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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. NEW Wallpaper Uploaded

    Beautiful mate,thanks.
  2. I've just down loaded it Matt so hope to see you soon,i'am on the other side of the pond ( GMT) so don't know if the time you fly will match up with me but i will try a.s.a.p......
  3. I just got rid of one of those, not fast enough......
  4. Just what i thought it should be like Dej,this is first class,excellent,out standing more,more,more.....
  5. Just got hold of the new sqd'n aircraft, we've gone from the Nieu 16 to the 17. Now the new ship as a vickers but it seems to take alot more rounds to down the enemy? So i was just wondering which had the most punch the Lewis or the vickers?
  6. There's a new series starting friday on discovery at 10:00pm called 'Showdown air combat' UK.
  7. the achievable p4 wishlist

    If you zoom right in on your pilot you will see his head move in the direction you turn.....
  8. I'm going on leave

    when i go in the 'rubber dub dub' all i get is ear ache off the 'trouble and strife' ....
  9. Sergent Claude Legott N73 5/12/16. Olham doe's he get to go in the ace skins.....
  10. Scrambles aren't so bad, the last mission i flew was one,after 10 hours of not seeing a thing i thought 'this time' anyway the thing i found is best,is to fly low,just enough to miss anything on the ground and straight out from the field for about 1 mile then turn back.By this time most of the enemy will be engaging your mate's and you can take your pick.My new man got his first 3 kills,so bring it on.
  11. Back with my old squadron!

    Welcome aboard Jim,You will get plenty of flying time now.
  12. No aircraft spotted for 10 hours in campaign then this over our own field......Great stuff.
  13. Werner Voss...some guy!

    I was watching sky (uk) and there's a new series coming out next month in which some guy's are going to do just that ( don't know about the paint balls) they are going to recreate famous dog fights in restored/replica aircraft should be fun.I will let you know what channel and time next time i see the ad.
  14. Take a trip down to the Alsace sector, it's quite a beautiful place to fly.
  15. File Name: Rene Stella's Nieu 16 File Submitter: Red-Dog File Submitted: 19 May 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins zip file. Original art work by OBD Click here to download this file
  16. Rene Stella's Nieu 16



    zip file. Original art work by OBD
  17. Hi Beanie i will upload it now....
  18. Shred on detached duty

    Have a good un,look forward to reading your posts when you get back...
  19. Morane Saulnier Update ....

    Great video WF, i love to see the old birds brought back to life.
  20. I've just got Gmax and i'am thinking of trying to build a plane, have any of you tried it.
  21. I'am with Olham, i've tried a bit of skining and i thought that i had done a good job after hours of work,but when you see how many and with what detail the one's in the sim have been done you can see why this is a labour of love to the devs. Also i like the little writing on the tyre's.
  22. G'day to All (NOOB ALERT)

    Hi Tripe.... Even if you can't mod this sim your are going to have loads of fun,if your into bits of wood and fabric then this is the place to be.. Every one will help you with what ever you need... Happy landings.
  23. Just found this site showing the aftermath of ariel combat. It might not be to every ones liking but this is what we all try to do to each other... http://www.earlyaviator.com/archive5.htm

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