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Cody Coyote

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Everything posted by Cody Coyote

  1. Must be a hell of a book at this price: Amazon Books
  2. Who's Pfalz D.III was this?

    Here's a little later photo of the same plane.
  3. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    The readme indicates that this mod is for HITR aricraft. Is it only for use with HITR or will it in with the basic P3, without HITR installed?
  4. I try to rotate between British fighter, British bomber, German fighter, German bomber, and French fighter. So, I've got five active pilots going at a time and no particular national preference. I'm doing this to try and experience as many different aircraft types as I can; searching for the one I like most.
  5. Those of you in Britain are undoubtedly familiar with this. WWI Unknown Warrior Great tribute to a fallen warrior.
  6. 1916(2) MOD

    Can you switch from one mod to another with OFF running in the background? Or do you need to fully exit OFF, then switch mods and restart the game?
  7. Mission doesn't end properly?

    I had it happen quite a bit actually, always flying Strutters in RNAS 3, I think it was. Finally gave up and deleted that pilot. Never knew if it was a CFS3 thing, an OFF thing, or a system thing.
  8. How often do you......

    I go in spurts; maybe two or three days in a row followed by no flying for a week or so. When I fly, I try to fly 4 or 5 missions, one for each pilot I have entered. I use warp and am still learning. I start each pilot out at the beginning for whatever unit he is attached too. As a result I have only flown early in the war and early model planes. I find the dogfighting very difficult. It seems the AI can do things I can only dream of. When I am in an EIII the Bristol Scouts fly rings around me, switch sides and the EIII's have me for breakfast. I chalk it up to my inexperience with OFF. Looking forward to getting a more modern plane someday.
  9. Reticent WIngmen

    I flew a bomber sortie this afternoon for 69 RFC flying RE8's out of Savy. The date was September 15, 1916 and the mission was to bomb a railroad yard. I was designated as the flight leader. I took off and circled the field but my wingmen never took off. They just sat there while I flew around. I couldn't warp because I got the error message that my flight was still taking off. I circled and circled then finally headed for the target. They never followed. The cover flight of Pups was there and they followed me all the way. I dropped my load (actually hitting something) then turned for home. We encountered a flight of Huns once back over my lines but the Pups fought them off. When I got back to Savy my flight was still there, still sitting on the grass just waiting. What happened? I've never seen the AI fail to take off before. Does this sort of thing happen often or did I somehow cause it by taking off first?
  10. How Did You Find OFF?

    I guess I go back to the very beginnings. I flew CFS2 a lot and followed their forum over at Sim Outhouse. When CFS3 came out I got it and followed their forum as well. CFS3 would never run well on my machine but I followed the forums and was very interested when the first discussions about creating a WWI addon started. There had been a couple of efforts to do something similar in CFS2 but they never went anywhere. The CFS3 version sounded like the real deal. I can even remember the threads discussing what to name the new addon and when they finally settled on OFF. I downloaded phases 1 & 2 but never installed them since CSF3 was just a slide show. I bought Phase 3 when it first came out to support OBD and encourage them, although I kept it in the wrapper and never opened it. I have followed the forums and read with great interest all of your adventures but rarely posted since I had never actually played OFF. Late last year I bought a new PC, and for the first time I can actually fly OFF. I am enjoying every crash and lost pilot! I don't own HiTR and probably won't buy it since Phase 4 will be coming along. I never had the opportunity to play RB3D, but I did enjoy Sierra's Curse You Red Baron.
  11. Over the year I downloaded a lot of textures but never installed them because I didn't have a PC that could run OFF. Now that I'm up and running, how do I add the textures? Assuming I want to keep the original textures, do I have to make a copy of the aircraft file for each new texture and drop it in? I realize that I could simply replace the stock textures, but I want to add the new textures to my options, not replace the originals. So far none of the texture files I've opened has a readme file and when I searched the Knowledge Base I didn't find any posts on this subject.
  12. I didn't see this addressed in the knowledge base... If you are fortunate enough to shoot down two or more aircraft in the same dogfight, is it better to combine all of the downed craft in a single claim or write a separate claim for each one? I notice that the claim form allows you to enter multiples in a single claim but I wondered what happens if one claim is confirmed and the other is not. Does OFF give you credit for one and not the other, or does it reject both if they are combined in a single claim?
  13. Multiple Claims Question

    Yes, that time acceleration does have some advantages; no more stalled engines for one. I've noticed too that like warp, you can't do it when enemies are in the area. I've mapped a couple of keys on my stick to handle it (although I've got to pay attention to what I'm doing or I'll crash into the ground 16x faster!).
  14. Multiple Claims Question

    That could well explain it as I am virtually positive that it only happens after warping from a lower altitude and coming out somewhere above 10K feet.
  15. Multiple Claims Question

    Thanks TallyHo. I'm watching that calendar closely!
  16. Multiple Claims Question

    I keep a small written log book of my wingmen, but I forget details like the time and exact location of the fight; things that in real life you could ask someone about after you landed but in OFF you can't go back and get once you reach the claim stage. Although I've followed OFF since before it was even called that, it's only been in the last couple of months that I've gotten a computer powerful enough to actually play it. As a result I am a new flier to the game. I'm running through pilots quite fast as all of my dogfights seem to be at tree top level and whatever plane I'm flying never seems to handle as well as the AI, resulting in me mostly crashing while trying to do any sort of maneuver (no chance to recover when that low). If I can ever make it out of 1916 I may get a more nimble craft. The statement that OFF has a big learning curve is very true. One thing that I can't figure out, when coming out of warp occasionally my engine will quit. It usually takes 5 or 6 tries to get it to refire and stay running. This has happened with at least three different aircraft types and almost always at high altitudes. It doesn't happen every time and only when coming out of warp as I say. Any particular reason for this?
  17. Multiple Claims Question

    Thank you Olham, exactly the kind of help I needed.
  18. Multiple Claims Question

    Thanks, very helpful; especially the part about semi-colons! Is it best to list the witness names first, then write a short synopsis, or simply refer to them in the narrative of the text?
  19. How do you Install Textures?

