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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Hi Gromit, i've just had a trackIR5 and boy doe's it make the immersion a whole lot better.It's taking some getting used to, but already i can see the benifits with the added situational awareness it give the pilot.You don't have to keep switching views,So from me it gets the thumbs up.
  2. New to OFF-need MP fix

    Hi Tally, try this for your tick boxe's, goto the workshop screen and press Graphics config. Then click file then custom settings.Then click on the window at the top Thit should get you this screen. hope this helps.
  3. OT WWI Tanks restored

    Nice one Gandi, they spend all that time making the tank look like new then place it on a plinth in the middle of a building site! I've not been but doesn't Russia look nice. ( NOT)
  4. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Excellent report again Vasco,and well done to all those who took part This is what Sundies were made for....
  5. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Thanks chaps for another great session, as soon as i learn how not to fly into the ground when using trackIR i'll be making it back to base.... I think it's back to flight school for 6 days ready for next sunday....
  6. New to OFF-need MP fix

    Hi Tally, i'am not the man for mp set up but i had the same problem so try this, go to C Drive/OBDsoftware CFSWW1 overflandersfields Scroll down to you get to CFS3MP.exe Right click goto properties,compatability,and set it for windows xp service pack 2 hope this helps it did for me, if not theres alot better people than me who will sort you out....
  7. Vasco's just been talking about an IL2-mod for ww1 here's the site addy if you want to take a look. http://wwiaircombat.com/articles/over-olegs-fields-name-changed-to-canvas-knights
  8. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Sounds good to me Boss.
  9. Custom Skins Missions

    Hi Stump, i've already sent you the Pflaz' shark' do you need another different skin for the Pflaz?
  10. Interesting?

    I agree Lou , it's looking great , i like that there's going tobe some early aircraft to fly.Best of luck to the dev's the more ww1 sims the better.
  11. Nice to have you back mate, thought you had gone west, but should of known it was just engine trouble.....
  12. Other hobbies? 1. Golf, i play at least twice a week. 2. Wife and kids, wife x1 kids x 4 3. Driving games on the PS3, Grid and at the momment Need for speed shift..... 4. Anything to do with cars, i work for Toyota.... 5. History, love visiting all the Norman castles around the UK.
  13. MP session for Wedsday 10-13

    Hi Gary,i belive it will be tonight,Which side of the pond are you?
  14. TRack IR 3?

    Hi Stiffy, i don't know what you want to pay but theres a TrackIR4 on ebay now for £64 buy now.
  15. Boelke's Avaiation Diaries

    Cheers Royce, some nice reading for these dark winter nights.
  16. A bit of duct-tape and we will have you back in the air before afternoon tea.................
  17. Multiplayer wont work...

    Hi Stiffy i had the same prob, are you on team speak?
  18. Hi Gromit, best of luck with the campaign, i started 1915 RFC, not much action but plenty of time to get use to the crate your going to fly and you will need all the time you can because once the action starts you don't last long.Make sure you keep us informed of you progress with some combat reports from time to time...
  19. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Fantastic report Herr Vasco.
  20. Hope he won't mind me using his idea, mind you he won't be talking to me after saturday when the Red-Dogs crush the Toon army.( Football speak)
  21. I think Olham did one like this but i still had to do it, now i'am a Pflaz pilot in MP.
  22. Harry Patch - Radiohead.

    Nice one Flyby,a moving tribute to all those that fought.
  23. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Stump i'll be you wingman any day , you too Dudley.We are the Pflaz boys.....

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