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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Thanks for that Olham,i will be getting the Spad X111 next with N73,mind you i've only been flying the V11 for 3 missions but i'am starting to like it.
  2. Dead is Dead (sort of)

    Another thing on the wish list would be if you could fly different aircraft, like Albert Ball say,He use to like his Nuiep while the others were flying SE's etc.
  3. Dead is Dead (sort of)

    I don't think you can,i tried it but you just start a fresh and loose all your history.It would be good if you could though.
  4. Dead is Dead (sort of)

    Hi Jim, i do the same, started with N73 1915 and now into 1917.Used 14 different pilots so far.At this rate you could make this game last a real life time. I've flown for over 150 hrs at DiD 120% settings.Started on a Nieu 11 now flying spads it's great fun.
  5. Cheers Pol,installed and runing fine..
  6. I think the archies great now,haven't been hit yet but had some real close callls,and hit looks splendid as it explodes around you. I also used auto-pilot while i was having a smoke outside and flew straight through flak barrage for about 3 miles didn't get hit once so it must be down to luck nothing else...
  7. The Last Change for P3....

    The sims in the best condition it's ever been,like most of the others here i've been flying since day one and even though sometimes you can get a bit miffed if your having a bad day we just keep coming back for more and more because we all know there as not been a sim with so much support from the dev's before.So i'll vote No it's fine just as it is.....
  8. I'am starting to like this Spad...Pick a Hun Line him up... Start a fire... you get a frier...
  9. The first kill for Rolfe Pardott in his new Spad....
  10. New airfield in the English chanel!

    Hi Broadside, It should be the middle of summer over here at the moment but it as not stopped raining so i think the dev's have taken this into account and made this sim even more life like because it will not be long before the whole of England is under water.......
  11. Ever since i have been flying campaign i've always flown with the same Sqd'n, N73 i started way back in 1915 and after many happy hours plus 13 different pilots i am now into April 1917.Up till now we have always flown some sort of Nieuport which i got to know well but now weve been given Spads and it seems a bit on the slow to react side of things. Any idea's on the best way to use it in a fight?
  12. Down loaded and installed, Another cracking job chaps.....Thanks
  13. My SpadV11 seems slugish?

    Cheers mate.......
  14. Tac and Labels Olham? youv'e gone soft since i've been away.....
  15. Just got my PC sorted so thought i would give it a blast,set my graphic sliders to 5 and set off in campaign mode.Now apart from the FPS being a bit low it ran fine until i got shot up by a Albatros. Now i use to have the graphics set at 3 for the scenery and when it came to making a emergency landing there was always plenty of space to put down,but on 5 there's no where,the whole world is covered in trees so beware? The higher the graphic settings the harder it gets?
  16. A graphical death

    It looked beautiful Winder,as doe's the whole game and next time it will be the Hun hitting the trees i hope...
  17. Hi all, at last i'am back in the air after major PC problems.... You don't know just how much you miss this sim until it's gone. Anyway i can see that the dev's have been hard at it again,and what a wonderful job they have done. The new patch is great so thanks from one happy flyer...
  18. Ace skins

    Albert Ball VC,DSO,MC 44 VICTORIES - 13,11,8,60,56 Sqdn's RFC - KIA 7.5.17 Nieu 17 Lewis. 60 sqd,n
  19. Albatros DIII Mayrhofer Fritsch

    Lovely shot of the cockpit, the detail is fantastic.Thanks.
  20. Albatros DIII Mayrhofer Fritsch

    You are living my dream Matthias,you must keep us all up to date on the progress of this one.
  21. Albatros DIII Mayrhofer Fritsch

    Great stuff,this is what we want,we all love this game but i think you stll can't beat seeing and hearing the real deal.more,more,more....
  22. Europeans V American's MP

    You can't read that side of the pond
  23. Europeans V American's MP

    Great idea matt,some years ago when i was playing cfs2 i was part of the Paccom group,we flew missions against each other and it was spot on.There were loads of diffrent sqdn's so bring it on.
  24. Europeans V American's MP

    I'am up for it widowmaker,i don't think we would need much practice they have always been a bit backward.....( Joke)

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