (be sure not to delete any semi-colons and the like) and save as, and youre good to go.





  5. I don't have trouble entering into the pilot roll

    I only enlist 1 pilot at a time so it's him or nothing

    Where I find trouble is with my wingmen

    If I have a successful pilot, I know the wingies all by name

    If I spot them in trouble I feel that urge to protect them

    ...or fly past bad odds

    If I'm knocking off 1 pilot after nother, I don't feel part of the squadron

    I've thought of suggesting an option to retain wingies names from 1 career to the next


    In order to get the feeling like I'm part of the squadron I like to change all the names of the pilots in my squadron (except for historical ones) into names of friends in RL. Its kinda depressing though when you go to the duty room and see the list of pilots and find all your friends are dead.




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