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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Nice one chaps, can't wait for this. THANKS for your ongoing support, thats what makes this sim so special.
  2. W4180 - 778 20,000 - 6/16 . . . 10432 - M1070 30,000 - 10/16 . . . (HWWP1484/1) Forms/W3318/2 . . . RNAS Form W. 3348. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________________________________________ Squadron: B Sqdn 1 Wing, (attached to RNAS-2) Type and No. of Aircraft: Sop. Strutter B1, 5 in flight Pilot: Flt Lt. Roger Reddog Observer: None Locality: St. Pol Sur-Mer Date: 29 October 1916 Time: 08:50 Duty: Bombing Height: 12,000' Report The flight all took off at 0855 and formed up over the field to an height of 6000ft before heading for the lines.We were joined by the chaps from 60Sqd'n in their Nieups which was a sight to behold.The weather was patchy cloud.We climbed to 12000ft and made good time due to a west wind.Just north of St Eloi at about 0920hrs the nieups broke off to chase a german flight below us.At this point a second flight of German aircraft approached from a greater height and dove onto our flight.In the dog fight that broke out i managed to get a good bead on one of the German fliers and sent him down in flames, this was witnessed by the rest of the flight.The bosche then made a b-line for the ground and we reformed at the mission altitude.At 0935hrs the 60Sqd'n boy's again had to chase a enemy flight away which was taking a look at us from a safe distance.At 0955hrs the target came in to site and i gave the order to attack, i lead and got down to 500ft before dropping my bombs at which point the sky filled with MG tracer so i made a quick retreat to the west.Looking behind as we headed home i could see smoke coming from the rail yard.At 1012hrs i had to put down at Courceues airfield due to engine and fuel trouble. Flt Lt R.Reddog.
  3. First DiD campaign mission for RNAS 2:
  4. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    Anyone want a new Albtaros? I'am Willing to pimp your ride?
  5. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Another cracking report Sir. Whats the jasta's kill ratio looking like, how many deaths v kills since we started?
  6. Sorry Olham i must of missed that rule,it makes sence though, my ground crew are pushing her back to the hanger as i speak....
  7. Red-Dogs Strutter ready for action Sir.
  8. OT What Job do you do?

    I'am a fighter pilot in the RAF at the moment flying Typhoon Euro figther's ( i wish) When i wake up,my other job is working for Toyota uk in logistics.
  9. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    Thanks boy's I've made a few change's , wheel covers, cards on red background,oil stains from exhaust, but if the boss is happy it's his bird.
  10. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    How about this?
  11. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    May be this is what a Ace needs.
  12. axs alb DV

    "Roter Hund" Red-Dog's Pfalz DIIIa.
  13. A couple of pics from tonights test session.
  14. Hi chap's, i'am having big problems with my Teamspeak at the moment, i can hear everyone but when i talk it sounds rubbish your end.So when you see me on i'am not being ignorant when i don't reply.Sorry about this.Thanks to all who have tried to help me and i'am sure i will get it sorted soon. Like i say i can hear you so for briefings etc i'am fine because i can type a reply, in mission i will waggle my wings if i get orders.Maybe this is taking immersion to far?
  15. Red-Dog's Ts Problem

    Hi Vasco, already tried a new mic same thing.I can record from it and it plays back fine but teamspeak its the same?
  16. Packing the kit bag as i speak, if i catch the last train i'll be at the docks by morning Sir.
  17. Hi Siggi i'll be in, the only reason i don't use the kill board at the moment is that every time i posted a pilot he would get it on the next mission.......... By the way it's about time you all visited the MP games on a sunday.....
  18. New to OFF-need MP fix

    Hi Tally, well thats it for me i can't host until i figure out how to do ( PORT FORWARDING ) so i will leave it up to one of the boy's who know what their doing.If you see " Sitting duck / Vasco / Ax " on line i'am sure they would take you to the next level as they all host anyway.
  19. New to OFF-need MP fix

    Hi Tally, what you need to do is click on MP in the main screen and you should get this up. Then click start/fly and you will get this. Then click the medal with MP on it to get this. Now click join private game and you can add a ip address and press ok and you should be in. There is no Cfs3 server anymore so you can only play private games,which the chaps on this forum sort out every week. If you want to test this PM me and i will send you my IP address. You can see by this post that Teamspeaks alot easier to use to sort things out. Keep the faith All the best Red-Dog
  20. New to OFF-need MP fix

    Hi Tally, are you able to fly now, if so i will PM you my ip address and we can try and get you online flying?
  21. Hi Ax would love to join you but somethings getting in the way of my flying! the dreaded night shift so won't be able to mp till friday.
  22. Ovs i've been back and added this in the file description for all the ones i've done "Orignal art work by OBD " will that do?

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