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Posts posted by Geier

  1. Alright. So at least now, after seeing this movie, they know who Kurt Wolff was and the name of The Red Baron. Movies are made mostly to make money. Expensive movies must make money.


    But I digress. As I've stated numerous times, it's not a very good movie, maybe 4 out of 10. But as a WW1 aviation movie it's certainly a 7. You get a 5 just for making one these days. But I suppose some people would be happier if it hadn't been made at all. That's alright too.

  2. Huh? They overdubbed it from English to German? Craaazy. It was even filmed in English, as Olham said. There is definitely an English version out there, it's the one I have. But I just checked and Amazon doesn't carry it? Hrm, I can buy it at my local gas station for chrissakes. Here it is from a Swedish retail store: http://ginza.se/Product/Product.aspx?Identifier=314748 and also available on Blu-Ray. With English voices.


    But if it's not even available on the US market I guess you could just go with what the net has to offer in its dark and seedy underbelly.

  3. Well if anyone can point me to a better movie made in the last ten years with tons of accurate looking WW1 aircraft both on the ground and in the air, please don't hesitate to tell me about it. It's not very well directed, the script is pretty poor, the casting is generally bad but it still has a charismatic lead and lots and lots of footage of the planes, both in the air and on the ground. I particularly enjoyed all aerodrome scenes. If you like OFF, the era and the planes you owe yourself to watch it. You can find "historical inaccuracy" in any war movie and if you can't live with it, don't watch war movies. Especially not ones made in the last twenty years. And Red Baron is probably the only WW1 air war movie we are likely to get over the next ten years.




  4. I attended the memorial flyby as well. Don't think I'll ever forget it either. Man, those nicks made my head rewind to ten years ago. I remember Moritz (JG1 IIRC?) and a lot of the above mentioned LE pilots, Spinny, Photo, Mac etc. I flew on European time of course but I remember logging in to a server one time where it was basically only JG1 and WW against LE and WW. I think I was with JG1 at the time or possibly with Neal in J5. Don't think I managed an even score that night, even if I was a pretty decent Pfalz flier. It was generally hard to belong to a squad since most squads then were mainly in the US. IIIRC I flew for J5, JG1, WW and LE. Great squads with great people all of them.

    And now we're here.

  5. Well I've played a bit every night since I got the game 3-4 weeks ago, after 1.26 it all changed, all my PC-playtime has been spent in OFF. And I've not even played a full campaign month with ONE A/C (the Early Alb DIII) with 1.2x. All the other planes in the game are unopened books for me. So whether the OFF team decide to add one more plane or not is something that might be interesting to me in a year or so.

  6. I had a recent mission where I got a DH2, a Feeb and a Bristol Fighter (yay!) and I painstakingly filled in my form but got the "Claim will be rejected" message. So I figured, OK, Kemper also got a burst in on the BrisFit and scratched that claim, even if I felt completely sure that I was the one to get it. But since my rpg-ish mission in Campaign is to keep myself and my flights alive for as long as possible I felt fine giving it to Kemper. Um, my point? Oh yeah, IF I had persisted in claiming the Biff both my two other legitimate claims would have been rejected as well. I think that's a nice touch.


    7 missions in, Second Flight is 7 kills plus 6 claims for zero losses. I've got five (plus that damn BrisFit!)


    By the way, anyone know what the Germans called their flights? I know the word is/was Kette but did they call them Kette A and Kette B, Erste and Zweite Kette or name them after flight leaders, ie Kette Gontermann? Or maybe they didn't bother with that?

  7. Bullethead:

    I think even one bullet in the engine of the DIII has it lose around one third of its rpm's. It's not that "we" throttle down, it's the engine that is a real weak point for it. That's my experience anyway. All AI planes stay in the fight too long. I've been down in the dirt fighting N17's for fifteen minutes a long long way from the front. Low on fuel and alt and short of ammo doesn't seem to bother the AI in the slightest.


    I'm betting most - if not all - of your and tttiger's tactics are readily applicable to German pilots since the AI is only an AI. And the Albatros always has two guns... ;)

  8. You and Olham are not alone ZZ.

    I've flown the Albatros DIII exclusively the past three weeks. The few QC's I've flown with the DV and DVa I've been like, "WOW, what a great plane!" heh. The DIII is, hands down, the best fighter at the front until the Bristol Fighter, SE5 and Camel turn up. The SPAD VII and maybe the Tripehound are probably better planes but with worse armament. In my campaign I generally avoid scouts unless they are at a serious disadvantage, it's the two-seaters we're after. But the DH2 and N17 are no match for the DIII. The Pup is more equal, even better at high alt but too slow to bother you unless you want them to. I've not run into the Tripe but that would probably be a dangerous opponent. I feel comfortable against the SE5 but not against the Camel. If you run into a flight of rookie Camels you can outfly them, trick them into stalling. As it stands now, if you let a two-gun plane hit you - you're out of it.


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