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Cody Coyote

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Everything posted by Cody Coyote

  1. Well,based on some of the things I've read here and my long term goals I am considering having a system built around these basics: Intel i7 980X Processor Extreme Edition (6x 3.33GHz/12MB L3 Cache) 6 GB DDR3 memory 3-way SLI ASUS P6T Motherboard ATI Radeon HD 5870 - 2GB - ASUS ROG MATRIX Single Card ++++++++ OR ATI Radeon HD 5870 - 1GB - Single Card +++++++++ OR NVIDIA GeForce CTX 480 - 1.5GB - Single Card Either an 850 or 1000 Watt power supply Dual 1TB Drives - Raid 0 I'm really up in the air regarding the video card and nothing is firm yet, just penciling in my short list of specs. Thoughts? Overkill? Is there something I can cut back and save on? How does this look for OFF P3 and the future P4?
  2. These recommendations about companies like iBuyPower, Golden Tech, and Cyber Power are very helpful as I see myself as more likely to purchase from one of these "custom" builders than from a Dell or HP. I'm curious Barkhorn1x, did you have any service issues with Cyber Power? I live in a rural area and the downside of mail order can be getting service if something goes bad. I appreciate the input so far and a couple of things have jumped out at me: as powerful a CPU as I can afford; at least 4 GB of RAM; set aside $20 for good packaging! What about video cards? The market is flooded with a hodgepodge of letters and numbers that are confusing to say the least. What cards do those of you that play OFF frequently like? Does one brand really have an edge over another or is it more of a Ford vs. Chevy thing? Also what about AMD vs. Intel? Does it really make a difference and does the chip affect what vid card I should buy? I appreciate everyone's opinion on this. Thanks for all of the comments.
  3. Now that sounds really promising. Unfortunately my local "Geek Store" as NS13Jarhead puts it, is a Best Buy and I have no intention of picking up a PC there. Over the years I've purchased three PC's mail order and I am certainly not opposed to doing that again. While it's nice to pick one up locally, I realize that to get what I want may require a special order and I am OK with that. My question is, regardless of where I purchase, what should I be getting with regards to processor speed, RAM, graphics card, etc. No matter who builds it, if I don't put in the right components I haven't gained anything. By the way, thanks Winston for posting your system specs.
  4. Buy the drinks? What happened to the tenner I left on the bar when I first visited? I purposely didn't mention price because I was curious to see what my options were. I know that I'm not going to drop $7k on a Maingear Shift. I priced an Alienware a year or so ago at $5k+ and that is still a little high. I'd like to keep it under $3k, but I really need to know what my options are. I won't build my own, so I am thinking off-the-shelf. However, with the right company, off-the-shelf means specifying a lot of your major options which is virtually akin to having it built for you.
  5. If you could go back in time, would you?

    Would I go back in time? Interesting question and one I first began pondering fifty years ago, when I first became fascinated with WWI aviation. Absolutely, unequivocally, yes.
  6. Review at SimHQ

    Powerful review. "...the most comprehensive World War 1 sim in existence today" It's difficult to imagine a stronger endorsement than that! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flyby PC - I think the real albatross around BHaH's neck is not the CFS3 multiplayer issue, rather it's the link to CFS3 itself. Unfortunately you effectively have to buy two different flight sims to play BHaH. Even though CFS3 is dirt cheap (if you can find it) you still have to have it. That must hinder sales when potential customers know they must also track down an obsolete sim to enjoy "the most comprehensive World War 1 sim in existence today".
  7. Wine thread

    Layer Cake Shiraz - Australia
  8. American SPADs

    Here are a few other photos from some old books of mine.
  9. Odd thing on Albatros wing...

    Here's a shot of the DV at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. This could be the same plane Olham posted a picture of.
  10. Agreed! First class, very professional. Kudos all around.
  11. First SimHQ, now SOH

    The forums work at the Outhouse: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/index.php The home page and downloads are inaccessible.
  12. They were boys...

    It's still available for free viewing in English on the Internet at: http://www.free-hd-divx.com/video.php?id=429
  13. off at soh is back up

    It's actually just a link that points here.

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