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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    It's a great crate mate.....
  2. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Cracking mate, i'll go for a Pflaz DIII if thats ok.
  3. MP Missions Tonight! 10/10

    Great mission AX, sorry about my Ts issues but they should be sorted by tonight.And i did get to close to those U-boats......
  4. Lt. Nathaniel Larson

    Ras, looks like you need to map the camera to your joy stick no need to take your eyes off the screen then mate.
  5. Hi Ryan, don't get down, take the time to get some practice in.I'am flying campaign in a bristol scout 1915 and haven't seen a thing for 4hrs but i know it's coming and when it doe's i will most likely end up in a box......
  6. How do your pilots die?

    Hi Duce, most of my pilots go down to low in a fight and i end up disorientated and hit the ground,may be it's not their fault it could be ME?
  7. Got home from work and there it was,a trackIR 5 with a pro clip, it must be love.Or she is gulity of something................................... Now she will never see me,may be thats her plan the little angel....
  8. Hi chap's, Do you think it would be a good idea to leave the game once your shot down etc. It was my first time flying with you all sunday and i indeed did get a bullet in the head after attacking a bosch 2 seater. I don't know if any one heard me ask if i was good to respawn this is because many moons ago i flew with a Sqd'n in the old CFS2 days and one of the rules was if you go down that was it for that mission. Now this sounds a bit much when it's you but it adds more immersion to the mission for every one else with less aircraft avalible to complete the task.
  9. A real beauty Olham and well fought for like the ace you are .
  10. Well i can't compare it against anything else as this is the first time i've had anything like this but if the first few flights are anything to go by it's fantastic, it's like your in the cockpit and the views are amazing.It's also silky smooth.
  11. MP missions 10-7

    I'am in.
  12. Sgt Dun Runing's first mission .
  13. Huzzah!

    hi Stiffy welcome aboard.
  14. sun 10-4 session

    My first time in MP and i thought it was great... If we don't try these new idea's out we won't progress so keep em coming..
  15. I miss him

    Thanks Olham i've been trying to do this for age's
  16. Immersion factor?

    That's answered that then cheers Ax.
  17. Ever thought what it must of been like for the poor fellow in the back seat? No control over what happens, you had to have faith in your pilot. So with this in mind i put my best bomber pilot in the back seat for the whole mission and it was a real eye opener.Try holding your aim while him up front is trying to lose an attacking fighter,you soon get a feeling of the bottle it took to be a passenger. To all the brave soles who did this during the war i:salute:
  18. Your life in their hands?

    I was in a Rolland CII and we did crash after some Neup's attacked us but it was more the AI pilot than the Neup's that did us,he decided to do some low level aerobatics and mis-judged the height.......
  19. Just had my first Mp flights tonight and would like to thank Sitting-Duck for having the time and patience to set me up. It was great and adds a whole new dimension to the sim. Thanks.....
  20. European multiplayer

    Just done my first Mp flight tonight and it was great,can't wait till tomorrow....
  21. mp/ts sessions 10-3

    Set up and ready to go...
  22. Hi chap's, this question must of been asked before but how do i get multiplay to start? I would love to join Vasco,s euro gang if only i could get it up and runing....
  23. How do i get started ?

    Great idea,i can make it any time after 1800GMT
  24. How do i get started ?

    All done, that was so easy.See you sunday. Thanks

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