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Everything posted by Wels

  1. I remember a text and a documentary with several pilots, both saying that the ME109 did not turn worse than the Spitfire, of course i did not find it again *ahem*. One also stated the ME had some serious advantages because of its 'Schlitzfluegel' in tight turns, preventing stalls. Also a sudden push of the stick, or flying canopy-down did not have an effect on the engine of the ME, while the Spit's engine without fuel injection would have sputtered, making the plane lost energy qickly. The anger of Galland vs. Goering is legendary, he would have said all (and he indeed did) to provoke him. Of course he was in the position to dare that without having to fear too much.. Will post the article if i find it in the 'net.
  2. Koloman Mayrhofer's OEFFAG Albatros D.III flies, with an original Austro-Daimler engine : http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/replica-aircraft/35610-albatros-d-ii-d-iii-news-112.html Greetings, Wels
  3. Video of first flight : http://s306.photobucket.com/albums/nn277/kolomay/?action=view&current=AlbatrosErstflug_Preview.mp4 That's some sound !
  4. Graphic Settings

    Hmm, don't remember - it has something to do with higher resolution settings, but you should just of all see them at high res - anyone ? Should be no big deal to correct this though - Greetings, Wels
  5. Hello, in the first era there was piano wire used, which originated in France. Then, like Bletchley said, some of the british planes were equipped with streamlined wires, while german and austro-hungarian used braided cables, i think after 1915 (piano, before) Anyway some tests have shown that there were no real advantages, the piano and streamlined steel wires twisted and vibrated in flight, taking away some of the advantage, while the air flowed well around braided cables, since micro turbulences in the air around the slightly thicker bundles allow the air to stream past those micro swirls without much resistance. However, different manufacturers within one nation used all kinds of different wires for their machines, especially airships tried out all kinds of wires for the vibrating engine gondolas, and within the rigid framework. Thanks for posting those sheets ! Regarding engines i have seen a lot of bullet and crash damage on photos, but i do not know which would be mmore prone to failure. Usually rotary engines lost almost a quarter of their performance after the first four hours of service, which is why they had to be thoroughly maintained, exchanging cylinders and pistons all the time. On one hand some rotaries were known for still running, even after one or two cylinders being damaged - certainly no damage of cylinder housing; others are said to virtually disintegrate in mid-air, losing all their parts accelerating along the lines of centripetal forces. Others just blocked and jammed, often tearing the engine off the fuselage by the violent stop .. There is a reason rotaries were never used again, after WW1. Engine fires usually develop after a leaking fuel system, so in-line engines were as prone to that as rotaries or so it think. I also believe most fires started not by burning engines, but a holed fuel tank or shot off pipes (and maybe carburettors sppilling). Engines of the time mostly used air pressure applied to the tank, to force the fuel through the pipes. Imagine a holed fuel tank, with enough pressure to make the highly inflammable fuel being sprayed all over the fuselage, engine, and you; and then being ignited by igneous bullets, spark plugs or the bushes running over those bare metal surfaces for the rotary ignition system. Just some thoughts, i really do not know this for sure - Greetings, Wels P.S. And Happy Easter :)
  6. Computer help needed!

    I do not know whether you build your own computer, but often those beeps refer to either damaged, overheated, or just contact-lacking Ram-bars. My first idea would be to plug out the mains connector (important!), then unscrew the housing, and remove the Ram bars. You can do a cleaning with a vacuum cleaner (careful) to remove the (often astounding) puffs and hairballs that have accumulated in the PC as well. Dry-clean the ram bars, especially contacts, and plug them in again. When you then plug it in the mains, and start it, and no beeps, voilà. If it still beeps, take out one of the RAM bars (AFTER again UNPLUGGING of course), and try agin - maybe only one bar gave up. Another idea is the small accumulator, or a graphic card fail - or the processor lacking contact, or a failing CPU ventilator - that depends on your mainboard. Usually the number of beeps indicate the problem, so you could look for a manual of your mainboard on the internet, if you do not have it as a hardcopy. Good luck ! Wels
  7. To Bletchley

    It is not the length of the camshaft, but that the camshat itself is being used to fix the propellor on - the camshaft turns 1/2 of the engine's crankshaft revolutions. The elongated camshaft is just protruding out of the engine block to mount the propellor on it - usually the crankshaft sticks out like in every car or usual engine, but not on this one. For 4 cycle engines, no matter how many cylinders, the crankshaft turns twice for every turn of the camshaft, so fixing the prop to the camshaft is a good idea to reduce (indeed halve) prop revolutions, without using a gear. Engine 3000 revs, fix prop on camshaft = propellor 1500 revs. I am just not sure about the exact engine of Renault the german book is speaking about. There's a bad photo though - Thanks and greetings, Wels
  8. To Bletchley

