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Duce Lewis

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Everything posted by Duce Lewis

  1. First Mission

    BuB, AI planes should not be generically faster than you I fly Fok D7 and routinely outrun Camels - as it should be Are you adjusting your fuel mixture for maximum performance? Mission time is listed in the lower right hnd corner of the Briefing Room screen I always check this and that my Crate has enough range to complete the mission Sometimes Missions are assigned that are beyond the range of your crate - Just skip these As a general rule, I want 50% extra fuel tankage for missions behind our lines 100% more when crossing the front No skins can't be previewed Not sue on the manual HTH,
  2. Se5a >spad 13

    BuB, You can set up the weapons to fire jointly or individually GoTo Controls\Weapons I think 1 is refered as the MG and the other the Cannon - cfs3 lingo
  3. Oh some guys have all the luck! Just lost my best pilot, Johann Stachen , last night - 12.75 hours Got into a scrap with some Se's across the lines, outnumbered 6:3 Against my new strategy, but we were escorting Hannovers and the twits flew right over tham B & Z'd them but rolling off the 3rd pullout, Crr-rack! somethin nailed me Broke off right at the wing root - BALLS!! Managed to get some semblance of control but it kicked me to the OFF Manager "Landed behind enemy lines. Captured for the Duration" Didnt even get a chance to set her down
  4. What nationality are you?

    From the State of Connecticut in the US of A 50% Ukranian, all from my Dad Got some Brit, Scot, German and a wee bit of American Indian from Mom's side There was a long family rumor that we were desended from "Mary, Queen of Scots" My Grandmother's maiden name was Stewart which they said was the royal spelling (Stuart is the common) Ah but one of the ancester's had grandiose ideas it was ...and 'e fiddled with the spelling 'e did Mom came from Vinalhaven, an island 18 miles off the coast of Maine Not much industry, mostly lobstermen and jack of all tradesmen Simple people, but a whole lotta fun to be around!
  5. DR1 vs SE5A

    Fixing a problem with your cfs3 install will not correct the same problem with OFF When installing OFF, a copy is made of cfs3 and this completely separate cfs3 is modified to create OFF Your original install of cfs3 is not used by OFF in anyway You can delete the cfs3 install and OFF will run fine If you have only corrected cfs3, then OFF will still be created based on the original corrupted version Suggest ou consider re-installing OFF from the corrected cfs3 HTH,
  6. DR1 vs SE5A

    Welcome to OFF BigJim Strange happenings as I've never seen AI exibit super performance Did you have your Fuel Mixture set correctly? Any battle damage that could have reduced performance? What was your actual speed during the dive and when you were hit? That fact that you have AI wingmen jumping 1000 feet ahaead of you may mean you have an install issue Did you follow the install procedure?
  7. Love your skins Olham! They have the character of the WWI era If I ran into 1 in OFF, I'd never know it wasn't historical Rock on M8!
  8. Well I'll be doggone!

    I'm so jealous! Can we see a screenie at least?
  9. I've been watching the History Channel Site waiting for Band of Brothers to come down in price It's not in my price range yet but I did spot a great sale on Dogfights Seasons 1 & 2 for $50 10% more if you're willing to join their club It started at $100 and I still think I got a deal at $60 Great show, taught me how to DF in OFF Link: http://shop.history.com/detail.php?p=73637...HISem070809_war
  10. OT - Best Deal So Far

    Thanks Winston, I'll check that out Here's a clip of Dogfights for those who may not have had the opportunity Not too much on WWI, but real aces explaining the tactics makes this a great series
  11. Nice find Olham! I found the Camel / Dr1 scenes quite striking Knew the Dr1 has the shorter wingspan ...but not that much shorter! Yet they were both great turn fighters
  12. Survived my first mission!

    Good show Ogmund! You'll find that some missions have Loiter Waypoints Strike, Recee Missions come to mind As Pol said, Shift+W will advance you to the next Waypoint Control+W backs up one Waypoint Happy Hunting,
  13. P4 Suggestion

    Sometimes the Mission Generator can get a little frustrating The MG has proposed sorties that just don't sem logical 1. Airfield/Balloon defense missions that cross through enemy territory 2. Missions beyond the fuel range of your crate 3. Escort Missions where the bombers have to fly through much more hazardous territory unescorted than when escorted 4. Deep penetrations with only 2 or 3 in the flight Ideally, a new recruit or even an element leader would have no say in the mission assigned or it's flightpath Here it is - good luck! If you reach flight leader, the target would still be assigned, but maybe a choice of 5 flight paths If you reach Hauptman, maybe a choice of 3 targets And throw in an occasional mission as above so we can gripe about the brass hats Would add a level of tension, realism ...immersion
  14. Best pedals for OFF?

