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Everything posted by Rooster89

  1. best turn out yet on mp

    Good fun. Hopefully next time I'll have my gotha files straight.....oh and my mic working too. -Rooster

    Hope to see you guys there. -Rooster
  3. Real Victory Confirmations

    I can second that the book is a great read. Dont hesitate to pick it up if you can find it. IMO Udet led one of the most exciting and interesting lives, second only to Rickenbacker's. -Rooster
  4. guest apperance by off team memebr

    Wow. Looks like OvS won the war single-handedly. The first pic says he destroyed the whole RAF! -Rooster
  5. OT: WWI Night on TCM

    Cool. Thanks for letting us know Rickity. Hope I can catch some of them. -Rooster
  6. Wow. Great models as always Stumper. Cant wait to try that baby out. -Rooster
  7. OT Anyone play a Musical Instrument?

    Thats awesome CJ. You've got a regular family band there. My sister plays piano, but hasn't really stuck with it. She taught me a little but I can only play "Green Onions". I'll keep an eye out for one of your brother's guitars or banjos. -Rooster
  8. Noob viewing question

    Im not sure if this is what your asking for but try hitting the "scroll lock" button on your keyboard and then use your hatswitch to pan around. -Rooster
  9. OT Anyone play a Musical Instrument?

    Glad to hear it Widowmaker. I've been playing guitar for awhile and love all kinds of music, my favorite is southern rock though. Also im picking up the banjo right now. When I was learning "Dixie" I stumbled across this: This guys rendition is really good. Keep on pickin' -Rooster
  10. FS-WWI, hatswitch

    Sorry if this has been asked before but Im new to FS-WW1. Is there anyway I can pan around with the hatswitch on my joystick? I looked over the "getting the best" readme and didnt see anything about it. I tried the mouse panning and it works well, but Im just used to my hat switch. Thanks, -Rooster
  11. Correct setup of TrackIR increases Kills

    Mine was just delivered today, so I'm just playing around right now but hope to get it tweaked soon. So far I really like it, I just tend to lean too far to the sides. -Rooster
  12. FS-WWI, hatswitch

    Hmmm. Something must've got messed when I installed. Did a re-install and it works fine now. Thanks Argon. -Rooster
  13. What do you think this is ?

    Theyre beer taps. Im going to go with the majority and say dart/bomb release. -Rooster
  14. The Order of the Red Eagle

    LOL. Good one zoomzoom. That story is definately going in your "ace bio". That reminds me of the time I was flying a Roland, dogfighting with Nieups over the trenches. We were really low and I had one on my tail. Friendly gunners were so trigger-happy that they decided they could shoot through me to get to the Frenchman. I was shot down by our own troops. -Rooster
  15. Cool man. Thanks for the teaser Sandbagger. I cant wait to get on thier six. -Rooster
  16. In memory of Reinhold Platz...

    Awesome pic Hauksbee. You made this pic with your D.VIII model yeah? Looks great. -Rooster
  17. TrackIR vs FreeTrack

    I just ordered mine yesterday too. Good thing too, my hat switch is just about worn out. Cant wait. Its gonna be a whole new experience. -Rooster
  18. I'll keep an eye out for one Hajj. -Rooster
  19. I tried it and failed miserably. I did some tutorials and they came out pretty good though. But once I decided it was time to start a plane, I forgot everything I learned in the tutorials. lol. I got really frustrated and gave up. I should really give it another try though. Alot of patience must be a system requirement for 3d modeling programs. Hope I'm not discouraging you, just sharing my experience, or lack of. -Rooster
  20. I'm so sad

    Holy Crap! 184 hours! I've been trying to make it from the lowest rank to Hauptmann since P1, and if it takes 184 hours I dont stand a chance! Great job Creaghorn. Jasta 5 should be renamed: Jasta Cvjetanovic. -Rooster
  21. Is campaign dynamic

    Wow, once that "little kid at Christmas" feeling has almost subsided, a few words from Winder and its right back again! This sim already has all the right stuff, what else can there be? OFF strengthens its lead as the best. -Rooster
  22. Where is Ambient Occlusion? I cant find it. It's in the Nvidia Control Panel yeah? -Rooster
  23. AHHH!! THE BEHEADED BRIT!!! -Rooster
  24. Dual in the Clouds

    Thats awesome Widowmaker. I really like it. If it were printed as a large poster I'd totally have it hanging on my wall. I can't believe the amount of inspiration this sim has given us. Its incredible. We have great screenshots, tons of skins, paintings/posters, comic books, diaries, we could make a whole book out of the "reports from the front" thread.....and....and.... Amazing what you can do with a great sim and creativity. -Rooster
  25. Wow Dej. Very good. Totally blows my work in progress comic out of the water! BurningBeard, Enemy Ace is the greatest. Its the only comic book I ever found that I could actually get into. -Rooster

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