    I don't think you understood my question. I have dozens of textures (alternative skins for the aircraft) I downloaded from this site. They are third party addon skins and I want to know where to put them so that they show up in the game. Do I have to make a copy of the original plane found in the AIRCRAFT folder for each new texture or is there some other way that they are added? As I said, I've unzipped a bunch so far but none of the downloads has had a readme telling how to install the textures.
  20. I went through this same thing about five months ago and sought advice from this board. I looked seriously at ibuypower and cyberpower but in the end, took jarhead's and others advice and had one built for me locally. I didn't think I'd find someone local as I am off the beaten path, but sure enough there is someone here who is very talented. I showed them the prices from both ibuypower and cyberpower and they were able to build the same system for slightly less. Plus, no shipping and I can run it back if it needs to be tweaked. I was looking at a liquid cooled system as well, but in the end went with a well ventilated case and extra large capacity fans. I have had no problems at all with heat and I'm running an Intel i7-980X Extreme 3.33GHZ overclocked to 4.56GHZ. You didn't mention price and that is really a factor. I spent about $3000 and have the best PC I've ever owned; lightning fast and for the first time ever I can play OFF. I waited a long time too, been following this sim since it's start, back before it was even called OFF. CPU: Intel Core i7-980X Extreme overclocked to 4.56GHZ Memory: 12GB DDR3 Crucial Video: EVGA GTX470 Power: 850 Watt Corsair CMPSU850TX Sound: Integrated 8 channel Mother Board: ASUS P6X58D-E Boot Drive: 80G Intel X25-M SSD Data Drive: 1TB WD DVD: DVD+/-RW 24x Lightscribe OS: MS Windows 7 Professional 64bit
  21. I've been following OFF since the SOH days; in fact, since before it was even called "OFF". I rarely post, but I visit the forum repeatedly throughout the day to keep up on what is happening. I have P1, P2, and P3, although I've never flown any of them. According to MS my PC specs are well above what is needed for CFS3 but the reality is that CFS3 was never anything more than a slide show for me with frame rates in the single digits. I didn't even waste my time trying to install OFF, always hoping for a better system. Today my PC is about 10 years old and so bloated and bogged down that I can't even play CFS2 any more! So I've reached the point that I'm buying a new PC and I wanted to come here to get advice on what to purchase so that I can enjoy the same kind of positive OFF experience that so many of you have. I want a system that will be powerful enough to play OFF stutter free and allow me to take full advantage of all of the eye candy that the developers have worked so hard to create. Additionally, as you can tell by my current 10 year old machine, I can't be buying a new box every few years so I'm looking for something capable of handling Phase 4 as well. I'm looking for a machine that can easily handle CFS2 and OFF, but at the same time it will be my box for word processing, surfing the Net, email, photo and video editing, storage, etc. In other words it can't be a dedicated gaming PC but needs to serve all my needs. Considering my age, this may be the last desktop PC I ever purchase and I want to do it right. I have some old notes on PC specs posted by one of the developers some time back as well as the reviewer over at SimHQ, but things change so quickly in the PC world that I wanted to get the latest thoughts and input before I plunk down my money. I'd be interested in hearing any recommendations of what to get and what to stay away from. At this time nothing is set in stone other than that the new machine will have Windows 7 Home Premium and a 64 bit OS. Any help will be appreciated. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines while the rest of you fly off to battle overhead. Thanks
  22. That was sage advice. I will be able to pick the unit up in person so anything that happens in transit is my responsibility. I'm putting in a Corsair 850W unit.
  23. Since you guys were so helpful with your input, I thought I'd revisit this post and let you know what I decided on. ASUS P6X58D-E motherboard Intel i7-980X Extreme 3.33 GHZ over clocked by 10-15% 12GB DDR3 NVIDIA GTX-470 1.25GB single card 80GB Solid State Drive for the OS and some programs (such as OFF) 640GB SATA-3 hard drive for data Corsair H50 liquid cooling system Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with ability to run XP in a virtual environment No decision on a monitor yet. I may keep my current 19" conventional flat screen. I'm not sold on wide screens for gaming, but we shall see. Best of all, I did find an outfit to build it for me. Hopefully the day will soon come when I too can complain about how hard it is to survive 17 hours in OFF. Thanks again to all those who provided input.
  24. Cyberpower is definitely on my short list. As I begin to zero in on some things they seem to consistently be at or near the best price. Interesting comment as I never thought of that before. I plan to get my new system with Windows 7 Professional but I also own a copy of XP Pro so could do a dual boot I suppose.
  25. No, not an option. I'd be looking at one of the on-line companies such as iBUYPOWER, CyberPower, Alienware, etc. What board or boards would you recommend? I suspected as much reading this forum over the years. Even those who are having a wonderful experience hint at occasional stutters. Recognize that I can't even run it today so I'm willing to accept "minimal" stutters (whatever that is). Works for me! I'd love to buy ten more PC's between now and then but don't think it will happen. Over the past 10 years I did various upgrades on this box until the technology outstripped my ability to keep up with it. I't time to move forward and I want that move to be a leap, not a step. Anyone else have thoughts on these rudimentary specs and Von Paulus' comments?

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