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Everything posted by Red-Dog

  1. Is the Off campaign mode dynamic? If i do or don't complete a mission will it change the games outcome at some point?
  2. After posting loads of screen shots over the past months i'am now having problems? Even when i convert the screen shot to jpeg the files are up to 81.kb any idea's?
  3. Once again Olham saves the day That did the trick mate thanks....
  4. Caporal Rene Stella's Nieu 16..
  5. Hi Olham,How do i get rid of attachments.It say i have used 8.1mb of 8.0mb so that could be the problem.
  6. Dual in the Clouds

    Thanks mate i will give it a go, i know what my christmas cards will look like this year......
  7. May be it will sort it's self out,i'll try again tomorrow.
  8. Don't know it just won't have it any more...Under my upload tab it say 'Max single upload:2 mb'
  9. After many attemps with different sqd's in different time periods and not getting very far i've decided to stick to just one sqd'n in campaign mode and see how far through the war i can get.I still get killed, but using the 'DiD' rules i make my next pilot the new recruit for the sqd'n.My first man lasted from 4.5.16 till the 25.5.16 then got K.I.A'd,so the next one started from 1.6.16 till 17.6.16. Now i'am on my third man starting 1.7.16. This way you get to update your aircraft when the time comes.Plus it will take me years to get through all the different sqd'ns in the game...
  10. Dual in the Clouds

    Cracking mate,how did you do it?
  11. Thats what you don't want,a wingman who loose's his head.....
  12. Reactivating a Dead Pilot

    Hi Ham, if you want you can go to the workshop and set your pilot to never die.
  13. I bet he will love it...i took my son to the RAF air display in september,the thing he will never forget is a Typhoon Euro fighter going vertical on full afterburn it set the car alarms off with the thunder it made......
  14. Dej, i couldn't get the ones i did to upload it said file to big.What format are yours done in?
  15. That's fantastic Dej. Thats what i wanted mine to look like,keep up the good work and we should be able to have some good reading by the end of it.
  16. http://red-dog.synthasite.com/ Is this heading in the right direction......
  17. Thanks all for the comments, i will take them all on board and it will start to look something like what i hoped.
  18. Hi Olham, i had the Bristol scout for my first outing in campaign mode and found it up to the challange of taking the EIII on.The one thing you will need to do is get use to is the angled gun,apart from that it's a great little bird...
  19. Congrat's fubar It will look great on your new big screen...
  20. It,s 92 years today since Albert Ball was killed. He got posted to fighter sqd on 7/5/16 K.I.A 7/5/17 What a year he Had....http://albertball.homestead.com/
  21. Hi folks just found a way on Photo shop to turn your screen shots into comic form.You could have great fun with this,i will be doing a story with my pilot as the hero. Only trouble is you can't upload the pic's onto this site because the files are to big so i have made my own web-page for you to take a look.The pic you will see was a screen shot i did. http://red-dog.synthasite.com/
  22. Comic strip Bhah

    Thanks folks for all your comments,i only did it for a laugh but may be i should take a bit more time over it. i agree with what you all say and will hopefully improve as i go along. I will work on what i've already done to get it look puka,before i do any more. Thanks once again.
  23. First draught of the comic.. http://red-dog.synthasite.com/
  24. Comic strip Bhah

    Hey Hauksbee your's are propper art mate, i would buy em now they look great
  25. Comic strip Bhah

    I know what you mean now! it won't be the best thing you've seen but it's my first go.

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