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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Wine thread

    Toon army when the Red-Dogs put a dozen by um....
  2. Gas clouds?

    Thanks for that Uncleal i wont need to hold my breath now
  3. Gas clouds?

    What i need Olham is a pilot who's wife has run off with the milkman,His dogs just bit him,and he lost his winning lotto ticket to try it....
  4. Flying between gas clouds could be dodgy???....
  5. Fighting in a SPAD XIII

    I forgot Rickity,the only reason i fly the single gun is because i would miss twice as much with two.......
  6. flaming onion version2 clip

    Bring em on stumpjumper, Did both sides have them? They look amazing and deadly.
  7. Fighting in a SPAD XIII

    Ohlam the spad V11 is just as good, My new man the 'Le Fantome' is on 6 Albatros in 7 missions now.Every mission i've taken hits and the old bird gets you home it's a cracking crate once you get to know it. Can't wait for the XIII.
  8. Kill board

    Thanks Boy's
  9. Getting better,last flight i got so shot up so bad the fabric came away from my port elevator,it looked great.Any one in doubt should not worry get this DM mod loaded.....
  10. Playing campaign with no LABELS but keep runing into a jasta of Albators D111's that always come in for a fight and we end up going home with loses on both sides.The ones i'am on about have black & white striped tails.Any idea's who they are.April..1917.. Marne sector
  11. Cheers mate.It's hard to do reports without labels on,but it makes the immersion a whole lot better.
  12. Beer thread!

    you can't beat Stella act a twat...
  13. Yes mate i have patched 1.32c and it worked fine.Starting to like the spad it's a tough old bird.6 missions in with the new man and 5 claims so it's looking good.
  14. Just finished a mission with the new damage pack,all seemed to go very well.Even though i risked me new pilot to try it out. Got shot up a bit ( Pic's in screen shots ) the bullet holes look great.Also the plane was a right handful to get back,loss loads of power and could only just manage 400ft all the way back over German lines,it felt like you had to keep pull back on the stick just to keep what altitude i had.So from me it's a big thumbs up.Thank you guy's
  15. Olham i hope he last.... This pick is of the new damage pack flight i've just done.I've circledthe bullet holes. I had to risk life and limb to get shot.
  16. Just installed the mod and will give it a try.I'll feed back later.
  17. Thats fantastic Uncleal
  18. If only we had CSI Somme,i bet Gil Grissom's Grandfarther could of cleared it up?
  19. Caporal Blanc Blumer AKA "Le fantome" of Marne
  20. Just wondering who's got a hot shot in their Sqd'n. Not how many kills but how accurate he is.My best upto yet is 15%?
  21. Since installing the super patch and mini's the dogfights have gone to a new level of visual excellence what more could we want.
  22. We don't know how lucky we are.I've been here since P1 and haven't played any other sim since thats how good it is.So thanks for all your hard work over the years, you've made one wanabe WW1 pilot happy.
  23. Grid on the PS3,if i'am not flying i'am driving........

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