    Ain't that the truth! They may have us in linear speed but in angular speed we're just as fast ...and more exciting
  15. Best pedals for OFF?

    Cousins??? Rudder effectiveness changes from crate to crate just like ailerons/elevators Just remembered another issue with the CH Peds I kept spiking my landings when flying cfs3 Found the brakes to be reversed Couldn't find a fix in the software so I landed brakes applied then released them - not good When I found OFF, it became a non-issue But if WWII/Jets are important for you, you may want to check it out Probably a fix somewhere if not a CH software update You'll also need to make adjustments to the OFF Controls when installing the peds OFF/cfs3 will recognize them as a new joystick Goto Controls\Axis Commands Delete Twisty Rudder on the Joystick Delete Ailerons/Elevators on the Peds Enjoy,
  16. Best pedals for OFF?

    Does she have any sisters? I think the pedals will add more of the "feel" of flying than a FFB Stick I've had CH Pedals for 3 1/2 years now with no issues Only problem is they slide easily on carpet (Double Sided Tape) There's only a light return spring so fatigue is a non-issue I don't think of it as micro-correcting just make small movements as necessary After a while, you'll forget they're there Besides the Saiteks, I think someone posted a complete Stick, Throttle, Pedal set-up recently Don't know the manufacturer though HTH,
  17. OT - Would it take off?

    The treadmill and propeller can can only create horizontal forces on the aircraft They are in opposite directions, and since the plane is not moving, they must be equal In order to get into the air there must be a vertical force Propwash over the wing airfoil creates a high pressure zone below & a low pressure zone above - lift If the lift is greter than the weight on the plane (downward force), the plane will rise vertically I don't think an ordinary Cessina's propwash can generate enough lift to do this The Mythbusters must have used a very light/high lift plane to accomplish this Who would want such a crate It'd probably be impossible to land and fly off in a light breeze
  18. OT - Would it take off?

    Doesn't seem logical Could the prop wash across the wings created the lift?
  19. Computer Shopping

    I'm hoping too
  20. Computer Shopping

    TP, I used to work in the motor industry We developed Spindle Motor Prototypes for Hard Drives They look like a Spool of thread and are extremely precise, high speed screamers IBM was begging us to put them into production Sticking Point was who would pay for the considerable tooling, Clean Rooms, Precision Maching Centers, etc One of our engineers threw a wrench into it when he stated the "HardCard" was about to replace the HD anyways That was in the early/mid nineties, HD's were about 40 MB and the HardCards were up to about 20 MB Well we balked and IBM went elasewhere HardCards/Solid State Drives have been chasing HD's ever since and never quite catching up Their problem has alweays been cost and the ever increasing need for Memory HD have been able to add discs and write data closer together - cheap If you want to double the memory of a Hard Card - the cost doubles Hard Cards do have a definate spedd and reliability advantage But 95% of applications (Excel/Word) don't require high speed and Intranet backup covers the reliability They've been predicting the demise of the HD for many years, butI don't think it'll happen for a while yet Adding a smaller Solid State Drive to accomadate Sims is a great idea though
  21. Multiple Monitor usage

    I don't think there are any multiple monitor controls in OFF/cfs3 Pretty sure others have used TH2G in OFF though Try contacting Matrox Hardware suppliers usually have good idea what software accepts their eqiuipment
  22. Snow storm at under 1000 feet?

    Great story CW! I was with you the whole way
  23. Scrambles are tough, maybe not the most realistic, but they're still my favorite On every other mission type I'm pretty strict about staying high (safe ...r) in the scrap Scrambles test your skill more than any other mission and so are the most thrilling for me
  24. Promotions seem a bit too frequent

    Just saw this the other night Great Movie - Highly recommend it
  25. P4 Suggestion

    Thanks Winder, I'm sure you'll work out what is best Dej, If the situation requires, a monthly subscription isn't a bad idea Whatever it tkes!

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