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Everything posted by Rooster89

  1. I mostly fly for the Germans, reasons being... I am an American of German descent Beautifully and interestingly colored aircraft Thats who I've flown for since Red Baron 1 Uniforms and medals are way cooler For me there is just a certain mystique about flying for the Germans, it's hard to explain, but I just feel "attached" to the German side. -Rooster
  2. So there I was, in the Military History section of my local bookstore, looking for a copy of Karl Doenitz' memoirs. When out of the corner of my eye...a flash, a Sopwith Cowling. Then it dawned on me that it was the new book I've seen, posted in here too I believe, Ghosts: The Great War, Aviation In World War I. So of course, I bought it. What a book it is. I haven't dug into it too deeply yet but it looks great. Tons of huge, beautiful photographs and bits and pieces of interesting history on each craft. I think that this is one worth reccomending to you folks. Heres the website for the book, hopefully it can give you a better idea of what the book is all about than I did. http://www.ghosts.com/Merchant2/merchant.m...p;Category_Code= -Rooster
  3. Landing Tips

    Sitting Duck's points are great, its all about speed control. Im no expert either, but personally, what I do is always come down in the long gentile decsent (which you do) throttle closed all the way, then over the close edge of the airfield I kill my engine via the fuel cutoff switch (i have it mapped to my joystick). Then get as close to the ground as possible, without having you wheels touch. Try to "float" over the airfield as long as possible without touching down (you should be going relatively slow at this time), maybe pulling up slightly to keep the wheels off. When you do touch down you can further bleed off speed by pulling up hard to dig in the tail skid. Hope This Helps -Rooster
  4. Were's WomenFly2 ?

    Why would Sir Henry Lord of whatchamajigger care? All he knows is that he's got more planes in the sky because she isn't shooting them down! She flys for the right side! I hope she'll be back in action soon, there's too many Pups in the clouds for my likings, lol. -Rooster
  5. Russian Camel Skin now available

    Youre going to have to ask forgiveness from my girlfriend too Olham. I've been to the Wings Pallette site before, but I could never figure out how to work the darn thing! But, now that you've explained it, Im sure I'll waste away many days there. -Rooster
  6. Ghosts: The Great War

    I'm really enjoying it so far. I've read about halfway through it (not much reading, mostly looking in awe). Glad to hear others have enjoyed it too. I do the same thing ZoomZoom. Currently I have a picture I took of the Fokker D.VII at Old Rhinebeck as my cell background. Back to read...er looking. -Rooster
  7. Machine-guns controls

    Thanks for clearing that up Siggi. It's been a long time since that jam, alot of dead pilots too! -Rooster
  8. Machine-guns controls

    I think I remember having one gun on my Alb. D.II firing and the other one jammed once. -Rooster
  9. Halberstadt D.II Jasta 2 8.02 Hours 7 Confirmed Victories Thought I'd update my info because you updated the question Olham DiD 130% Realism Thats my best so far, but right now I have a pilot serving in FAA 274 flying the D.F.W. C.IV thats catching up pretty quick. <----Oh and this pilot died right after I posted the first time. -Rooster
  10. I have returned!

    Welcome back Wildfowler. Hope you like the new pad as much as we do. -Rooster
  11. Halberstadt D.II Jasta 2 8.02 Hours 7 Confirmed Victories Thats my best so far, but right now I have a pilot serving in FAA 274 flying the D.F.W. C.IV thats catching up pretty quick. -Rooster
  12. DR 1 VS SE5a

    I believe thems fightin' words Mr. Catch. -Rooster
  13. Aerodrome in a river.

    I thought that the Royal Engineers were supposed to be diverting rivers like that??? -Rooster
  14. OT: My Great War Library

    Where do I sign up for the library card? Awesome collection Lou! -Rooster
  15. Heres some pics of my latest skin, now that my Jasta 7 pilot has reached ace status. That oughtta scare the bejesus out of those krumpets! -Rooster
  16. first Pfalz D.III skin

    Yep, I removed the images Olham, but Im working on some better ones, hopefully if I have enough free time I'll have them uploaded my this weekend. -Rooster
  17. first Pfalz D.III skin

    Nevermind, I decided that it needed more work. lol. This skinning business has made me a perfectionist. -Rooster
  18. Thanks for the compliment Gous. -Rooster
  19. Heres a few pics from my latest campaign flying in Jasta 7 Still have to get used to these Pfalz' though, to me they seem to stall easier than the Albs, but I trust her in a long steep dive. -Rooster
  20. Thanks Barnstorm. I'll be there. Well, here at my house...actually. -Rooster
  21. I Am Back, Finally!

    That thang got a Hemi? -Rooster
  22. Thanks for the compliments Olham. Maybe Im not so relaxed due to the intense dogfighting? lol. Yours looks great Lou. I saw it before somewhere else and swore it was a real picture. -Rooster
  23. Well, Olhams photos looked so good that I had to try it out for myself. I finally got around to it and here it is. Im pretty proud of myself for this one Might still need a little tweaking though. -Rooster
  24. Letters Home

    Great writing Dej and the antique documents do look very good. I look forward to the tutorial as Im writing a little biography about my current pilot. The fun we have with this sim! -Rooster
  25. Ain't she a beautiful Lady?

    That looks really cool Lou. Make sure you keep us up to date on the building of that baby! -Rooster

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