    In a german mechanics book from 1920, i have just read that the WW1 "Renaultmotor" with 8 and with 12 cylinders (both V-arrangement) had an elongated camshaft as a propellorshaft, so the propellor turned with half of the revolutions of the engine, making a geared drive superfluous. Did not know that before, which engine was that, exactly ? Could it by any chance be the one used in the RE8 ? Thanks and greetings, Wels/Catfish
  9. Or ROFF .. Richthofen over Flanders Fields ... no one will be able to find any similarity off this name oops wait
  10. Thank you, will look for it
  11. Hi, thanks for posting ! Where was this shown at the aerodrome ? Is there any possibility to find other Jasta or FFA logbooks, of those times ? In the Bundesarchiv, or is this a private collection of Mss Bock and Tornuss ? Thanks and greetings, Wels
  12. From the name of the uploader of said (and other likewise) videos, they should probably ban the poster - obvious agenda .. Greetings, Catfish
  13. Will be driving "home" today, so Merry Christmas to all here !! Thanks and greetings, Catfish
  14. i just posted this link above, must have been the same idea ;) ( and nobody else saw it lol)
  15. Well i always wondered why someone who was shot down, or made an emergency landing, would draw his pistol to fight on (like Frank Luke). In this film the reason seems to be revenge, but indeed this brave Spitfire pilot shot down another 109 before, so all had a good reason like "Hitler is a maniac" or "England declared war on us". So "they certainly hated each other" ? But this is not true. I have read lots of german and a few english and american books, and at no time were they boasting to have shot once downed or disabled aviators, on the contrary they tried to help once the enemy was out of action. (It is like shooting at shipwrecked, and despite propaganda and films still made in Hollywood depicting german U-boats shooting at shipwrecked, it did not happen - it did once. But then don't ask what US crews did to japanese shipwrecked) Again certainly, fanatics are everywhere and propaganda made all believe in the devil when it came to thinking about the enemy. (B.t.w. how would a 109 reach Ireland ? They had 2 minutes fighting time over England, until they had to fly back due to fuel ? Yes i know it's the message that counts, not reality) Some time ago i found this short film - different theme, but a good capture of the climate and state of mind of pilots in WW2, as i read it in a lot of books: http://www.youtube.c...u/1/9WKK1RQoewM If someone does not know Mr. Saint-Exupéry, he was a brilliant french writer ("The little prince", "Wind, sand and stars" etc.), and also an aviation pioneer making lots of record flights, who was indeed shot down in his Lightning, over the mediterranean in WW2 -
  16. 50th Birthday today

    Cheers Widowmaker, congratulations, and a toast ! i have 4 months until then
  17. Hard Landing...

    Hi, is this a N 17, and a B.E.2 ? Sorry, but everytime i look at pictures of WW1 i immediately try to identify the type .. lol The second one reminds me of the french truck that directly hit the only tree near Tamanrasset in the Sahara, for some thousand miles lol Greetings, Wels
  18. Pheewww .. !! the scenery bombing the aerodromes .. and the two seaters .. Gothas (G.IV ?!) .. and .. Zeppelins ?! Nah i won't list all i saw, this would be 3 pages at least. Thanks very much for posting, only problem now is waiting for it ! Greetings, Wels/Catfish
  19. Wait, this would be .. Lord Gerhard Joschi von der Weissekreuzstrasse OMG lol (1. pet "Joschi" was a parakeet) But when i construct a new name, by using our new pet's name, where it came from and where he (a tom-cat) went with us .. Sir Gerhard Igor von Tierheim zu Kurfuerstendamm Greetings, Wels/Catfish
  20. Also not available here - Google/YouTube censorship is getting "better" For software running on Win7 (german) if you have professinal or ultimate version : http://www.netzwelt.de/news/82273-anleitung-xp-modus-windows-7.html http://blog.tim-bormann.de/inoffizielle-anleitung-windows-7-xp-mode.html Greetings, Catfish/Wels
  21. Hello, good post, Olham. Just wanted to thank you all, and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! < Nicolaus Also certainly to the OFF team, keep up the good work with Phase 4 ( http://www.youtube.c...h?v=q4fOsL-KYVQ) Best wishes, Catfish/Wels/Kai P.S. We will be leaving tomorrow, let's see how far we come in all this snow; and then it's 5 days without a PC and internet .. lol
  22. Hello, that there's not much going on here does not mean there's no one watching the forums .. but you are right, it is a bit disappointing to hear nothing. Withholding info so others might not "steal" it (OFF "Hat in the ring" add-on and the soon-following RoF "Hat in the ring "campaign" anyone ?) is one thing, but maybe there should be a bit of advertisement ? I mean since there's the internet the whole advertisement and rumours thing is about "leaking" some formation intentionally ahem ... Greetings, Catfish
  23. Hello Ras, unfortunately i'm in Germany, but i would pay for post and package from the US - in case you are interested drop me a pm or post here, thanks and greetings, Catfish

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