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About hertzie

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    Hilversum, Holland
  • Interests
    My Messerschmitt microcar, all kind of sim's, reading, music of the 60-ies/70-ies, movies, travelling through Europe with our camper and sniffing all sort's of culture and a lot more. Too little time to do all we want and like, haha.


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  1. Ok guys, thanks for your comments. Maybe I should explain my ideas more, let me know what you think of it. In MY opinion (but who am I?:-)) CFS3 was made for XP and FlightSimulatorX was made for Vista, which was (again, in MY opinion) the not fully cristallised Windows7. So FSX, and especially FSXAcceleration, flies better in Windows7. But if WOFF would fly better in XP, then maybe I'll do a dual-boot. Happy flying, hertzie.
  2. Hi Mr. Polovski, I'm one of the "silent" :-) who tries to be patient, waiting for the new release. As I need a new PC, I would like to know if the new release will fly ok in Windows XP, or if it's better to install Windows7. As I fly much FlightsimulatorX Acceleration, which has ofen problems with Windows7, I would prefer XP. So please give me your advise in this matter. Kind regards, hertzie.
  3. Installing HitR in Windows7

    OK, uninstalled and installed EVERYTHING on my laptop as the FAQ said and the result is: YES IT WORKS FINE!! And also my other CFS3 games work ok as well. Thanks for support, always feels good to know that you're not alone with your problems. AND: again MANY thanks for a great sim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards, hertzie.
  4. Installing HitR in Windows7

    Thanks Beard, on my desktop-PC with XP it says that it is HitR version 1.47. Tomorrow I will look at my laptop, I've installed/copied all I had on my desktop there too and so far it works, so maybe it's HitR version 1.47 too. Regards, hertzie.
  5. Installing HitR in Windows7

    And another question: how can I be sure that HitR and the patches are properly installed? It will only install in the OBDSoftware folder, not in a temporary one. So how can I be sure that I get where I've payed for :-)) ??
  6. Installing HitR in Windows7

    Hi Polovski, yes, I did, and I switced off all my anti-virus etc. etc. and followed all the stuff in the FAQ. I don't want to bother you folks with unnecessary questions (if possible haha, you never know with those 63-year old digi-illiterates :-)). But so far thanks for your concern, hertzie.
  7. OK, downloaded HitR and patches and installed it on my desktop-PC with Windows XP. No problem at all, everything works great. Unfortunately had to buy a new laptop some months ago with Windows7, have BHaH working on it, so tried to install HitR, but gets the message that Setup cannot find my Over Flanders Fields installation. It's on my C-drive at the same position as on my desktop-PC, it has the same configuration, so ???? Tried to check if I was allowed to run the programme as administrator, but OFFManager refuses to open, only get error messages. All suggestions welcome!! Should it work when I copy my OFF-BHah + HitR Windows XP installation in the OBDSoftware folder of my Windows7 laptop? Kind regards, hertzie.
  8. Erik, Many many thanks for putting me on the right track! I did a complete de-installation and then re-installation of FSX (after backing up ALL my important files of course), then re-installed SP1 and then installed Acceleration and all went fluent. Wish you many many happy flying hours! Kind regards, Erik Hertzberger (hertzie).
  9. I have an in the Netherlands bought 2007 FSX deLuxe version and an in England bought 2009 FSX Acceleration pack. I cannot install Acceleration for I'm asked for an English version of FSX. Must be some kind of language problem, perhaps in the cfg.? Seems that the Dutch FSX is a kind of European version and the English Acceleration is a kind of American one. Ideas & suggestions how to solve this problem would be more than welcome!
  10. Great link! Many thanks! As I live in Holland I've sended that chap an email and maybe I'll take a look there. That engine......! As an old aircraft mechanic it is mouthwatering. When I can go there I'll make some pictures and will put them on the forum. Regards, hertzie
  11. Sorry, but what do you mean by "order details" ? As I was on the Canary Islands a friend of mine bought it by OBD (I had pre-ordered it and got an email that it was released), payed the $ 50,-- and it was sent to his adress in Holland. Is there a kind of serial number somewhere? My excuses for causing you so much trouble, regards, hertzie
  12. TH2Go Problem

    I had the same problem with it, finally contacted Matrox in Canada, they looked from over there into my computer for 2 and a half hours (!), which was no fun, for I am not a software specialist, which they expected me to be, and after that my PC was a complete mess. Finally their conclusion was that it was a product failure. Had to re-install almost all my flightsim stuff and had to send the unit to Ireland for a new one. That new one wasn't in stock, so I waited 5 weeks till it finally arrived in Ireland and had to wait another 3 weeks before it reached me. The new one did work, but in MY opinion only 100% in FSX (which I don't play very much) under VISTA (which I don't like and don't use) and only 60% in FS9 and other flightsims, for I was disappointed by the views it gave in older generation flightsims and with Windows XP. Finally I got so sick of it that I deceided to sell it. Hope you get it working. Regards, hertzie.
  13. OK I will do that this weekend. Thanks, regards, hertzie
  14. PD, that would be great !! I loved your phase 2 stand alone missions !! Can't wait for your 1st one, maybe an ammo- or gastrain attack ?? Or a nice strafing one of an enemy airfield at dawn ?? Regards, hertzie
  15. OK, what's the story: I've installed and updated CFS3 BFO and it runs well; I've installed CFS3 MAW and it runs well too; I've installed CFS3 Korea (Dogpatch crew) and it also run's well; I HAD installed CFS3 Off phase 2 and it did run well. I uninstalled CFS3 OFF phase 2 and installed OFF BHaH. It did run ok twice, then I went flying FS9 and FSX and IL2 1946 and CFS3 MAW and returned to OFF BHaH. Running ?? No way, I only get the message: patch dll error: game terminated prematurely, patch memory sinc: done: terminate process () failed (5) and if this keeps coming back I should ask the OFF-team for help. So gentlemen, please be so kind to help this little guy and solve his problem. Ciao,hertzie.

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